@martin.lasinger and @pretzelhands - since all the other components already allow processing default playlists for shows and schedules, we are now only missing the UI for setting the default playlist on schedule level. This is the only ticket left to finish the Epic meta#35
Therefore I've added this task to Milestone 0.99. It should not be too much work I guess.
The biggest issue is more where it should be placed. Do you have any thoughts on this? The schedule recurrence dialog?
@david I think the best place would be in the schedule recurrence modal, because it's the central point of information and editing for any schedule. I took a few minutes to whip up something bare-bones with HTML only.
Only the "Audiodatei auswählen" field i suggest to keep in inside the "Playlist auswählen" dialog only. To keep in more simple. Especially since this "default playlist" feature will probably not used "thaaat often" ;-)