Evidence collection
Release notes
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.0.0-alpha6] - 2025-02-20
- The CBA ID field has been added to the episode editor.
- The media description field has been added to the episode editor.
- Episodes can now be edited and created independently of their timeslots.
- Media uploads are not handled in the background and users no longer have to stay on page of the media manager for uploads to succeed.
- Users can now delete episodes.
- Users may add licensing information to media sources.
- Tank import log line numbers and timestamps are no longer selectable.
- Image previews now use the configured aspect ratio if one has been set.
- The image editor is now disabled and shows a warning if image operations cannot be performed.
- Media source manager will show errors through all stages of a media upload.
- HTML in show name is now rendered correctly everywhere.
- The link editor now displays errors if users entered an invalid URL.
- Selected show no longer interferes with site navigation.
- Media sources of aired episodes can no longer be edited.
- Timeslot filter now filters by date not datetime.
- The media editor expert mode is gone. One can now simply add new media sources.
- The link editor now auto-prepends
for URLs without a protocol. - Reworked media preview and notifications in timeslot and episode list.
[1.0.0-alpha5] - 2024-10-21
- M3U media sources can now be added to the playout.
- New profile and user management pages have been added.
- An experimental dark mode has been added.
- Images can now be flipped, mirrored and cropped in the image editor.
- Images must now match the required aspect ratios defined in the radio settings.
- Shows can now be filtered by category.
- The calendar day and week view now show detailed information on fallback slots.
- Filenames are no longer used as alternative text for images.
- Image license and license related fields are now properly saved.
- Image license requirements are now properly validated.
- Show danger zone is now hidden if it doesn’t contain any actionable items due to permissions.
- Error handling for media sources has been improved.
- The HTML editor now behaves more like a normal input field.
- Assets are now cached for better performance.
- The image picker no longer retains any unsaved changes after the dialog has been closed.
- View state like search, filter and ordering parameters are now reflected in the URL so users can share URLS.
- The currently selected show is cleared after logout.
- Fixed minor UI- and UI-related accessibility issues, as well as typos.
- Line-in inputs are now based on the radio settings instead of being hardcoded.
- Deselection of images is now part of the dialog instead of the image preview.
- The visual appearance of the calendar day view has been completely overhauled.
- Data being fetched from the server is now being aggregated to improve performance and reduce the number of flashes of content.
- Users can now end a schedule after a specific timeslot, replacing the previous option of manually deleting timeslots in the backend.
[1.0.0-alpha4] - 2024-04-16
- Implemented basic permissions so that unprivileged users either can’t see or can’t edit data they are not allowed to see or edit.
- Episodes that the dashboard detects as invalid (e.g. those with a negative duration) are now highlighted with a yellow background and red stripes and should be reported.
- The menu now has a link to the steering administration page.
- Fixed some visual spacing issues with dialogs.
- The title column in the episode list will now always display a title or placeholder.
- Users can now always abort the conflict resolution mode in the calendar.
- Fixed some rendering issues for certain conflict resolutions in the calendar.
- Fixed some missing, misleading and invalid translations in the calendar.
- Calendar event color scheme has been re-worked to be more readable and distinguishes between owned and other shows.
- Reworked calendar dialogs and grouped related information and actions.
- Drastically reduced asset sizes and therefore improved app load times.
- The Delete all following episodes-functionality has been temporarily disabled.
- The show quick selector has been removed because we provide similar functionality on the show overview page.
- Changed the aura user and group ID from 2872 to 872.
[1.0.0-alpha3] - 2023-02-26
- Added license selection in image picker.
- Added show overview page with grid and table view including pagination, search and extensive ordering capabilities.
- The state of save operations is now communicated to users.
- The media page has been removed in favor of inline editors in the episode and show management pages.
- Hierarchical pages now display a breadcrumb navigation.
- Show pages now display update/create metadata.
- All pages and subviews now have unique and shareable URLs.
- A new login page has been added.
- Shows can now be deleted.
- The show slug can now be changed.
- Languages and topics can now be set for individual episodes/notes.
- Show on-air and next-up info for episodes.
