The dashboard does not generate image URLs. It uses the image property that contains the URL of the preview image from the image object returned by steering.
this bug currently seems to affect the logo uploader only (tested on 16.2.2024 in any chance we can fix this already for the alpha3 release? @eigenwijsje
David Trattnigchanged title from Mixed content warning: Steering provides images via HTTP to Mixed content warning: Steering provides images via HTTP / Images are not displayed
changed title from Mixed content warning: Steering provides images via HTTP to Mixed content warning: Steering provides images via HTTP / Images are not displayed
I can confirm this (tested on with FF 122.0). When testing, I tried different user accounts, both one that has superuser rights, the other one not. With the first user that created/uploaded the images, I could upload and view images, with the other users I did not see any images on the "Show List", and also not even get the image preview in the "Allgemeine Einstellungen" image section. My error log was different from @david 's, though, because I did not get a 404: