diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b3bd4d6b6a90cd9c020fd06c6d298a93982217ec..55e21094f8f369daad4d895048936a15603fe444 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,5 +5,41 @@ It uses the static site generator [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) to generate a web p
 To get started with your documentation, generate your own repository by clicking "[use this template]" or clone this repository.
 Using GitHub pages you can access your documentation via [https://YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME.github.io/YOUR-REPO-NAME](https://pretoms.github.io/dpp_docs/).
+# Quickstart
+For working on your documentation it is recommended to host your local Hugo instance and to use a text editor of your choice to edit the Markdown files. 
+First install Hugo.
+## Windows
+Use PowerShell to install the extended version of Hugo with winget. Add %localappdata%\microsoft\winget\packages to your [path variable](https://windowsloop.com/how-to-add-to-windows-path/).
+winget install Hugo.Hugo.Extended
+## Linux
+sudo apt install hugo
+## Mac OS
+Install Hugo using the free and open source package manager [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/). This will install the extended edition of Hugo.
+brew install hugo
+# Clone
+Make sure you have [Git](https://git-scm.com/) installed on your system.
+[use this template] and share it with your team.
+Change active directory to the cloned repository and run the Hugo server.
+cd C:\your\local\repository\path
+hugo server --minify
+Then visit http://localhost:1313 to view the documentation.
 [use this template]: https://github.com/pretoms/dpp_docs/generate