[bug] as a host, I can neither view nor upload audio files
expected behaviour
users should be able to upload audio files according to their user group status, and be able to view uploaded content.
problem description
The upload and display of audio files currently seems to work only with superuser or proko-status. As a host or host+, I can neither view uploaded files nor do new uploads. I checked the user group permissions in steering, and they seem to be okay (cc @eigenwijsje )
steps to reproduce
- log in as host or host+
- upload an audio file for one episode (or for the default media source if applicable)
- the uploader accepts the input, but then does not show success or failure of the upload. after logging off and in again, also no file is shown. also files that have been previously uploaded into the same spot are not shown. also files that a superuser has uploaded into the same episode do not show up in dashboard once I log in as host/host+.
test environment
this bug has been reported by the ProKos and was reproduced by Maggie on dashboard.aura.radio (Firefox, tested on 17.9.2024). Can some else validate this?