diff --git a/aura.py b/aura.py
index 50388b62dec83caaa5ceac9b51f7852ab5256444..97dd95be8b198447876748b1f07dbff64bcf4f5b 100755
--- a/aura.py
+++ b/aura.py
@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ class Aura(AuraLogger):
         signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, receive_signal)
-        # self.start_web_service()
+        # dafuq? when starting web service, logging messages appear twice
+        self.start_web_service()
     def join_comm(self):
         # start listener thread
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ class Aura(AuraLogger):
     def start_web_service(self):
+            self.logger.info("Listening on Port 5000 for API or Webcalls")
             Routes(self.scheduler, self.liquidsoapcommunicator, self.messenger)
         except OSError as e:
diff --git a/modules/communication/liquidsoap/communicator.py b/modules/communication/liquidsoap/communicator.py
index 503f9d39d75d1bee1c184ab4f4a04a5d805307ff..6c6a7593ab46f67d453323e258ef0bc461f688dd 100644
--- a/modules/communication/liquidsoap/communicator.py
+++ b/modules/communication/liquidsoap/communicator.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class LiquidSoapCommunicator(ExceptionLogger):
     connection_attempts = 0
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def __init__(self, config):
+    def __init__(self, config, logger=True):
@@ -603,6 +603,11 @@ class LiquidSoapCommunicator(ExceptionLogger):
             self.error("channel_volume", errnum="03")
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def auraengine_state(self):
+        state = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "auraengine", "state")
+        return state
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def current_data(self):
diff --git a/modules/communication/liquidsoap/playerclient.py b/modules/communication/liquidsoap/playerclient.py
index 79bbb204ffe23687d35de6e8c308f4ad6b64784a..46f87a731f7b39072ab1203b5a87fe0fa663bce4 100644
--- a/modules/communication/liquidsoap/playerclient.py
+++ b/modules/communication/liquidsoap/playerclient.py
@@ -34,6 +34,18 @@ class LiquidSoapPlayerClient(LiquidSoapClient):
         return "LiquidSoapPlayerClient does not understand fs." + command + str(args)
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def auraengine(self, command, *args):
+        if command == "state":
+            return self.auraengine_state()
+        return "LiquidSoapPlayerClient does not understand auraengine." + command + str(args)
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def auraengine_state(self):
+        self.command('auraengine', 'state')
+        return self.message
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def fs_push(self, uri):
         self.command('fs', 'push', uri)
diff --git a/modules/liquidsoap/in_alsa.liq b/modules/liquidsoap/in_alsa.liq
deleted file mode 100644
index 21997c408f693aeedafa2104f089ce05af156629..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/liquidsoap/in_alsa.liq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-if a0_in != "" then
-    # we can ignore the result, since it is stored in the list 'inputs'
-    set_input(a0_in, "aura_linein_0")
-if a1_in != "" then
-    ignore(set_input(a1_in, "aura_linein_1"))
-#    input_1 = ref output.dummy(blank())
-#    set_input(input_1, a1_in, "aura_linein_1")
-#    inputs := list.append([!input_1], !inputs)
-if a2_in != "" then
-    ignore(set_input(a2_in, "aura_linein_2"))
-#    input_2 = ref output.dummy(blank())
-#    set_input(input_2, a2_in, "aura_linein_2")
-#    inputs := list.append([!input_2], !inputs)
-if a3_in != "" then
-    ignore(set_input(a3_in, "aura_linein_3"))
-#    input_3 = ref output.dummy(blank())
-#    set_input(input_3, a3_in, "aura_linein_3")
-#    inputs := list.append([!input_3], !inputs)
-if a4_in != "" then
-    ignore(set_input(a4_in, "aura_linein_4"))
-#    input_4 = ref output.dummy(blank())
-#    set_input(input_4, a4_in, "aura_linein_4")
-#    inputs := list.append([!input_4], !inputs)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/liquidsoap/out_recorder.liq b/modules/liquidsoap/out_recorder.liq
deleted file mode 100644
index eb5800a76d27460eb6c93f9957efead3083e0e50..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/liquidsoap/out_recorder.liq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-r0_enable = list.assoc("rec_0", ini) == "y"
