Refactor to avoid use of Redis
- Implement alternative communication to Redis
- Remove Redis
- Simplify boot phase
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- David Trattnig changed milestone to %1.0-alpha2 —
Precise Pheasantchanged milestone to %1.0-alpha2 —
Precise Pheasant - David Trattnig added P3 label
added P3 label
- David Trattnig changed the description
changed the description
- David Trattnig added To Do label
added To Do label
- David Trattnig added Doing label and removed To Do label
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 97b13ddc
mentioned in commit 97b13ddc
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 2b4cfec0
mentioned in commit 2b4cfec0
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 5ba8519c
mentioned in commit 5ba8519c
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit ca010c18
mentioned in commit ca010c18
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit e2836b92
mentioned in commit e2836b92
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 3677a479
mentioned in commit 3677a479
- David Trattnig closed
- David Trattnig removed Doing label
removed Doing label
- David Trattnig mentioned in commit 1e706ae8
mentioned in commit 1e706ae8
- David Trattnig mentioned in issue #21 (closed)
mentioned in issue #21 (closed)
- David Trattnig marked the checklist item Implement alternative communication to Redis as completed
marked the checklist item Implement alternative communication to Redis as completed
- David Trattnig marked the checklist item Remove Redis as completed
marked the checklist item Remove Redis as completed
- David Trattnig marked the checklist item Simplify boot phase as completed
marked the checklist item Simplify boot phase as completed
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