- Added support for viewing past episodes.
- Added support for viewing inactive schedules.
- Platform and social media links can now be added to shows and episodes.
- Content fields now have a WYSIWYG-HTML editor.
- Fixed overflow issues for in image picker.
- Ensure save errors due to connection issues are properly communicated to the user.
- Fixed keyboard selection support in image picker.
- Fixed overflow issues in calendar.
- Fixed overflow issues in show quick selector for long show titles.
- The global navigation has been moved to a sidebar.
- The global navigation now includes contextualized submenus.
- The show admin selector now uses an inline selection mechanism instead of a dialog.
- The help link in the footer now directly links to the AURA documentation.
- The page-size selection for the episode table has been moved to the table footer.
- The range-end selection in the episode table has been removed.
- The range-start selection in the episode table is now positioned right next to the table header.
- The episode/note editor is now a separate page instead of a modal.
- The show deactivation button has been moved to the Danger zone and now requires confirmation.
- The show page has been split into two separate pages for episodes/schedules and basic settings.
- Related individual fields in the basic show settings have been restructured into structured blocks.
- Updated/harmonized terms used in show pages.
- The unimplemented settings page has been removed.
[1.0.0-alpha2] - 2023-06-20
- a new show selector to the navbar (#122, f9762d85).
- a new image picker that can be used to upload new and select existing images (#89, #139, e0fd0a76, b335d801, 57e1e10f).
- ability to add internal notes to a show (#146, 319cf540).
- information on empty slots between shows and a progress indicator for the currently playing show to the calendar day-view (#155, 9ac48a55, 2a68a7ac).
- a progress indicator for the currently playing show to the calendar week-view (#156, b52672dd).
- ability to add and remove individual contributors to the show notes based on the show owners (#170, #146, aa707763).
- ability to add tags to show notes (#146, 560d8dda).
- Navigation would sometimes freeze, after an application error in the playlists view (#132, e4083e66).
- Calendar would sometimes crash if playlist data is missing (#132, a3e8e3b0).
- Switching between the week- and day-view in the calendar no longer squishes the week-view (#153, e28eb4f7).
- The calendar uses entire viewport height now (#154, 4c90f277).
- Users are now able to create a timeslot in a calendar week slot that has already started (#167, 3d4e9b28).
- HTML in the show title, short description and description is now correctly rendered (#129, 649b4c0b).
- The timeslot overview has been fully revised (4ef88279).
- The timeslot show notes editor has been fully revised (#141, 57e1e10f).
- Past schedules are now hidden in the show manager (#120, 8cd743de).
- Schedules are now shown with their respective start and end date (#121, f9dc6fef).
- The calendar day-view has been fully revised (#155, 9ac48a55, 2a68a7ac).
- The slots in the calendar week-view have been from 30 to 15 minutes to make it easier to create shorter slots (#151, 3fc47383).
- Very short timeslots in the calendar week-view now take up less space (#151, 3fc47383, bfe7f813).
- Show start and end time in calendar tooltip if the event is too short to render it as content (#173, cf5ac12e).
- The show manager interface for editing the show details has been overhauled, changing the overall appearance and the way some of the fields are edited (db7dc49d).
[1.0.0-alpha1] - 2023-02-27
Initial release.
Evidence collection
Release notes
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.0.0-alpha5] - 2024-10-21
- M3U media sources can now be added to the playout.
- New profile and user management pages have been added.
- An experimental dark mode has been added.
- Images can now be flipped, mirrored and cropped in the image editor.
- Images must now match the required aspect ratios defined in the radio settings.
- Shows can now be filtered by category.
- The calendar day and week view now show detailed information on fallback slots.
- Filenames are no longer used as alternative text for images.
- Image license and license related fields are now properly saved.
- Image license requirements are now properly validated.
- Show danger zone is now hidden if it doesn’t contain any actionable items due to permissions.
- Error handling for media sources has been improved.
- The HTML editor now behaves more like a normal input field.
- Assets are now cached for better performance.
- The image picker no longer retains any unsaved changes after the dialog has been closed.
