David Trattnig authoredDavid Trattnig authored
Setting up the Audio Store
The Audio Store is a folder which is utilized by AURA Tank and Engine to exchange audio files.
Assuming AURA Engine and Tank are hosted on different machines, the audio_source_folder
must by shared
using some network share.
In case you are hosting Engine and Tank on the same machine (e.g. in development), you can skip this documentation. Just think about pointing them to the same directory.
By default Engine expects audio files shared by Tank in /var/audio/source
This can be configurated in engine.ini
Now, this folder must be somehow writable by Tank.
Share Location
You have following options where your share can be located:
Engine and all other AURA components (Tank, Dashboard, Steering) are running on the same instance. This is the most simple solution, as Engine and Tank can share the same directory locally. But this scenario requires some more sophisticated tuning of the system resources to avoid e.g. some overload of multiple Uploads in Tank may affect the performance of engine. You can eliminate this risk by setting CPU and memory limits for Steering, Dashboard and Tank using Docker or
. A disadvantage here is the case of maintainence of system reboot. This would mean that all components are offline at once. -
Physical directory where the Engine lives, mounted to Tank. This may cause an issue with the mount, when no network connection to Engine is unavailable or the instance is rebooting.
Physical directory where the Tank lives, mounted to Engine. This may cause an issue with the mount, when no network connection to Tank is unavailable or the instance is rebooting.
Central Data Store or Storage Box which is mountet to Engine and Tank. In this case a downtime of the store make both, Engine and Tank dysfunctional.
Replicated storage solution using Gluster, both Engine and Tank have their virtual audio directory mounted. That's the ideal approach, because if any of the instances is down, the other has all the data available.
In any case, you should think about some backup solution involving this directory.
Share Type
Then, there's the question how the share is managed. Beside other you have the options to use NFS, SSHFS or even something like Gluster.
For our initial setup we have chosen to use SSHFS.
Please share your experience with other share types, and we will include it in further releases of this documentation.
Setting up SSHFS
SSHFS allows you to access the filesystem on a remote computer via SSH. Interaction with files and folders behaves similar to any local data.
This example is setting up the audio_source_folder
on the Engine instance.
Configuring Engine
First, you'll need to create an user which enables Tank to access the audio_source_folder
on Engine:
adduser tankuser
chown tankuser:engineuser /var/audio/source
Ensure that engineuser
has no permissions to write the directory:
chmod u=+rwx,go=+rx-w /var/audio/source
Configuring Tank
On the Tank side you need to install sshfs
sudo apt-get install sshfs
Then create an audio-store
folder inside the AURA home:
:/opt/aura/$ mkdir audio-store
Try if you can connect to the engine over SSH using your tankuser
ssh tankuser@ -p22
Replace -p22
with the actual port number your SSH service is running with. For security reasons it's recommended
to run SSH not over the default port 22.
Uncomment following setting in /etc/fuse.conf
to allow the tank-user access the share with write permissions:
# Allow non-root users to specify the allow_other or allow_root mount options.
Now create the mount:
sudo sshfs -o allow_other -o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/id_rsa tankuser@ /opt/aura/audio-store -p22
with the actual IP for your Engine and -p22
with the actual port number your Engine's SSH service
is running with.
To make this mount persistent i.e. keep it alive even after a system reboot, you'll need to add a configuration
in the /etc/fstab
file by adding this at the end:
# Audio Store @ AURA Engine
sshfs#tankuser@ /opt/aura/audio-store fuse auto,port=22,identityfile=~/.ssh/id_rsa,allow_other,_netdev 0 0
Again, check for the correct port number in the line above.
To take this into effect you'll need to remount the filesystem with sudo mount -a
or reboot the machine. When mounting
you'll need to authenticate with the tankuser
password once.
Then review if your Tank's Docker configuration mounts the exact same volume (/opt/aura/audio-store
If not edit the tank configuration /etc/aura/tank.env
and set following property:
Finally, do some testing if the directory is writable from Tank's system (touch some-file
) and if the Engine's side can read
this file. Then restart your Tank Docker container and you should be good to go.