from import util
from import ClockInfo # noqa: E501
from import HealthLog # noqa: E501
from import PlayLog # noqa: E501
Stores the passed playlog entry in the local database. Also note, similar to the `ClockInfo` storage endpoint, this information is only stored to the database if a) it is a main node or b) if it's a sync node, and the `logSource` is the currently active engine. # noqa: E501
body = PlayLog.from_dict(connexion.request.get_json()) # noqa: E501
return service.store_playlog(body, connexion.request.get_json())
def clock_info(): # noqa: E501
"""Get all information to display the studio clock
Retrieves the currently playing timeslot, its playlist and entries plus the next timeslot for being used by the studio clock. # noqa: E501
def get_active_source(): # noqa: E501
"""Get active play-out source (engine1, engine2)
Retrieves the status entry of the currently active source (engine 1, 2 or other source) # noqa: E501
def get_report(year_month): # noqa: E501
"""Report for one month
:param year_month: Month to create the report for in the format \"yyyy_mm\"
:type year_month: str
def get_source_health(number): # noqa: E501
"""Get most recent health info
Retrieves the most recent health info of the requested engine # noqa: E501
:param number: Number of the engine
:type number: int
def list_playlog(
from_date=None, to_date=None, page=None, limit=None, skip_synced=None
): # noqa: E501
"""List tracks in the play-log since the given timestamp
Get paginated playlog entries for since the given timestamp. # noqa: E501
:param from_date: Get entries after this timestamp
:type from_date: str
:param to_date: Get entries before this timestamp
:type to_date: str
:param page: The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set
:type page: int
:param limit: The numbers of items to return per page
:type limit: int
:param skip_synced: If true only returns items which are in unsynced state on the main node
:type skip_synced: bool
if from_date is not None and to_date is not None:
fd = util.deserialize_datetime(from_date)
td = util.deserialize_datetime(to_date)
except Exception:
"Invalid 'from_date' (%s) or 'to_date' (%s) for 'list_playlog'"
% (str(from_date), str(to_date))
return service.list_playlog(page, limit, fd, td, skip_synced)
"""Log health info
Logs another health entry for the given engine # noqa: E501
:param number: Number of the engine
:type number: int
:rtype: None
if connexion.request.is_json:
body = HealthLog.from_dict(connexion.request.get_json()) # noqa: E501
service.log_source_health(number, body, connexion.request.get_json())
def set_active_source(number): # noqa: E501
"""Set active play-out source (engine1, engine2)
Activates one engine and deactivates the other # noqa: E501
:param number: Number of the engine
:type number: int
"""Set current studio clock information such as timeslot info and track-list for engine 1 or 2 within the Engine API database.
Set current studio clock information (source, timeslot and planned track-list) and the next timeslot of the given play-out source (engine1, engine2). Please note, the `currentTrack` and `currentPlaylogs` information is ignored in the PUT request. It's only dynamically populated in the GET request by reading the most recent playlog. To store current track information use `/playlog` instead. Also note, similar to the `PlayLog` storage endpoint, this information is only stored to the database if a) it is a main node or b) if it's a sync node, and the `engineSource` is the currently active engine. # noqa: E501
if connexion.request.is_json:
body = ClockInfo.from_dict(connexion.request.get_json()) # noqa: E501
return service.set_clock_info(body, connexion.request.get_json())