Remove obsolete test cases, add minimal test case
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- David Trattnig changed milestone to %1.0-alpha2 —
Precise Pheasantchanged milestone to %1.0-alpha2 —
Precise Pheasant - David Trattnig added P3 label
added P3 label
- David Trattnig added To Do label
added To Do label
- David Trattnig added Doing label and removed To Do label
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit a1d62bef
mentioned in commit a1d62bef
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 3e950274
mentioned in commit 3e950274
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 39a4f546
mentioned in commit 39a4f546
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit a19f0338
mentioned in commit a19f0338
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 29f293bf
mentioned in commit 29f293bf
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit b9ed1292
mentioned in commit b9ed1292
- David Trattnig changed title from Remove obsolete test cases to Remove obsolete test cases, add minimal test case
changed title from Remove obsolete test cases to Remove obsolete test cases, add minimal test case
- Author Owner
Also done:
- "" now has a "test" target
- gitlab runner executes some minimal test
- David Trattnig closed
- David Trattnig removed Doing label
removed Doing label
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