AURA Engine Core

Engine Core is a multi-channel playout server for radio stations based on Liquidsoap. It is able to broadcast via audio device outputs or connect to Icecast streams.
This documentation is primarily meant for developers. For using the AURA Community Radio Suite check out the documentation at
To learn more about Automated Radio go to
Channel Routing
Playout channels are routed this way:
graph TD
iq0[Queue A] -->|in_queue_0| mix
iq1[Queue B] -->|in_queue_1| mix
is0[Stream A] -->|in_stream_0| mix
is1[Stream B] -->|in_stream_1| mix
il0[Line In 1-5] -->|in_line_0..4| mix
ff[Fallback Folder] -->|fallback_folder| which_fallback
fpls[Fallback Playlist] -->|fallback_playlist| which_fallback
mix[" Mixer "] --> silence_detector
which_fallback{or} -->| | silence_detector{Silence Detector}
silence_detector -->| | output[Output]
output --> |output.alsa| C[fa:fa-play Audio Interface]
output --> |output.icecast| D[fa:fa-play Icecast]
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Operating system: Debian 11, Ubuntu 20.04 or newer
- Audio device which has good ALSA support
- Liquidsoap 2.2.4 installed using OPAM (OCaml Package Manager)
- PipeWire installed
- WirePlumber installed as a session / policy manager for PipeWire
- qpwgraph, optional as an UI to manage audio devices
- Docker, optional if you want to run in a container
Installing Engine Core
Install system dependencies:
apt install curl alsa-utils libasound2-dev libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libflac-dev libjack-dev libpulse-dev libswresample-dev libswscale-dev libssl-dev ffmpeg opam
Build Liquidsoap with additional libraries:
opam depext alsa pulseaudio bjack ffmpeg samplerate flac taglib mad lame vorbis flac opus cry ocurl liquidsoap -y
opam install alsa pulseaudio bjack ffmpeg samplerate flac taglib mad lame vorbis flac opus cry ocurl liquidsoap -y
Now initialize the project environment for development
This command also creates a default configuration file config/engine-core.ini
Configuring Engine Core
Configure the audio interface
You get the most glitch-free experience when using PipeWire as your media server. To avoid any play-out malfunctions ensure that no other media server is running. PipeWire is capable of replacing PulseAudio while still having the full functionality of PulseAudio if you want to keep PulseAudio. To check if PipeWire has replaced PulseAudio, run make
. This command should return a line like
Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.80)
To check if PipeWire is up and running you can use
systemctl --user status pipewire
Choose your audio system ALSA / JACK
At the moment we recommend running engine-core with JACK. ALSA support for the complete AURA system was dropped in favour of JACK but might be added back in. In either case PipeWire takes care of your devices and connections.
Configure JACK/ALSA
Have a look at config/sample.engine-core.ini
. Here you can set things like the log level and much more. For JACK no adaptations are necessary.
For ALSA you might want to set a different audio device or even configure your own. An example can be found in config/sample.asoundrc
. Very important is the alsa_buffer
, if you experience jitter, cracklings or other audio artifacts you should increase this number. If the buffer is to large you will experience bad latency, to reduce the latency you have to reduce the buffer size.
When you are finished copy the configuration config/sample.engine-core.ini
to config/engine-core.ini
cp config/sample.engine-core.ini config/engine-core.ini
Configure the audio source locations
Engine Core is requires different audio sources in order to perform the playout.
Configure the location for fallback music
By default fallback audio is retrieved from the fallback
folder. A local folder for any
emergency playback, also called Station Fallback.
All audio files inside are played in a randomized order, in situations where nothing is scheduled. The folder is being watched for changes. So you can add/remove audio on the fly.
This fallback feature is enabled by default, but can be turned off in via the configuration.
Instead of the fallback folder you can use a playlist in the playlist
folder for fallback
scenarios. Its default file location is:
Also this playlist is being watched for changes. You'll need to set the configuration option
to enable this instead of the fallback folder.
Configure the audio source folder
This is the location for actually scheduled audio files. They are provided by Tank.
If you are running all AURA services on a single instance you should be fine with just creating a
symbolic link to the relevant Tank folder (ln -s $TANK_STORE_PATH audio/source
). But in some
distributed and redundant production scenario
you might think about more advanced options on how to sync your audio files between machines.
You can find some ideas in the doc "Setting up the Audio Store".
Configure via environment variables
Many settings of Engine Core can also be set via environment variables. They are primarily used
for Docker deployments. Check the Makefile
and sample.env
for hints on environment variables.
Running Engine Core
To make the playout server play some music first create the folder audio/fallback/
if it doesn't exist and drop some music files. This folder is picked up as a so-called Station Fallback in case no other music is scheduled or if silence is detected.
To start the server execute
make run
Connect Audio Device
Now connect your audio device(s) with engine-core. There are two ways to achieve this:
- use an UI like qpwgraph, simply draw connections between the desired devices
- use the PipeWire cli tool
# List the input ports
pw-link -i
# List the output ports
pw-link -o
# An example for connecting an output port with an input port
pw-link "lineout_0:out_1" "alsa_output.usb-BEHRINGER_UMC202HD_192k_12345678-00.stereo-fallback:playback_FR"
# An example for connecting an input port with an output port
pw-link "" "in_line_0:in_0"
Voilá, you should hear some music!
Running Engine Core with docker compose
When running engine-core with docker compose you need a different configuration file to start with. Have a look at config/sample.engine-core.docker.ini
and copy it to config/engine-core.ini
(FIXME: this uses the overwrite in /etc/aura/ and is not the best of options). Do not change the paths here, rather change them in sample.env
and copy this file to .env
. Make sure the directories in .env
are read and writable for the user used in the container, mainly aura(2872:2872)
It is important to set the PIPEWIRE_USER_ID
to the uid of the user running pipewire. To check which user is running the pipewire server run the following:
ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -x pipewire)
# loxbie 2034 2025 0 09:19 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/pipewire
id -u loxbie
# 1000
You can now build the container with
docker compose build
And start it with
docker compose up
Connect your audio device(s) with engine-core as mentioned above. If you want engine-core to automatically connect your device every time you start it, you can also pass a device via the .env
file to engine-core. For this you need the device alias and the channel names of your device. To get these run
docker compose run engine-core wpexec /etc/wireplumber/scripts/ls-ports.lua
This dumps details on every connected audio device. Grab the port.alias
of your device and enter it in the .env
. Press CTRL + C
to exit the script.
Example Configuration
Device Dump
{ [""] = AUX0,
["port.physical"] = true,
["port.alias"] = Yamaha AG06MK2:capture_AUX0,
[""] = 61,
["format.dsp"] = 32 bit float mono audio,
["port.direction"] = out,
[""] = capture_AUX0,
["port.terminal"] = true,
["object.serial"] = 324,
[""] = 66,
["object.path"] = alsa:pcm:1:hw:1,0:capture:capture_0,
[""] = 0,
.env Settings
# Audio Device Settings
Voilá, you should hear some music!
Advanced tips for development
Control playout via telnet
Connect to Liquidsoap via Telnet
make tns
List available commands
List all available channels
List all input channels connected to the mixer
Set the volume of mixer input 0
to 100%
mixer.volume 0 100
Push some audio file to the filesystem in_queue_0
in_queue_0.push /path/to/your/file.mp3
Select line in as your input where 4 is the number from mixer.inputs 4 true