- View state like search, filter and ordering parameters are now reflected in the URL so users can share URLS.
- The currently selected show is cleared after logout.
- Fixed minor UI- and UI-related accessibility issues, as well as typos.
- Line-in inputs are now based on the radio settings instead of being hardcoded.
- Deselection of images is now part of the dialog instead of the image preview.
- The visual appearance of the calendar day view has been completely overhauled.
- Data being fetched from the server is now being aggregated to improve performance and reduce the number of flashes of content.
- Users can now end a schedule after a specific timeslot, replacing the previous option of manually deleting timeslots in the backend.
[1.0.0-alpha4] - 2024-04-16
- Implemented basic permissions so that unprivileged users either can’t see or can’t edit data they are not allowed to see or edit.
- Episodes that the dashboard detects as invalid (e.g. those with a negative duration) are now highlighted with a yellow background and red stripes and should be reported.
- The menu now has a link to the steering administration page.
- Fixed some visual spacing issues with dialogs.
- The title column in the episode list will now always display a title or placeholder.
- Users can now always abort the conflict resolution mode in the calendar.
- Fixed some rendering issues for certain conflict resolutions in the calendar.
- Fixed some missing, misleading and invalid translations in the calendar.
- Calendar event color scheme has been re-worked to be more readable and distinguishes between owned and other shows.
- Reworked calendar dialogs and grouped related information and actions.
- Drastically reduced asset sizes and therefore improved app load times.
- The Delete all following episodes-functionality has been temporarily disabled.
- The show quick selector has been removed because we provide similar functionality on the show overview page.
- Changed the aura user and group ID from 2872 to 872.
[1.0.0-alpha3] - 2023-02-26
- Added license selection in image picker.
- Added show overview page with grid and table view including pagination, search and extensive ordering capabilities.
- The state of save operations is now communicated to users.
- The media page has been removed in favor of inline editors in the episode and show management pages.
- Hierarchical pages now display a breadcrumb navigation.
- Show pages now display update/create metadata.
- All pages and subviews now have unique and shareable URLs.
- A new login page has been added.
- Shows can now be deleted.
- The show slug can now be changed.
- Languages and topics can now be set for individual episodes/notes.
- Show on-air and next-up info for episodes.
- Added support for viewing past episodes.
- Added support for viewing inactive schedules.
- Platform and social media links can now be added to shows and episodes.
- Content fields now have a WYSIWYG-HTML editor.
- Fixed overflow issues for in image picker.
- Ensure save errors due to connection issues are properly communicated to the user.
- Fixed keyboard selection support in image picker.
- Fixed overflow issues in calendar.
- Fixed overflow issues in show quick selector for long show titles.
- The global navigation has been moved to a sidebar.
- The global navigation now includes contextualized submenus.
- The show admin selector now uses an inline selection mechanism instead of a dialog.
- The help link in the footer now directly links to the AURA documentation.
- The page-size selection for the episode table has been moved to the table footer.
- The range-end selection in the episode table has been removed.
- The range-start selection in the episode table is now positioned right next to the table header.
- The episode/note editor is now a separate page instead of a modal.
- The show deactivation button has been moved to the Danger zone and now requires confirmation.
- The show page has been split into two separate pages for episodes/schedules and basic settings.
- Related individual fields in the basic show settings have been restructured into structured blocks.
- Updated/harmonized terms used in show pages.
- The unimplemented settings page has been removed.
[1.0.0-alpha2] - 2023-06-20
- a new show selector to the navbar (#122, f9762d85).
- a new image picker that can be used to upload new and select existing images (#89, #139, e0fd0a76, b335d801, 57e1e10f).
- ability to add internal notes to a show (#146, 319cf540).
- information on empty slots between shows and a progress indicator for the currently playing show to the calendar day-view (#155, 9ac48a55, 2a68a7ac).
- a progress indicator for the currently playing show to the calendar week-view (#156, b52672dd).
- ability to add and remove individual contributors to the show notes based on the show owners (#170, #146, aa707763).
- ability to add tags to show notes (#146, 560d8dda).
