Bug: In Dashboard, when changing one metadata setting, another one gets cleared
When adding a topic in "Dashboard > General Settings", the genre gets cleared. See video.
When adding a topic in "Dashboard > General Settings", the genre gets cleared. See video.
changed milestone to %1.0-alpha3 — Playful Platypus
assigned to @eigenwijsje
Please move to Dashboard, if the cause is suspected there (cc @kmohrf).
Possibly there is a relation to [STORY] as a radio host, I want to be able to d... (#178 - closed)
marked this issue as related to #178 (closed)
changed title from Bug: When changing one metadata settings, another one gets cleared to Bug: In Dashboard, when changing one metadata setting, another one gets cleared
removed 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label
closed with commit edb655bc
mentioned in commit edb655bc