Provide input on current settings of the o94 FFMPEG recorder
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- FFMPEG flags
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- David Trattnig changed milestone to %1.0-alpha2 —
Precise Pheasantchanged milestone to %1.0-alpha2 —
Precise Pheasant - David Trattnig added 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label
- David Trattnig assigned to @david
assigned to @david
- David Trattnig added Doing label
added Doing label
- Author Owner
Main settings:
recorder="/usr/bin/ffmpeg" soundcard="plughw:1" bitrate="96k" format_in="alsa" format_out="mp3" pidno=$(pidof $recorder) filename="$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).mp3" dirname="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)/" id_tag_title="ORANGE 94.0 UKW Logging $(date +%Y-%m-%d) $(date +%H:%M)"
Recording processes are priorised using
(process priority) andionice
(I/O priority):###### folgenden codeblock statt der letzten zeile verwenden um auch ffmpeg logging zu aktivieren () ### pining auf cpu core 2 (peter) echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" >> $logfileffmpeg date >> $logfileffmpeg taskset 2 nice -n -20 ionice -c 1 -n 0 $recorder -loglevel fatal -ac 2 -f $format_in -i $soundcard -codec:a libmp3lame -ab $bitrate -f $format_out -t $rectime -metadata title="$id_tag_title" $repository$dirname$filename 2>> $logfileffmpeg echo "=========================================================================" >> $logfileffmpeg echo "" >> $logfileffmpeg echo "$(date) - stopped recording $repository$dirname$filename" >> $logfile echo "=========================================================================" >> $logfile echo "" >> $logfile
- Author Owner
Audio Interfaces used with the recorder:
- Focusrite 2i2 (current)
- Alesis io2
Hardware parameters of the 2i2 using
arecord --dump-hw-params -D hw:1
:Recording WAVE 'stdin' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono HW Params of device "hw:1": ACCESS: MMAP_INTERLEAVED RW_INTERLEAVED FORMAT: S32_LE SUBFORMAT: STD SAMPLE_BITS: 32 FRAME_BITS: 64 CHANNELS: 2 RATE: [44100 192000] PERIOD_TIME: [125 1486078) PERIOD_SIZE: [8 65536] PERIOD_BYTES: [64 524288] PERIODS: [2 1024] BUFFER_TIME: (83 2972155) BUFFER_SIZE: [16 131072] BUFFER_BYTES: [128 1048576] TICK_TIME: ALL arecord: set_params:1343: Sample format non available Available formats: S32_LE
Contents of
: No settings, using default USB device settings - David Trattnig added P2 label
added P2 label
- David Trattnig closed
- David Trattnig marked this issue as related to engine-core#34 (closed)
marked this issue as related to engine-core#34 (closed)
- David Trattnig removed Doing label
removed Doing label
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