#  engine
#  Playout Daemon for autoradio project
#  Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Gottfried Gaisbauer <gottfried.gaisbauer@servus.at>
#  This file is part of engine.
#  engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  any later version.
#  engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with engine. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Meta
__version__ = '0.0.1'
__license__ = "GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3"
__version_info__ = (0, 0, 1)
__author__ = 'Gottfried Gaisbauer <gottfried.gaisbauer@servus.at>'

Aura Scheduler 
Is holding the eventqueue
import time
import simplejson
import datetime
import decimal
import traceback
import sqlalchemy

import logging
import threading

from modules.communication.redis.messenger import RedisMessenger
from modules.scheduling.calendar import AuraCalendarService
from libraries.database.broadcasts import Schedule, ScheduleEntry, AuraDatabaseModel
from libraries.exceptions.exception_logger import ExceptionLogger
from libraries.enum.auraenumerations import ScheduleEntryType

def alchemyencoder(obj):
    """JSON encoder function for SQLAlchemy special classes."""
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.date):
        return obj.isoformat()
    elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
        return float(obj)
    elif isinstance(obj, sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState):
        return ""
    elif isinstance(obj, Schedule):
        return simplejson.dumps([obj._asdict()], default=alchemyencoder)
        return str(obj)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
class AuraScheduler(ExceptionLogger, threading.Thread):
    Aura Scheduler Class
    Gets data from pv and importer, stores and fires events
    redismessenger = RedisMessenger()
    message_timer = []
    job_result = {}

    liquidsoapcommunicator = None
    schedule_entries = None
    active_entry = None
    exit_event = None
    programme = None
    client = None
    logger = None
    config = None

    tried_fetching = 0
    fetch_max = 3

    def __init__(self, config):
        @type    config:               ConfigReader
        @param   config:               read engine.ini
        self.config = config
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")

        # init threading

        # init messenger.. probably not needed anymore

        # load error messages
        error_file = self.config.get("install_dir") + "/errormessages/scheduler_error.js"
        f = open(error_file)
        self.error_data = simplejson.load(f)

        # init database ?

        #self.redismessenger.send('Scheduler started', '0000', 'success', 'initApp', None, 'appinternal')

        # create exit event
        self.exit_event = threading.Event()

        # start loading new programm every hour

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def init_database(self):
        # check if tables do exist. if not create them
        except sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError as e:
            errcode = e.orig.args[0]

            if errcode == 1146: # error for no such table
                x = AuraDatabaseModel()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def run(self):
        #while True:
        while not self.exit_event.is_set():
            # set seconds to wait
            seconds_to_wait = int(self.config.get("fetching_frequency"))

            # calc next time
            next_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds_to_wait)

            # write to logger
            self.logger.info("Fetch new programmes every " + str(seconds_to_wait) + "s started. Going to start next time " + str(next_time))

            # empty database
#            self.logger.info("emptying database")
#            ScheduleEntry.truncate()

            # fetch new programme

            # and wait

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def stop(self):

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def get_active_entry(self):
        now_unix = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())
        lastentry = None

        # load programme if necessary
        if self.programme is None:
            self.logger.debug("want to get active channel, but have to load programme first")

        # get active source
        for entry in self.programme:
            # check if lastentry is set and if act entry is in the future
            if lastentry is not None and entry.entry_start_unix > now_unix:
                # return entry if so
                return entry # actsource = entry.source

            lastentry = entry

        return None

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def load_programme_from_db(self, silent=False):
        #self.programme = ScheduleEntry.select_all()
        self.programme = ScheduleEntry.select_act_programme()

        # now in unixtime
        now_unix = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())

        # switch to check if its the first stream in loaded programme
        first_stream_in_programme = False

        # fading times
        fade_in_time = float(self.config.get("fade_in_time"))
        fade_out_time = float(self.config.get("fade_out_time"))

        # old entry for fading out
        old_entry = None

        for entry in self.programme:
            # since we get also programmes from act hour, filter these out
            if entry.entry_start_unix > now_unix:
                # when do we have to start?
                diff = entry.entry_start_unix - now_unix

                diff = diff/1000 # testing purpose

                self.enable_fading(fade_in_time, fade_out_time, old_entry, entry, diff)

                # create the activation threads and run them after <diff> seconds
                if entry.source.startswith("linein"):
                    self.add_or_update_timer(diff, self.liquidsoapcommunicator.activate, [entry])

                elif entry.type == ScheduleEntryType.STREAM:
                    if first_stream_in_programme:
                        first_stream_in_programme = False

                    self.add_or_update_timer(diff, self.liquidsoapcommunicator.activate, [entry])

                elif entry.type == ScheduleEntryType.FILESYSTEM:
                    self.add_or_update_timer(diff, self.liquidsoapcommunicator.activate, [entry])

                    self.logger.warning("Scheduler cannot understand source '" + entry.source + "' from " + str(entry))
                    self.logger.warning("         Not setting any activation Thread!")