- Navigation would sometimes freeze, after an application error in the playlists view (#132, e4083e66).
- Calendar would sometimes crash if playlist data is missing (#132, a3e8e3b0).
- Switching between the week- and day-view in the calendar no longer squishes the week-view (#153, e28eb4f7).
- The calendar uses entire viewport height now (#154, 4c90f277).
- Users are now able to create a timeslot in a calendar week slot that has already started (#167, 3d4e9b28).
- HTML in the show title, short description and description is now correctly rendered (#129, 649b4c0b).
- The timeslot overview has been fully revised (4ef88279).
- The timeslot show notes editor has been fully revised (#141, 57e1e10f).
- Past schedules are now hidden in the show manager (#120, 8cd743de).
- Schedules are now shown with their respective start and end date (#121, f9dc6fef).
- The calendar day-view has been fully revised (#155, 9ac48a55, 2a68a7ac).
- The slots in the calendar week-view have been from 30 to 15 minutes to make it easier to create shorter slots (#151, 3fc47383).
- Very short timeslots in the calendar week-view now take up less space (#151, 3fc47383, bfe7f813).
- Show start and end time in calendar tooltip if the event is too short to render it as content (#173, cf5ac12e).
- The show manager interface for editing the show details has been overhauled, changing the overall appearance and the way some of the fields are edited (db7dc49d).
[1.0.0-alpha1] - 2023-02-27
Initial release.
Evidence collection
Release notes
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.0.0-alpha4] - 2023-04-16
- Implemented basic permissions so that unprivileged users either can’t see or can’t edit data they are not allowed to see or edit.
- Episodes that the dashboard detects as invalid (e.g. those with a negative duration) are now highlighted with a yellow background and red stripes and should be reported.
- The menu now has a link to the steering administration page.
- Fixed some visual spacing issues with dialogs.
- The title column in the episode list will now always display a title or placeholder.
- Users can now always abort the conflict resolution mode in the calendar.
- Fixed some rendering issues for certain conflict resolutions in the calendar.
- Fixed some missing, misleading and invalid translations in the calendar.
- Calendar event color scheme has been re-worked to be more readable and distinguishes between owned and other shows.
- Reworked calendar dialogs and grouped related information and actions.
- Drastically reduced asset sizes and therefore improved app load times.
- The Delete all following episodes-functionality has been temporarily disabled.
- The show quick selector has been removed because we provide similar functionality on the show overview page.
[1.0.0-alpha3] - 2023-02-26
- Added license selection in image picker.
- Added show overview page with grid and table view including pagination, search and extensive ordering capabilities.
- The state of save operations is now communicated to users.
- The media page has been removed in favor of inline editors in the episode and show management pages.
- Hierarchical pages now display a breadcrumb navigation.
- Show pages now display update/create metadata.
- All pages and subviews now have unique and shareable URLs.
- A new login page has been added.
- Shows can now be deleted.
- The show slug can now be changed.
- Languages and topics can now be set for individual episodes/notes.
- Show on-air and next-up info for episodes.
- Added support for viewing past episodes.
- Added support for viewing inactive schedules.
- Platform and social media links can now be added to shows and episodes.
- Content fields now have a WYSIWYG-HTML editor.
- Fixed overflow issues for in image picker.
- Ensure save errors due to connection issues are properly communicated to the user.
- Fixed keyboard selection support in image picker.
- Fixed overflow issues in calendar.
- Fixed overflow issues in show quick selector for long show titles.
- The global navigation has been moved to a sidebar.
- The global navigation now includes contextualized submenus.
- The show admin selector now uses an inline selection mechanism instead of a dialog.
- The help link in the footer now directly links to the AURA documentation.
- The page-size selection for the episode table has been moved to the table footer.
- The range-end selection in the episode table has been removed.
- The range-start selection in the episode table is now positioned right next to the table header.
- The episode/note editor is now a separate page instead of a modal.
- The show deactivation button has been moved to the Danger zone and now requires confirmation.
- The show page has been split into two separate pages for episodes/schedules and basic settings.
