Show repetitions seem to return wrong data
This was observed using commit 846efbab. When submitting a repetition schedule to the API endpoint at /api/v1/shows/1/schedules/
with the following data:
"schedule": {
"dstart": "2020-09-18",
"tstart": "08:00:00",
"tend": "10:00:00",
"rrule": 4,
"until": "2020-12-18",
"fallback_id": null,
"automation_id": null,
"byweekday": 4,
"is_repetition": true,
"add_business_days_only": true,
"add_days_no": 1
Then I get returned the following data:
"projected": [ ... ],
"solutions": { ... },
"notes": { ... },
"playlists": { ... },
"schedule": {
"id": null,
"rrule": 4,
"byweekday": 4,
"show": 1,
"dstart": "2020-09-28",
"tstart": "08:00:00",
"tend": "10:00:00",
"until": "2020-12-19",
"is_repetition": false,
"add_days_no": 1,
"add_business_days_only": false,
"fallback_id": null,
"automation_id": null
This appears to be wrong, as I get back different values for is_repetition
and add_business_days_only
(false in both cases, instead of true.) -- This makes it impossible for me to create a repetition schedule.
Perhaps this has been fixed in a newer commit? I am very confused