/* eslint-disable */
* This file was auto-generated by `make update-types` at 2023-08-30 17:07:28.505Z.
* DO NOT make changes to this file.
export interface paths {
'/api/v1/categories/': {
/** List all categories. */
get: operations['categories_list']
/** Create a new category. */
post: operations['categories_create']
'/api/v1/categories/{id}/': {
/** Retrieve a single category. */
get: operations['categories_retrieve']
/** Update an existing category. */
put: operations['categories_update']
/** Delete an existing category. */
delete: operations['categories_destroy']
/** Partially update an existing category. */
patch: operations['categories_partial_update']
/** List all funding categories. */
get: operations['funding_categories_list']
/** Create a new funding category. */
post: operations['funding_categories_create']
/** Retrieve a single funding category. */
get: operations['funding_categories_retrieve']
/** Update an existing funding category. */
put: operations['funding_categories_update']
/** Delete an existing funding category. */
delete: operations['funding_categories_destroy']
/** Partially update an existing funding category. */
patch: operations['funding_categories_partial_update']
'/api/v1/hosts/': {
/** List all hosts. */
get: operations['hosts_list']
/** Create a new host. */
post: operations['hosts_create']
'/api/v1/hosts/{id}/': {
/** Retrieve a single host. */
get: operations['hosts_retrieve']
/** Update an existing host. */
put: operations['hosts_update']
/** Delete an existing host. */
delete: operations['hosts_destroy']
/** Partially update an existing host. */
patch: operations['hosts_partial_update']
* Create a new image.
* @description Create an Image instance. Any user can create an image.
post: operations['images_create']
'/api/v1/images/{id}/': {
/** Retrieve a single image. */
* Update an existing image.
* @description Only `alt_text`, `credits`, and `ppoi` can be updated.
* Delete an existing image.
* @description Destroy an Image instance. Only the owner can delete an image.
* Partially update an existing image.
* @description Only `alt_text`, `credits`, and `ppoi` can be updated.
patch: operations['images_partial_update']
'/api/v1/languages/': {
/** List all languages. */
get: operations['languages_list']
/** Create a new language. */
post: operations['languages_create']
'/api/v1/languages/{id}/': {
/** Retrieve a single language. */
get: operations['languages_retrieve']
/** Update an existing language. */
put: operations['languages_update']
/** Delete an existing language. */
delete: operations['languages_destroy']
/** Partially update an existing language. */
patch: operations['languages_partial_update']
/** Partially update an existing license type. */
patch: operations['licenses_partial_update']
'/api/v1/link-types/': {
/** List all link types. */
get: operations['link_types_list']
/** Create a new link type. */
post: operations['link_types_create']
'/api/v1/link-types/{id}/': {
/** Retrieve a single link type. */
get: operations['link_types_retrieve']
/** Update an existing link type. */
put: operations['link_types_update']
/** Delete an existing link type. */
delete: operations['link_types_destroy']
/** Partially update an existing link type. */
patch: operations['link_types_partial_update']
'/api/v1/music-focus/': {
/** List all music focuses. */
/** Create a new music focus. */
/** Retrieve a single music focus. */
/** Update an existing music focus. */
/** Delete an existing music focus. */
delete: operations['music_focus_destroy']
/** Partially update an existing music focus. */
patch: operations['music_focus_partial_update']
'/api/v1/notes/': {
/** List all notes. */
get: operations['notes_list']
/** Create a new note. */
post: operations['notes_create']
'/api/v1/notes/{id}/': {
/** Retrieve a single note. */
get: operations['notes_retrieve']
/** Update an existing note. */
put: operations['notes_update']
/** Delete an existing note. */
delete: operations['notes_destroy']
* Partially update an existing note.
* @description Only admins can partially update existing notes.
patch: operations['notes_partial_update']
'/api/v1/rrules/': {
/** List all rrule. */
get: operations['rrules_list']
post: operations['rrules_create']
'/api/v1/rrules/{id}/': {
/** Retrieve a single rrule. */
get: operations['rrules_retrieve']
put: operations['rrules_update']
delete: operations['rrules_destroy']
patch: operations['rrules_partial_update']
'/api/v1/schedules/': {
/** List all schedules. */
get: operations['schedules_list']
* Create a new schedule.
* @description Create a schedule, generate timeslots, test for collisions and resolve them
* (including notes).
* Note that creating or updating a schedule is the only way to create timeslots.
* Only admins may add schedules.
* The projected timeslots defined by the schedule are matched against existing
* timeslots. The API will return an object that contains
* * the schedule's data,
* * projected timeslots,
* * detected collisions,
* * and possible solutions.
* As long as no `solutions` object has been set or unresolved collisions exist,
* no data is written to the database. A schedule is only created if at least
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