@@ -170,8 +170,9 @@ For production Engine API uses the WSGI HTTP Server [`Gunicorn`](https://gunicor
In production Gunicorn is used in combination with some proxy server, such as Nginx.
CAUTION: **Caution:**
Although there are many HTTP proxies available, we strongly advise that you use Nginx. If you choose another proxy server you need to make sure that it buffers slow clients when you use default Gunicorn workers. Without this buffering Gunicorn will be easily susceptible to denial-of-service attacks. You can use Hey to check if your proxy is behaving properly ([Gunicorn Docs](http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/latest/deploy.html)).
> Although there are many HTTP proxies available, we strongly advise that you use Nginx. If you choose another proxy server you need to make sure that it buffers slow clients when you use default Gunicorn workers. Without this buffering Gunicorn will be easily susceptible to denial-of-service attacks. You can use Hey to check if your proxy is behaving properly.
From the [Gunicorn Docs](http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/latest/deploy.html)
[`Supervisor`](http://supervisord.org/) is a preferable solution to run the gunicorn server