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## An Ideation Workshop on Mapping Sustainability Criteria with Free and Open Source Software Communities Core Values
### Malte Reißig
*Registration:* https://radical-openness.org/en/programm/2020/ideation-workshop-mapping-sustainability-criteria-free-and-open-source-software
#### Description
We want to map the core values associated with openness and freedom, like we got them to know engaging in free and open source software communities, with some sustainability criteria to try to describe and discuss the relatedness of these worlds.
15mins: Overview of sustainability conceptions and highlighting of selected sustainability conception \
15mins: Breakout talks with 3-5 persons in groups on 1 sustainability conception in relation to the 4 core values of F/LOSS \
30mins: 1 spokesperson of the breakout session reports in 3mins and each group has 2mins for q&a (overall 5 minutes) \
30mins: Open exchange about decisions, questions, actions and wishes.
#### Materials
Workshop material are available at https://github.com/mukil/amro20-ws