Show and Schedule Fallbacks should behave like "default playlists"
- Add "show_default" and "schedule_default" playlist relations to timeslot
- They should behave similar to the station fallback, but no email to coordinator is sent instead and there's no "jumping" between sources
- Check if it's required to adapt the playlog/clock. Default playlists are not handled like "real" fallbacks for RTR reporting
- Show closed items
- aura #34Aura 0.9
- aura #35Aura 0.9
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- David Trattnig changed milestone to %1.0-alpha2 —
Precise Pheasantchanged milestone to %1.0-alpha2 —
Precise Pheasant - David Trattnig added P1 label
added P1 label
- David Trattnig added To Do label
added To Do label
- David Trattnig added Doing label and removed To Do label
- David Trattnig changed the description
changed the description
- David Trattnig marked this issue as related to steering#54 (closed)
marked this issue as related to steering#54 (closed)
- David Trattnig mentioned in issue steering#54 (closed)
mentioned in issue steering#54 (closed)
- David Trattnig marked the checklist item Add "show_default" and "schedule_default" playlist relations to timeslot as completed
marked the checklist item Add "show_default" and "schedule_default" playlist relations to timeslot as completed
- David Trattnig marked this issue as related to dashboard#77 (closed)
marked this issue as related to dashboard#77 (closed)
- Author Owner
Requires implementation of dashboard#65 (closed), dashboard#77 (closed) and steering#54 (closed)
- David Trattnig marked this issue as related to dashboard#65 (closed)
marked this issue as related to dashboard#65 (closed)
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 4d4a2566
mentioned in commit 4d4a2566
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 791d8ce3
mentioned in commit 791d8ce3
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 26bd3192
mentioned in commit 26bd3192
- David Trattnig closed
- David Trattnig removed Doing label
removed Doing label
- David Trattnig reopened
- David Trattnig added Blocked label
added Blocked label
- Author Owner
Waiting for steering#54 (closed) to be implemented. Then only remove this workaround:
- David Trattnig changed the description
changed the description
- David Trattnig marked the checklist item They should behave similar to the station fallback, but no email to coordinator is sent instead and there's no "jumping" between sources as completed
marked the checklist item They should behave similar to the station fallback, but no email to coordinator is sent instead and there's no "jumping" between sources as completed
- David Trattnig marked the checklist item Check if it's required to adapt the playlog/clock. Default playlists are not handled like "real" fallbacks for RTR reporting as completed
marked the checklist item Check if it's required to adapt the playlog/clock. Default playlists are not handled like "real" fallbacks for RTR reporting as completed
- David Trattnig changed milestone to %Aura 0.9
changed milestone to %Aura 0.9
- Author Owner
Still having open topics & questions in steering#54 (closed)
- David Trattnig added Doing label and removed Blocked label
- David Trattnig mentioned in merge request dashboard!7 (merged)
mentioned in merge request dashboard!7 (merged)
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 94c38f18
mentioned in commit 94c38f18
- David Trattnig closed
- David Trattnig removed Doing label
removed Doing label