-r1_enable = list.assoc("rec_1", ini) == "y"
-r2_enable = list.assoc("rec_2", ini) == "y"
-r3_enable = list.assoc("rec_3", ini) == "y"
-r4_enable = list.assoc("rec_4", ini) == "y"
-r0_folder = list.assoc("rec_0_folder", ini)
-r0_duration = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_0_duration", ini))
-r0_encoding = list.assoc("rec_0_encoding", ini)
-r0_bitrate = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_0_bitrate", ini))
-r0_channels = list.assoc("rec_0_channels", ini)
-r0_filenamepattern = r0_folder^"/%Y-%m-%d/%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M."^r0_encoding
-r1_folder = list.assoc("rec_1_folder", ini)
-r1_duration = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_1_duration", ini))
-r1_encoding = list.assoc("rec_1_encoding", ini)
-r1_bitrate = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_1_bitrate", ini))
-r1_channels = list.assoc("rec_1_channels", ini)
-r1_filenamepattern = r1_folder^"/%Y-%m-%d/%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M."^r1_encoding
-r2_folder = list.assoc("rec_2_folder", ini)
-r2_duration = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_2_duration", ini))
-r2_encoding = list.assoc("rec_2_encoding", ini)
-r2_bitrate = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_2_bitrate", ini))
-r2_channels = list.assoc("rec_2_channels", ini)
-r2_filenamepattern = r2_folder^"/%Y-%m-%d/%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M."^r2_encoding
-r3_folder = list.assoc("rec_3_folder", ini)
-r3_duration = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_3_duration", ini))
-r3_encoding = list.assoc("rec_3_encoding", ini)
-r3_bitrate = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_3_bitrate", ini))
-r3_channels = list.assoc("rec_3_channels", ini)
-r3_filenamepattern = r3_folder^"/%Y-%m-%d/%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M."^r3_encoding
-r4_folder = list.assoc("rec_4_folder", ini)
-r4_duration = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_4_duration", ini))
-r4_encoding = list.assoc("rec_4_encoding", ini)
-r4_bitrate = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_4_bitrate", ini))
-r4_channels = list.assoc("rec_4_channels", ini)
-r4_filenamepattern = r4_folder^"/%Y-%m-%d/%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M."^r4_encoding
-r0_is_recording = ref false
-r1_is_recording = ref false
-r2_is_recording = ref false
-r3_is_recording = ref false
-r4_is_recording = ref false
-if r0_enable == true then
-    # enable recording status for that recorder
-    server.register(namespace="recorder_0", "recording", fun (s) -> begin if !r0_is_recording == false then "false" else "true" end end)
-    # start the recorder
-    start_recorder(r0_folder, r0_duration, r0_encoding, r0_bitrate, r0_channels, r0_filenamepattern, r0_is_recording, output_source, "0")
-if r1_enable == true then
-    server.register(namespace="recorder_1", "recording", fun (s) -> begin if !r1_is_recording == false then "false" else "true" end  end)
-    start_recorder(r1_folder, r1_duration, r1_encoding, r1_bitrate, r1_channels, r1_filenamepattern, r1_is_recording, output_source, "1")
-if r2_enable == true then
-    server.register(namespace="recorder_2", "recording", fun (s) -> begin if !r2_is_recording == false then "false" else "true" end  end)
-    start_recorder(r2_folder, r2_duration, r2_encoding, r2_bitrate, r2_channels, r2_filenamepattern, r2_is_recording, output_source, "2")
-if r3_enable == true then
-    server.register(namespace="recorder_3", "recording", fun (s) -> begin if !r3_is_recording == false then "false" else "true" end  end)
-    start_recorder(r3_folder, r3_duration, r3_encoding, r3_bitrate, r3_channels, r3_filenamepattern, r3_is_recording, output_source, "3")
-if r4_enable == true then
-    server.register(namespace="recorder_4", "recording", fun (s) -> begin if !r4_is_recording == false then "false" else "true" end  end)
-    start_recorder(r4_folder, r4_duration, r4_encoding, r4_bitrate, r4_channels, r4_filenamepattern, r4_is_recording, output_source, "4")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/liquidsoap/recorder.liq b/modules/liquidsoap/recorder.liq
deleted file mode 100644
index bc92f4cc86abdbc59084d2d3ddcd033d90dc8fe1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/liquidsoap/recorder.liq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-# define file name pattern
