Refine displayed status infos for media sources
[EPIC] Extend Media Management Area, improve UI... (aura#390 - closed)
Parent:Media sources in the timeslot/episode list currently have status information like "Missing" or "Unknown duration".
This task aims to consolidate the different states and give additionally info on the types of media sources (like Live and Stream).
Relevant state info should be displayed in the calendar view too.
Beside the program manager feedback, there is also relevant info in these comments.
For consistency, the following changes should also be applied to the calendar. Because of limited time resources, it's fine to update those as part of the calendar improvements in Alpha 7.
- Instead of "
1 media source
" display the type of media source. Possible types areLive
(for line-in),Upload
(for uploaded or imported files),Stream
(for remotely hosted media) andM3U
for internal M3U playlists. - When multiple media sources are assigned either keep displaying "
(n) media sources
" or list all types. discuss while the latter is more informative and consistent, it occupies too much space. - In cases a default show or default schedule media source is available, any missing media source on episode level should not be visualized as "missing". Instead display the information of the inherited default media source. Add some visual indication or label, that this is not the specific but inherited media source. Note: Default media sources do not extend one another, but overwrite them fully in this order:
- (1) default show media source
- (2) default schedule media source
- (3) episode media source
Broadcast Table
Instead of
display the media source type(s), as described in #general above. -
Display the total length of all media sources combined, like
. This is especially helpful to see at a glance how many minutes are missing or are too much. More one dynamic media source (live/stream), the auto-expansion feature should be applied. When multiple media sources with duration info, some error badge should be displayed. - When some media source is too short/long, also display the media type in addition.
- Inherit default show or schedule media source assignments.
Episode Table
Instead of "
(n) media sources
" display the media source types (see #general). - Inherit default show media source assignments.
Display the total length of the media sources, like
. For live/stream media the duration can be of dynamic nature. discuss In that case maybe display something likedynamic
Media source detail
- When no media source is assigned in the episode detail view, display some informational box, which media sources are actually inherited from the default show or default schedule media source settings.
The current label
Unpassende Länge
for Live/Stream media sources appear like an error. Having no length info for one media source is totally fine. Such media is auto-expanded to the available timeslot duration during play-out. discuss Maybe name itDynamische Länge
and use some green color instead of orange? There should only be an error state, when more than one media source misses the length information.
o94: “Unpassende Länge” im Kalender ist verwirrend, kommt oft vor, auch wenn der Timeslot leer ist?
FRO: "Beim hochladen des files in einer zukünftige Sendung war die länge zu kurz. Wäre ideal wenn es beim hochladen des files gleich sichtbar wäre, dass meine sendezeit nicht ausgefüllt ist. Im Sendungen&Schema wird es erst angedeutet, aber “unterlänge” schlechter begriff, kennt sich kein mensch aus. Datei zu kurz"
o94: "Auf der Liste “Sendetermine” sehe ich, falls die programmierte/n Medienquelle/n bei einem Termin zu kurz oder zu lang ist /sind. Wenn ich den Termin wähle, um eine Korrektur vorzunehmen, lande ich auf der Seite der Episode. Hier ist plötzlich der Hinweis wegen der Über/Unterlänge ganz weg. Ich verstehe den Grund: eine Episode kann nicht zu kurz oder zu lang sein; die Kürze/Länge wird erst durch einen konkreten Sendetermin relevant.Diese Situation macht die unterschiedlichen Logiken der beiden Listen anschaulich. Etwas suboptimal, aber - wenn man mitdenkt – nicht ganz tragisch."
o94: "Anzeige Unter/Überlänge | hier wäre noch einen Anzeige der tatsächlichen Sendungslänge gut"