@@ -36,9 +36,23 @@ Now, this folder must be somehow writable by Tank.
You have following options where your share can be located:
- Physical directory where the Engine lives, mounted to Tank. This may cause an issue with the mount, when no network connection to Engine is unavailable or the instance is rebooting.
- Physical directory where the Tank lives, mounted to Engine. This may cause an issue with the mount, when no network connection to Tank is unavailable or the instance is rebooting.
- External storage solution, both Engine and Tank have their virtual audio directory mounted.
1.**Engine and all other AURA components (Tank, Dashboard, Steering) are running on the same instance.** This is the most simple solution,
as Engine and Tank can share the same directory locally. But this scenario requires some more sophisticated tuning of the system resources
to avoid e.g. some overload of multiple Uploads in Tank may affect the performance of engine. You can eliminate this risk by setting CPU and
memory limits for Steering, Dashboard and Tank using Docker or `systemd-cgroups`. A disadvantage here is the case of maintainence of system
reboot. This would mean that all components are offline at once.
2.**Physical directory where the Engine lives, mounted to Tank**. This may cause an issue with the mount, when no network connection to Engine
is unavailable or the instance is rebooting.
3.**Physical directory where the Tank lives, mounted to Engine.** This may cause an issue with the mount, when no network connection to Tank
is unavailable or the instance is rebooting.
4.**Central Data Store or *Storage Box*** which is mountet to Engine and Tank. In this case a downtime of the store make both, Engine and Tank
5.**Replicated storage solution using [Gluster](https://www.gluster.org/), both Engine and Tank have their virtual audio directory mounted.**
That's the ideal approach, because if any of the instances is down, the other has all the data available.
In any case, you should think about some backup solution involving this directory.