-filenamepattern = ref audiobase^"/%Y-%m-%d/%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M.flac"
-# Der aktuelle Dateiname für die Aufnahme
-recordingfile = ref ""
-# bewahre uns davor, dass zweimal gleichzeitig die gleiche Date aufgenommen wird
-is_record_active = ref false
-#wir definieren eine Referenz für die Stop-Funktion, die aber bisher noch nichts tun kann
-stop_f = ref (fun () -> ())
-def start_wav_output(recfile, filenamepattern, recorder_number)
-    duration   = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_"^recorder_number^"_duration",     ini))
-    channels   = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_"^recorder_number^"_channels",     ini))
-    samplesize = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_"^recorder_number^"_samplesize",     ini))
-    ignore(duration)
-    ignore(channels)
-    ignore(samplesize)
-#    def on_start()
-#        recfile := list.hd(get_process_lines("date +#{!filenamepattern}"))
-#    end
-#    def on_close(filename)
-#        recordingfile := list.hd(get_process_lines("date +#{!filenamepattern}"))
-#    end
-    print(channels)
-    print(samplesize)
-    #out_wav = output.file(id="recorder", perm = 0o664, on_start=on_start, on_close=on_close, reopen_when={ int_of_float(gettimeofday()/60.) mod duration == 0 })
-    #out_wav(%wav(stereo=true, channels=2, samplesize=8, header=true, !filenamepattern, output_source)
-    #ignore(out_wav)
-    output.dummy(id="wav_dummy_recording", blank())
-#    if channels == 2 then
-#        output.file(id="recorder", %wav(stereo=true, channels=2, samplesize=8, header=true), perm = 0o664, on_start=on_start, on_close=on_close, reopen_when={ int_of_float(gettimeofday()/60.) mod duration == 0 }, !filenamepattern, audio_to_stereo(output_source))
-##        out_wav(output_source)
-#    else
-#        output.file(id="recorder", %wav(stereo=true, channels=1, samplesize=8, header=true), perm = 0o664, on_start=on_start, on_close=on_close, reopen_when={ int_of_float(gettimeofday()/60.) mod duration == 0 }, !filenamepattern, output_source)
-    #    out_wav(output_source)
-#    end
-    #if channels == 2 then
-    #    if samplesize < 12 then
-    #        ignore(out_wav(%wav(stereo=true, channels=2, samplesize=8, header=true), !filenamepattern, output_source))
-    #    else
-    #        ignore(out_wav(%wav(stereo=true, channels=2, samplesize=16, header=true), !filenamepattern, output_source))
-    #    end
-    #else
-    #    if samplesize < 12 then
-    #        ignore(out_wav(%wav(stereo=true, channels=1, samplesize=8, header=true), !filenamepattern, output_source))
-    #    else
-    #        ignore(out_wav(%wav(stereo=true, channels=1, samplesize=16, header=true), !filenamepattern, output_source))
-    #    end
-    #end
-def start_flac_output(recorder_number, filenamepattern, duration)
-#    duration        = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_"^recorder_number^"_samplerate",     ini))
-#    samplerate      = list.assoc("rec_"^recorder_number^"_samplerate",      ini)
-    channels        = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_"^recorder_number^"_channels",        ini))
-#    compression     = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_"^recorder_number^"_compression",     ini))
-#    bits_per_sample = int_of_string(list.assoc("rec_"^recorder_number^"_bits_per_sample", ini))
-    #output.file(id="recorder", %flac(samplerate=44100, channels=1, compression=7, bits_per_sample=32), perm = 0o664, on_start=on_start, !filenamepattern, on_close=on_close, reopen_when={ int_of_float(gettimeofday()/60.) mod duration == 0 }, output_source)
-    recfile = ref ''
-    def on_start()
-        recfile := list.hd(get_process_lines("date +#{filenamepattern}"))
-    end
-    def on_close(filename)
-        recfile := list.hd(get_process_lines("date +#{filenamepattern}"))
-    end
-    # dumbass liquidsoap cannot handle one output definition for mono and stereo
-    output_filesystem_mono   = output.file(id="recorder", perm = 0o664, on_start=on_start, on_close=on_close, reopen_when={ int_of_float(gettimeofday()/60.) mod duration == 0 })
-    output_filesystem_stereo = output.file(id="recorder", perm = 0o664, on_start=on_start, on_close=on_close, reopen_when={ int_of_float(gettimeofday()/60.) mod duration == 0 })
