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Import and Playlist Daemon

Contributor Covenant latest release pipeline status coverage report

Tank implements an AURA import and playlist daemon. Uploads can be normalized based on the loudnorm Loudness Normalization. Resulting files are served to Aura Engine via some configured directory.


  • Go (v1.18+ recommended)
  • Docker (v20.10+)
  • GNU Make (v4)


Check out the repository and build the daemon:

$ git clone
$ cd tank
$ make


Create a configuration file, tank.yaml, based on:

Make sure that the directory pointed to by store.path exists and is writeable for the user running the daemon.

OIDC Client

After Registering clients at Steering, update OIDC_CLIENT_ID and OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET in contrib/ to match your installation.

Database Setup

First, we need to start a Postgres container:

$ ./contrib/

Wait for the server to boot up and then initialize the database using a second terminal:

$ ./contrib/
$$$ psql < init.sql

Once the database is created, you can quit by pressing CTRL-C.

Now, you may run the daemon using the following command:

$ ./contrib/

This script uses tank.yaml and depends on the postgres server running.

Running behind reverse proxies

For production environments we highly recommend running tank behind an SSL-enabling reverse proxy. If the base path for the api endpoints as well as the authentication should be hosted under a subdirectory, the reverse proxy needs to rewrite the request to be based on /. For Nginx the following configuration can be used:

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

    ssl_certificate     /path/to/certificate;
    ssl_certificate_key /path/to/private-key;

    location /tank/ {
         proxy_buffering off;
         proxy_ignore_headers "X-Accel-Buffering";
         proxy_request_buffering off;
         proxy_http_version 1.1;

    ## ... other locations ...