Are you really sure, that all files in this directories are autogenerated?
I just stumbled upon a misspelled true (instead of True) token (introduced in ab3e6ead).
Thanks for pointing that out. That's an issue in the code generator. I've noted it in #5 (closed). For now it's not so relevant, because these tests are not executed yet.
I would really like to clean up stuff like:
All these things you mention are generated.
I guess, it would be sufficient to exclude src/rest/models/ instead of the full src/rest/ directory?
Thanks for the link to the README. Now I understand, how this code is supposed to be updated.
I would recommend to add a line like "Generated via` to the commit message for such half-automated updates. This would clarify the nature of these files for contributors.
And maybe you could mention in the README, how contributors can gain write permissions for the above project.
I would recommend to add a line like "Generated via` to the commit message for such half-automated updates. This would clarify the nature of these files for contributors.
Thanks for the suggestion. Will think about that in the future.
And maybe you could mention in the README, how contributors can gain write permissions for the above project.
In my opinion that's not different to other types of contributions. Contributors are advised to:
Read the
Read the This is an established approach and already hints to get in touch with the maintainers, in case of questions and planned contributions.