            # store the old entry for fading out
            old_entry = entry


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def enable_fading(self, fade_in_time, fade_out_time, old_entry, new_entry, diff):
        # enable fading when entry types are different
        if old_entry is not None:
            if old_entry.type != new_entry.type:
                # enable fadeout if enabled
                if fade_out_time != 0 and old_entry is not None:
                    params = [old_entry, -fade_out_time]
                    self.add_or_update_timer(diff, self.liquidsoapcommunicator.fade_out, params)

                # same for fadein
                if fade_in_time != 0:
                    params = [new_entry, fade_in_time]
                    self.add_or_update_timer(diff, self.liquidsoapcommunicator.fade_in, params)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def add_or_update_timer(self, diff, func, parameters):
        length = len(parameters)

        if length == 2:
            entry = parameters[0]
            fadingtime = parameters[1]
        elif length == 1:
            entry = parameters[0]
            fadingtime = 0

        # check if something is planned at given time
        if fadingtime < 0:
            planned_timer = self.is_something_planned_at_time(entry.entry_start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=fadingtime))
            planned_timer = self.is_something_planned_at_time(entry.entry_start)

        # if something is planned on entry.entry_start
        if planned_timer:
            planned_entry = planned_timer.entry

            # check if the playlist_id's are different
            if planned_entry.playlist_id != entry.playlist_id:
                # if not stop the old timer and remove it from the list

                # and create a new one
                self.create_timer(diff, func, parameters)

            # if the playlist id's do not differ => reuse the old timer and do nothing, they are the same

        # if nothing is planned at given time, create a new timer
            self.create_timer(diff, func, parameters)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def stop_timer(self, timer):
        # stop timer
        # and remove it from message queue

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def create_timer(self, diff, func, parameters):
        t = CallFunctionTimer(diff, func, parameters)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def is_something_planned_at_time(self, given_time):
        for t in self.message_timer:
            if t.entry.entry_start == given_time:
                return t
        return False

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def get_act_programme_as_string(self):
        programme_as_string = ""

        if self.programme is None or len(self.programme) == 0:

            programme_as_string = simplejson.dumps([p._asdict() for p in self.programme], default=alchemyencoder)
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error("Cannot transform programme into JSON String. Reason: " + str(e))

        return programme_as_string

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def print_message_queue(self):
        message_queue = ""
        for t in self.message_timer:
            message_queue += str(t)+"\n"

        return message_queue

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def swap_playlist_entries(self, indexes):
        from_entry = None
        to_entry = None
        from_idx = indexes["from_index"]
        to_idx = indexes["to_index"]

        # find the entries
        for p in self.programme:
            if p.programme_index == int(from_idx):
                from_entry = p

            if p.programme_index == int(to_idx):
                to_entry = p

            # break out of loop, if both entries found
            if from_entry is not None and to_entry is not None:

        # check if entries are found
        if from_entry is None or to_entry is None:
            return "From or To Entry not found!"

        # swap sources
        swap = from_entry.source
        from_entry.source = to_entry.source
        to_entry.source = swap

        # store to database
        from_entry.store(add=False, commit=False)
        to_entry.store(add=False, commit=True)

        # and return the programme with swapped entries
        return self.get_act_programme_as_string()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def delete_playlist_entry(self, index):
        found = False

        for p in self.programme:
            if p.programme_index == int(index):
                found = True

        if not found:
            self.logger.warning("Nothing to delete")

        return self.get_act_programme_as_string()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def insert_playlist_entry(self, fromtime_source):
        fromtime = fromtime_source["fromtime"]
        source = fromtime_source["source"]

        entry = ScheduleEntry()
        entry.entry_start = fromtime
        entry.source = source
        entry.playlist_id = 0
        entry.schedule_id = 0
        entry.entry_num = ScheduleEntry.select_next_manual_entry_num()

        entry.store(add=True, commit=True)

        return self.get_act_programme_as_string()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def fetch_new_programme(self):
        self.logger.info("trying to fetch new programme")
        if self.tried_fetching == self.fetch_max:
            msg = "Cannot connect to PV or Tank! No Programme loaded!"
            self.tried_fetching = 0
            return msg

        self.tried_fetching += 1

        acs = AuraCalendarService(self.config)
        queue = acs.get_queue()

        # start fetching thread

        # wait for the end
        response = queue.get()

        if type(response) is dict:

            if self.programme is not None and len(self.programme) > 0:
                self.tried_fetching = 0
            if len(self.programme) == 0 and self.tried_fetching == self.fetch_max:
                self.logger.critical("Programme loaded from database has no entries!")

            # return self.get_act_programme_as_string()
        elif response.startswith("fetching_aborted"):
            self.logger.warning("Fetching was being aborted from AuraCalendarService! Are you connected? Reason: " + response)
            self.logger.warning("Got an unknown response from AuraCalendarService: " + response)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def set_next_file_for(self, playlistname):
        self.logger.critical("HAVE TO SET NEXT FILE FOR: " + playlistname)

        if playlistname == "station":
            file = "/var/audio/fallback/eins.zwo.bombe.mp3"
        elif playlistname == "timeslot":
            file = "/var/audio/fallback/ratm.killing.mp3"
        elif playlistname == "show":
            file = "/var/audio/fallback/weezer.hash.pipe.mp3"
            file = ""
            self.logger.critical("Should set next fallback file for " + playlistname + ", but this playlist is unknown!")

        self.logger.info("Set next fallback file for " + playlistname + ": " + file)
        self.redismessenger.set_next_file_for(playlistname, file)
        return file

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
class CallFunctionTimer(threading.Timer):
    logger = None
    param = None
    entry = None
    diff = None

    def __init__(self, diff, func, param):
        threading.Timer.__init__(self, diff, func, param)

        self.diff = diff
        self.func = func
        self.param = param
        self.entry = param[0]

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    def __str__(self):
        if len(self.param) >= 2:
            # fading in
            if self.param[1] > 0:
                return "CallFunctionTimer starting @ " + str(self.entry.entry_start) + " fading in source '" + str(self.entry.source) + "' in seconds: " + str(self.diff)
            # fading out
                return "CallFunctionTimer starting @ " + str(self.entry.entry_start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.param[1])) + " fading out source '" + str(self.entry.source) + "' in seconds: " + str(self.diff+self.param[1])
            return "CallFunctionTimer starting @ " + str(self.entry.entry_start) + " switching to source '" + str(self.entry.source) + "' in seconds: " + str(self.diff)