diff --git a/configuration/engine.ini b/configuration/engine.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 84d4b9318321415c14df91e45d6c455701836406..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/configuration/engine.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# engine Settings #
-# how often should i check the diskspace. defaults to 600s = 10m
-# under which value should i start sending admin mails. possible values k, M, G, T or no metric prefix. defaults to 2G
-# under which value should i stop recording. defaults to 200M
-# if you want to send multiple adminmails, make them space separated
-admin_mail="david@subsquare.at gogo@servus.at"
-# with from mailadress should be used
-# The beginning of the subject. With that you can easily apply filter rules with any mail client
-mailsubject_prefix="[AURA Engine]"
-# The URL to get the Calendar via PV/Steering
-# The URL to get show details via PV/Steering
-# The URL to get playlist details via Tank
-# how often should the calendar be fetched in seconds (This determines the time of the last change before a specific show)
-# sets the time how long we have to fade in and out, when we select another mixer input
-# values are in seconds
-# this is solved on engine level because it is kind of tough with liquidsoap
-# LiquidSoap Settings #
-# all these settings from here to the bottom require a restart of the liquidsoap server
-# the user and group under which this software will run
-# possible values: debug, info, warning, error, critical
-# track_sensitive => fallback_folder track sensitivity
-# max_blank => maximum time of blank from source (float)
-# min_noise => minimum duration of noise on source to switch back over (float)
-# threshold => power in dB under which the stream is considered silent (float)
-# choose your weapon
-# if you are starving for pain in the ass choose alsa
-# if you don't care about latency choose pulseaudio
-# if you want low latency and a bit of experimenting, choose jack
-# you can define up to 5 inputs and outputs
-# it is tested with
-#  - ALSA with ONE input and ONE output
-#  - pulseaudio with ONE input and ONE output (should work with multiple ins/outs)
-#  - jack with multiple inputs and outputs
-# boundaries:
-#  - if you use jack, you have to kill liquidsoap. somehow liquidsoap cannot disconnect from jackd when shutting down
-# with alsa you have to write the devicenames like hw:0
-# with pulse and jack => an non empty value means it is used
-# devices with empty string are ignored and not used
-# same same, but different
-# if you are using alsa, you most probably have to tweak these values
-# out of the box you will hear alot of cracklings and artifacts
-# alsa_buffer => int
-# alsa_buffer_length => int
-# alsa_periods => int
-# frame_duration => double
-# frame_size => int
-# Recorder Settings #
-# you can define up to 5 recorder types.
-# aac, flac, mp3, ogg, opus and wav is supported
-# flac example
-# enable this recorder. everything else than 'y' is considered as disabled
-# first set a folder
-# after how many minutes the recording will be cut
-# file (or encoding-) type
-# bitrate (with encoding types without bitrate like flac or wav it is substituted. 32 => very poor quality. 320 => very high quality)
-# channels: everything else than 2 is considered as mono
-# aac example
-# mp3 example
-# ogg example
-# opus example
-# wav example
-# Stream Settings #
-# You can define up to outgoing 5 streams
-# aac, flac, mp3, ogg and opus is supported
-# defines enabled or not
-# possible values: aac, flac, mp3, ogg, opus (depending on what liquidsoap-plugins you installed)
-# bitrate (with encoding types without bitrate like flac or ogg it is substituted. 32 => very poor quality. 320 => very high quality)
-# how many channels? everything else than 2 is considered as mono
-# to where we are streaming..?
-# and which port?
-# the name of the mountpoint
-# username
-# and the password
-# stream url
-# the name of the stream
-stream_0_name="AURA Test Stream 0"
-# the genre of the stream
-# description of the stream
-stream_0_description="Test Stream 0"
-stream_1_name="AURA Test Stream 1"
-stream_1_description="Test Stream 1"
-stream_2_name="AURA Test Stream 2"
-stream_2_description="Test Stream 2"
-stream_3_name="AURA Test Stream 3"
-stream_3_description="Test Stream 3"
-stream_4_name="AURA Test Stream 3"
-stream_4_description="Test Stream 3"