Entries of type "stream" or "live" - such playlists should only be played when there's a recording available. In that case the recording is broadcasted (Note: this requires certain tank features to be implemented; use a stub implementation meanwhile). UPDATE: Recording not possible, see comment below)
FallbackManager should not resolve fallback playlists in ordinary playout
Liquidsoap silence detector should trigger a M3U playlist
Entries of type "stream" or "live" - such playlists should only be played when there's a recording available. In that case the recording is broadcasted (Note: this requires certain tank features to be implemented; use a stub implementation meanwhile)
Unfortunately, this is not possible, since AURA Tank doesn't provide a unique playlist_id after playout. Hence to reference between fallback_playlist_id and a specific recording can be made. This is "by design" as discussed in the team meeting on 07.10.2020 (https://mattermost.servus.at/autoradio/pl/kppubbo19pdkmdtf9kg859ykdo)
Further discussion required.
David Trattnigmarked the checklist item FallbackManager should not resolve fallback playlists in ordinary playout as completed
marked the checklist item FallbackManager should not resolve fallback playlists in ordinary playout as completed
David Trattnigmarked the checklist item Entries of type "stream" or "live" - such playlists should only be played when there's a recording available. In that case the recording is broadcasted (Note: this requires certain tank features to be implemented; use a stub implementation meanwhile). UPDATE: Recording not possible, see comment below) as completed
marked the checklist item Entries of type "stream" or "live" - such playlists should only be played when there's a recording available. In that case the recording is broadcasted (Note: this requires certain tank features to be implemented; use a stub implementation meanwhile). UPDATE: Recording not possible, see comment below) as completed