- Related individual fields in the basic show settings have been restructured into structured blocks.
- Updated/harmonized terms used in show pages.
- The unimplemented settings page has been removed.
[1.0.0-alpha2] - 2023-06-20
- a new show selector to the navbar (#122, f9762d85).
- a new image picker that can be used to upload new and select existing images (#89, #139, e0fd0a76, b335d801, 57e1e10f).
- ability to add internal notes to a show (#146, 319cf540).
- information on empty slots between shows and a progress indicator for the currently playing show to the calendar day-view (#155, 9ac48a55, 2a68a7ac).
- a progress indicator for the currently playing show to the calendar week-view (#156, b52672dd).
- ability to add and remove individual contributors to the show notes based on the show owners (#170, #146, aa707763).
- ability to add tags to show notes (#146, 560d8dda).
- Navigation would sometimes freeze, after an application error in the playlists view (#132, e4083e66).
- Calendar would sometimes crash if playlist data is missing (#132, a3e8e3b0).
- Switching between the week- and day-view in the calendar no longer squishes the week-view (#153, e28eb4f7).
- The calendar uses entire viewport height now (#154, 4c90f277).
- Users are now able to create a timeslot in a calendar week slot that has already started (#167, 3d4e9b28).
- HTML in the show title, short description and description is now correctly rendered (#129, 649b4c0b).
- The timeslot overview has been fully revised (4ef88279).
- The timeslot show notes editor has been fully revised (#141, 57e1e10f).
- Past schedules are now hidden in the show manager (#120, 8cd743de).
- Schedules are now shown with their respective start and end date (#121, f9dc6fef).
- The calendar day-view has been fully revised (#155, 9ac48a55, 2a68a7ac).
- The slots in the calendar week-view have been from 30 to 15 minutes to make it easier to create shorter slots (#151, 3fc47383).
- Very short timeslots in the calendar week-view now take up less space (#151, 3fc47383, bfe7f813).
- Show start and end time in calendar tooltip if the event is too short to render it as content (#173, cf5ac12e).
- The show manager interface for editing the show details has been overhauled, changing the overall appearance and the way some of the fields are edited (db7dc49d).
[1.0.0-alpha1] - 2023-02-27
Initial release.
Evidence collection
Release notes
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.0.0-alpha3] - 2023-02-26
- Added license selection in image picker.
- Added show overview page with grid and table view including pagination, search and extensive ordering capabilities.
- The state of save operations is now communicated to users.
- The media page has been removed in favor of inline editors in the episode and show management pages.
- Hierarchical pages now display a breadcrumb navigation.
- Show pages now display update/create metadata.
- All pages and subviews now have unique and shareable URLs.
- A new login page has been added.
- Shows can now be deleted.
- The show slug can now be changed.
- Languages and topics can now be set for individual episodes/notes.
- Show on-air and next-up info for episodes.
- Added support for viewing past episodes.
- Added support for viewing inactive schedules.
- Platform and social media links can now be added to shows and episodes.
- Content fields now have a WYSIWYG-HTML editor.
- Fixed overflow issues for in image picker.
- Ensure save errors due to connection issues are properly communicated to the user.
- Fixed keyboard selection support in image picker.
- Fixed overflow issues in calendar.
- Fixed overflow issues in show quick selector for long show titles.
- The global navigation has been moved to a sidebar.
- The global navigation now includes contextualized submenus.
- The show admin selector now uses an inline selection mechanism instead of a dialog.
- The help link in the footer now directly links to the AURA documentation.
- The page-size selection for the episode table has been moved to the table footer.
- The range-end selection in the episode table has been removed.
- The range-start selection in the episode table is now positioned right next to the table header.
- The episode/note editor is now a separate page instead of a modal.
- The show deactivation button has been moved to the Danger zone and now requires confirmation.
- The show page has been split into two separate pages for episodes/schedules and basic settings.
- Related individual fields in the basic show settings have been restructured into structured blocks.
- Updated/harmonized terms used in show pages.
- The unimplemented settings page has been removed.
[1.0.0-alpha2] - 2023-06-20
- a new show selector to the navbar (#122, f9762d85).
