# dpp_docs
A new template for the Design for Physical Prototyping project documentation.
It uses the static site generator [Hugo]( to generate a web pages from Markdown files with the [Hugo Book Theme]( and the theme component [hugo-video](
To get started with your documentation, generate your own repository by clicking "[use this template]" or clone this repository.
Using GitHub pages you can access your documentation via [](
# Quickstart
For working on your documentation it is recommended to host your local Hugo instance and to use a text editor of your choice to edit the Markdown files.
First install Hugo.
## Windows
Use PowerShell to install the extended version of Hugo with winget. Add <kbd>%localappdata%\microsoft\winget\packages</kbd> to your [path variable](
winget install Hugo.Hugo.Extended
## Linux
sudo apt install hugo
## Mac OS
Install Hugo using the free and open source package manager [Homebrew]( This will install the extended edition of Hugo.
brew install hugo
# Clone
Make sure you have [Git]( installed on your system.
Change active directory to the cloned repository and run the Hugo server.
cd C:\your\local\repository\path
hugo server --minify
## Replace the content of the template pages
Update the following files to your own content:
* rename project folder <kbd>content/docs/projects/our_project</kbd> to the title of your project and remove all files but <kbd></kbd>.
* <kbd></kbd> (information for those who access your repository site on GitHub: replace it with your text or just delete content and leave it empty)
Put all images, videos and GIFs you want to embed in your documentation into the assets folder.
Then visit http://localhost:1313 to view the documentation.
[use this template]: