[STORY] As a ProKo I want a simple way to create and manage hosts, in order to keep show and episode information up-to-date
[EPIC] Host and User Profile Managment (aura#41 - closed)
Parent:ProKos and show owners should be able to:
- Create the most simple version of a host on a show and episode level. The minimal details to be entered are
. ProKos are able to do that for all shows. Show Owners (users) are able to create hosts only for their show.
ProKos should be able to:
- Assuming all required users are already created by the radio IT, ProKos need a way to attach a host profile to some user
- Hosts with actual user accounts attached, should have some sort of visual indiciation (icon?), that they are not only for displaying in the front-end, but actually have some real account, they can login with.
- Ability for Programme Coordinators to manage details of all hosts including upload of profile images. tbc: Is there a need to introduce a separate top level section, listing and filtering all users+hosts?
There are three views or dialogs required.
To keep the workload low, this proposal currently does not include some button and dialog to create hosts. At first, this needs to be solved with the ad-hoc creation dialog. But there might be requests quickly, that this is not enough.
1. Host list view
Create a menu point Hosts
in the left sidebar which is only available to authorized users. This menu point serves a list with all available hosts. The list of hosts can be filtered by host name, similar to the show list. This list can be kept as simple as possible, atm no special features like sorting required.
For easier maintenance, all hosts which have some user account attached, can be shown with some visual indicator, such as an
2. Host detail view
The host detail form is to edit the host profile information. Here the form structure for host and user profile from #86 (closed) can be completely re-used. Only the logic works a the other way round, as described below.
In addition there should be a "delete host" button, as hosts can be easily created by mistake. The ad-hoc creation feature supports creation of duplicates quickly.
Host and user assignment logic:
- The "host form" is always displayed, since the user is coming from the lost list the information is always available.
- The "user form" is only displayed if there is a relation from the host to some user object.
- If there is no relation to some user object, the UI displays a way to "Attach user account" to the host.
- Once some relation is built, the "user form" is displayed.
- There should also be the option to detach and update the relation between host and user.
- The creation of a relation automatically signifies the ownership for the host profile to the assigned user.
3. Modal dialog for ad-hoc creation of host
In every combo box, where users can select/search for a hosts, there should be a button to create a new host for the entered name
. No other form fields need to be provided. Only an input and confirmation/cancel buttons are required.
Other hosts details can be added via 1.) and 2.) later on. In many cases this is not needed at all. Example are hosts which are added as one-time contributors to a single episode.
List and manage host area: The area to manage hosts should only be available to users which have the permission Can manage hosts
. By default this permission string is only assigned to programme managers.
Ad-hoc host creation for show/episode: Check permission if new host can be created. Radios can decide individually if hosts can be created by the show staff. The UI should also reduce the chance to create new, duplicated or wrong hosts by mistake.
Relevant permissions provided by steering#227 (closed) should also reflected in the UI.