Alternatively, if you prefer, you can just create a super user after setting up
the database::
$ docker compose run django python createsuperuser
The only required fixtures are the recurrence rules, these are needed to create
$ docker compose run django ./ loaddata fixtures/program/rrule.json
.. warning:: Currently, if you only create a supert user and load the recurrence rules, you will need to create at least one show using the API in order to use the dashboard.
Then, you can create a RSA Key and the clients for `dashboard` and `tank`::
$ docker compose run django ./ creatersakey
$ docker compose run django ./ create_oidc_client dashboard public -r "id_token token" -u http://localhost:8080/oidc_callback.html -u http://localhost:8080/oidc_callback_silentRenew.html -p http://localhost:8080/
$ docker compose run django ./ create_oidc_client tank confidential -r "code" -u http://localhost:8040/auth/oidc/callback
If you prefer to use the admin interface for this, refer to the [OpenID Client