-[Liquidsoap 1.4.3](https://www.liquidsoap.info/doc-1.4.3/install.html) installed using OPAM
## Quickstart
@@ -54,16 +54,11 @@ After this is working you might be ready for a more sophisticated setup of the e
## Audio Store
The aformentioned `audio` folder is the base for retrieving audio files. Engine Core is referencing three folders from the*Audio Store*:
The aformentioned `audio` folder is the base for retrieving audio files. Engine Core is referencing three folders from this so-called*Audio Store*:
-**`audio/station/`**: A local folder for any emergency playback, also called *Station Fallback*. All audio files inside are played in a randomized order, if no actually scheduled music is played by the engine. The folder is being watched for changes. So you can add/remove audio on the fly.
-**`audio/playlist/`**: Put a file `station-fallback-playlist.m3u` in here and it has the same effect as the fallback folder. If nothing else is scheduled, the M3U Playlist is played with higher priority than the folder. The playlist is being watched for changes.
-**`audio/source/`**: This is the location for audio files provided by [Tank](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/tank). Usually any audio files which are part of the scheduled programme are read for their broadcast from here. If you are running all AURA components on a single machine you should be fine with just creating a symbolic link to the relevant Tank folder (`ln -s ../engine/audio ./audio`). But in some [distributed and redundant production scenario](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta/-/blob/master/docs/installation-guide.md) you might think about more advanced options on how to sync your audio files between machines. You can find some ideas in the do
-[Installation for Development](docs/installation-development.md)
-[Installation for Production](docs/installation-production.md)
-[Running with Docker](docs/running-docker.md)
-[Setting up the Audio Store](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta/-/blob/master/docs/setup-audio-store.md)
-**`audio/source/`**: This is the location for audio files provided by [Tank](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/tank). Usually any audio files which are part of the scheduled programme are read for their broadcast from here. If you are running all AURA components on a single machine you should be fine with just creating a symbolic link to the relevant Tank folder (`ln -s ../engine/audio ./audio`). But in some [distributed and redundant production scenario](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta/-/blob/master/docs/installation-guide.md) you might think about more advanced options on how to sync your audio files between machines. You can find some ideas in the doc " [Setting up the Audio Store](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta/-/blob/master/docs/setup-audio-store.md)".
## Advanced Configuration
@@ -105,8 +100,6 @@ Push some audio file to the filesystem `in_filesystem_0`
## About
Aura Engine is a scheduling and play-out engine as part of [Aura Radio Software Suite](#About), specifically build for the requirements of community radios.
AURA stands for Automated Radio and is a swiss army knife for community radio stations. Beside the Engine it provides Steering (Admin Interface for the radio station), Dashboard (Collaborative scheduling and programme coordination), Tank (Audio uploading, pre-processing and delivery). Read more in the [Aura Meta](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta) repository or on the specific project pages.