- a new image picker that can be used to upload new and select existing images (#89, #139, e0fd0a76, b335d801, 57e1e10f).
- ability to add internal notes to a show (#146, 319cf540).
- information on empty slots between shows and a progress indicator for the currently playing show to the calendar day-view (#155, 9ac48a55, 2a68a7ac).
- a progress indicator for the currently playing show to the calendar week-view (#156, b52672dd).
- ability to add and remove individual contributors to the show notes based on the show owners (#170, #146, aa707763).
- ability to add tags to show notes (#146, 560d8dda).
- Navigation would sometimes freeze, after an application error in the playlists view (#132, e4083e66).
- Calendar would sometimes crash if playlist data is missing (#132, a3e8e3b0).
- Switching between the week- and day-view in the calendar no longer squishes the week-view (#153, e28eb4f7).
- The calendar uses entire viewport height now (#154, 4c90f277).
- Users are now able to create a timeslot in a calendar week slot that has already started (#167, 3d4e9b28).
- HTML in the show title, short description and description is now correctly rendered (#129, 649b4c0b).
- The timeslot overview has been fully revised (4ef88279).
- The timeslot show notes editor has been fully revised (#141, 57e1e10f).
- Past schedules are now hidden in the show manager (#120, 8cd743de).
- Schedules are now shown with their respective start and end date (#121, f9dc6fef).
- The calendar day-view has been fully revised (#155, 9ac48a55, 2a68a7ac).
- The slots in the calendar week-view have been from 30 to 15 minutes to make it easier to create shorter slots (#151, 3fc47383).
- Very short timeslots in the calendar week-view now take up less space (#151, 3fc47383, bfe7f813).
- Show start and end time in calendar tooltip if the event is too short to render it as content (#173, cf5ac12e).
- The show manager interface for editing the show details has been overhauled, changing the overall appearance and the way some of the fields are edited (db7dc49d).
[1.0.0-alpha1] - 2023-02-27
Initial release.
Evidence collection
Release notes
- a new show selector to the navbar (#122, f9762d85).
- a new image picker that can be used to upload new and select existing images (#89, #139, e0fd0a76, b335d801, 57e1e10f).
- ability to add internal notes to a show (#146, 319cf540).
- information on empty slots between shows and a progress indicator for the currently playing show to the calendar day-view (#155, 9ac48a55, 2a68a7ac).
- a progress indicator for the currently playing show to the calendar week-view (#156, b52672dd).
- ability to add and remove individual contributors to the show notes based on the show owners (#170, #146, aa707763).
- ability to add tags to show notes (#146, 560d8dda).
- Navigation would sometimes freeze, after an application error in the playlists view (#132, e4083e66).
- Calendar would sometimes crash if playlist data is missing (#132, a3e8e3b0).
- Switching between the week- and day-view in the calendar no longer squishes the week-view (#153, e28eb4f7).
- The calendar uses entire viewport height now (#154, 4c90f277).
- Users are now able to create a timeslot in a calendar week slot that has already started (#167, 3d4e9b28).
- HTML in the show title, short description and description is now correctly rendered (#129, 649b4c0b).
- The timeslot overview has been fully revised (4ef88279).
- The timeslot show notes editor has been fully revised (#141, 57e1e10f).
- Past schedules are now hidden in the show manager (#120, 8cd743de).
- Schedules are now shown with their respective start and end date (#121, f9dc6fef).
- The calendar day-view has been fully revised (#155, 9ac48a55, 2a68a7ac).
- The slots in the calendar week-view have been from 30 to 15 minutes to make it easier to create shorter slots (#151, 3fc47383).
- Very short timeslots in the calendar week-view now take up less space (#151, 3fc47383, bfe7f813).
- Show start and end time in calendar tooltip if the event is too short to render it as content (#173, cf5ac12e).
- The show manager interface for editing the show details has been overhauled, changing the overall appearance and the way some of the fields are edited (db7dc49d).
Evidence collection
Release notes
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
[1.0.0-alpha1] - 2023-02-27
Initial release.