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FormGroup.vue 3.17 KiB
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  • <template>
        class="form-group last:tw-mb-0"
            'tw-block': !inline,
            'tw-flex tw-gap-2 tw-items-center': inline,
          class="form-group-description tw-flex tw-gap-x-2 tw-gap-y-1 empty:tw-hidden"
            center ? 'tw-items-center tw-self-center' : 'tw-items-baseline',
            { 'tw-mb-2': !inline },
            class="tw-text-gray-500 tw-font-medium tw-flex tw-gap-2 tw-items-center tw-grow tw-m-0"
            <span>{{ label }}</span>
            <button v-if="withEditButton" type="button" class="btn btn-sm tw-p-0" @click="emit('edit')">
              <icon-system-uicons-pen />
            v-if="isSaving !== undefined"
            :state="isSaving ? 'pending' : hasErrors ? 'failure' : 'success'"
        <div class="tw-flex tw-flex-col">
          <div class="tw-grid tw-order-first">
            <slot v-bind="controlAttributes" />
            <slot name="iconLeft" :class="[iconClasses, 'tw-ml-2']" role="presentation" />
            <slot name="iconRight" :class="[iconClasses, 'tw-mr-2']" role="presentation" />
            :class="{ 'tw-block': hasErrors }"
            <template v-for="(error, index) in errorList" :key="index">
              <p class="last:tw-mb-0">
                    ? t(`error.${error.code}`)
                    : error.message
                    ? error.message
                    : t('error.unknown')
    <script lang="ts" setup>
    import { computed, inject, useSlots } from 'vue'
    import { useI18n } from '@/i18n'
    import { useId } from '@/util'
    import SaveIndicator from '@/components/generic/SaveIndicator.vue'
    defineOptions({ compatConfig: { MODE: 3 } })
    type Error = {
    const props = withDefaults(
        label?: string
        customControl?: boolean
        errors?: undefined | (Error | undefined | null)[]
        withEditButton?: boolean
        isSaving?: boolean | undefined
        isSaving: undefined,
        label: '',
        errors: undefined,
    const emit = defineEmits<{
      edit: []
    const { t } = useI18n()
    const slots = useSlots()
    const formGroupClass = inject('formGroupClass', undefined)
    const id = useId('form-group-control')
    const errorsId = useId('form-group-errors')
    const errorList = computed<Error[]>(() => (props.errors ?? []).filter((e): e is Error => !!e))
    const hasErrors = computed(() => errorList.value.length > 0)
    const iconClasses = 'tw-pointer-events-none tw-grid-area-cover tw-self-center'
    const controlAttributes = computed(() => ({
      class: [
          'is-invalid': hasErrors.value,
          'form-control': !props.customControl,
          'tw-pl-8': slots.iconLeft,
          'tw-pr-8': slots.iconRight,
      'aria-describedby': hasErrors.value ? errorsId.value : '',
      id: id.value,