Display virtual timeslots / Station fallback show handling
[EPIC] Display virtual timeslots / Music Fallba... (aura#176 - closed)
Parent:This should be applied to areas in the calendar which have no actively created timeslot. Such areas are filled with "virtual timeslots" generated by Steering. The UI should not block the user of creating new timeslots in these areas. They have mainly informational character, that radio hosts/coordinators know, what is played, when nothing is scheduled.
Compare "Lückenfüller" Konzept of LOHROthek.
Background info: In other Steering API consumers the virtual timeslots provide a proper timetable, avoiding the need to re-generate them in each and every client (e.g. website, studio clock etc).
The information for virtual timeslots is derived from the "radio station fallback show" which is configured in the radio station settings.
Sub Tasks
- (Optional) Calendar week view: Add some sort of indication, that empty areas are served by the station fallback show e.g. Display the title? But maybe it is not so helpful here.
- Calendar day view: Visualize the station fallback show as special blocks
- All calendar views: It is also possible to create schedules/timeslots for the station fallback show. Also mark them somehow visually, that they belong to the same show as the virtual timeslot (color? pattern?).
- Show list view & detail view: Mark the configured station fallback show visually, to recognize it easily as some special system show. This can be done for example by outlining the cards with some color or adding some sort of badge?
- Show Settings: For the station fallback hide any default media sources, since this show only plays audio from a statically configured playlist in Playout/Engine. We might provide some "music grid" feature later, where individual fallback pools/playlists can be configured in Dashboard.
- Calendar warnings: virtual timeslots don't have regular media sources assigned. Since they are "always correct", there should be no warning displayed.