# Running Engine with Docker
Docker provides a simple way to get your engine with all dependencies running.
Here you can find the official AURA Engine Docker images:
> Note: The Engine Docker image is in *POC* state and waiting to be fully implemented.
It's not yet ready to be offically used. If you want to try AURA Engine meanwhile
try the [Standard Installation](docs/installation-development).
<!-- TOC -->
- [Running Engine with Docker](#running-engine-with-docker)
- [Start an image](#start-an-image)
- [Configure an image](#configure-an-image)
- [Making Docker Releases](#making-docker-releases)
- [Build your own, local Docker image](#build-your-own-local-docker-image)
- [Releasing a new version to DockerHub](#releasing-a-new-version-to-dockerhub)
- [Read more](#read-more)
<!-- /TOC -->
## Basic configuration
Create a default configuration and edit according to your settings
cp config/sample-docker.engine.ini config/docker/engine.ini
Create a symlink in `./audio` to point to the audio source of tank
ln -s /path/to/tank/audio-store ./audio/source
*To be extended ...*
## Configure an image
*To be extended ...*
## Making Docker Releases
This section is only relevant if you are an Engine Developer.
### Build your own, local Docker image
./ docker:build
### Releasing a new version to DockerHub
./ docker:push
## Read more
- [Overview](/
- [Installation for Development](
- [Installation for Production](
- [Running with Docker](
- [Setup the Audio Store](docs/
- [Developer Guide](
- [Engine Features](
- [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)](docs/