Process M3U playlists provided by Tank's playlist property "Stream"
This is a solution for 1.0 to allow integration of O94's "Random Music" Playlists. In a later AURA Version this will be replaced by a proper music pool solution.
This is a solution for 1.0 to allow integration of O94's "Random Music" Playlists. In a later AURA Version this will be replaced by a proper music pool solution.
changed milestone to %1.0-alpha2 —
added 1 deleted label
changed the description
changed title from Process M3U playlists provided by Tank's "Stream" property to Process M3U playlists provided by Tank's playlist property "Stream"
added P2 label
added Radio Orange label
added To Do label
added discuss label
removed Doing label
mentioned in commit 6c88c93f
removed discuss label
marked this issue as related to aura#246 (closed)