-    ignore(output_filesystem_mono)
-    ignore(output_filesystem_stereo)
-    if channels == 2 then
-        output.dummy(id="flac_dummy_recording_stereo", blank())
-#        output_stereof(%flac(samplerate=44100, channels=1, compression=1, bits_per_sample=16), !filenamepattern, output_source)
-    else
-        output.dummy(id="flac_dummy_recording_mono", blank())
-#        output_icecast_monof(%flac(samplerate=44100, channels=1, compression=1, bits_per_sample=16), !filenamepattern, output_source)
-    end
-def enable_stop_function(record)
-    # Die Stopfunkton zeigt nun auf die Shutdown-Funktion der aktuellen Source
-    stop_f := fun () -> begin
-                            log('stop recording')
-                            # Aufnahme sauber beenden
-                            ignore(server.execute('recorder.stop'))
-                            # Source zerstören
-                            source.shutdown(record)
-                            # Variable zurücksetzen
-                            recordingfile := ""
-                        end
-def set_recorder_output(rec_filetype, recorder_number)
-    # flac output
-    if rec_filetype == 'flac' then
-        log("output file type is FLAC")
-        record = start_flac_output(recorder_number)
-        enable_stop_function(record)
-    # WAV output
-    else
-        log("output file type is WAV")
-        record = start_wav_output(recorder_number)
-        enable_stop_function(record)
-    end
-# shows current file and how many bytes were written so far
-def currecording()
-    curfile = !recordingfile
-    if curfile != "" then
-        bytes_written = list.hd(get_process_lines("echo $(($(stat -c%s "^curfile^")))"))
-        "#{curfile}, #{bytes_written}B"
-    else
-        ""
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/liquidsoap/serverfunctions.liq b/modules/liquidsoap/serverfunctions.liq
index db26a7e35370294d04b421619fcee04debfdf2b5..6db4e104864b41a3ac0dae122acde362a2f9e21a 100644
--- a/modules/liquidsoap/serverfunctions.liq
+++ b/modules/liquidsoap/serverfunctions.liq
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@ server.register(namespace="auraengine",
         ret = '{'
         ret = ret^'"streams": {'
-        ret = ret^'"stream_0": {"enabled": #{s0_enable}},'
-        ret = ret^'"stream_1": {"enabled": #{s1_enable}},'
-        ret = ret^'"stream_2": {"enabled": #{s2_enable}},'
-        ret = ret^'"stream_3": {"enabled": #{s3_enable}},'
-        ret = ret^'"stream_4": {"enabled": #{s4_enable}}'
+        ret = ret^'"stream_0": {"enabled": #{s0_enable}, "connected": #{!s0_connected}},'
+        ret = ret^'"stream_1": {"enabled": #{s1_enable}, "connected": #{!s1_connected}},'
+        ret = ret^'"stream_2": {"enabled": #{s2_enable}, "connected": #{!s2_connected}},'
+        ret = ret^'"stream_3": {"enabled": #{s3_enable}, "connected": #{!s3_connected}},'
+        ret = ret^'"stream_4": {"enabled": #{s4_enable}, "connected": #{!s4_connected}}'
         ret = ret^'},'
         ret = ret^'"recorder": {'
-        ret = ret^'"recorder_0": {"enabled": #{r0_enable}},'
-        ret = ret^'"recorder_1": {"enabled": #{r1_enable}},'
-        ret = ret^'"recorder_2": {"enabled": #{r2_enable}},'
-        ret = ret^'"recorder_3": {"enabled": #{r3_enable}},'
-        ret = ret^'"recorder_4": {"enabled": #{r4_enable}}'
+        ret = ret^'"recorder_0": {"enabled": #{r0_enable}, "recording": #{!r0_is_recording}},'
+        ret = ret^'"recorder_1": {"enabled": #{r1_enable}, "recording": #{!r1_is_recording}},'
+        ret = ret^'"recorder_2": {"enabled": #{r2_enable}, "recording": #{!r2_is_recording}},'
+        ret = ret^'"recorder_3": {"enabled": #{r3_enable}, "recording": #{!r3_is_recording}},'
+        ret = ret^'"recorder_4": {"enabled": #{r4_enable}, "recording": #{!r4_is_recording}}'
         ret = ret^'},'
         ret = ret^'"linein": {'
         ret = ret^'"linein_0": {"enabled": #{a0_in != ""}},'
diff --git a/modules/liquidsoap/stream.liq b/modules/liquidsoap/stream.liq
deleted file mode 100644
index d1f0aabeeb44495404e3960888513674cfa65c25..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/modules/liquidsoap/stream.liq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-def get_icecast_mp3_stream(number)
-    stream_bitrate = int_of_string(list.assoc("stream_#{number}_bitrate", ini))
-    stream_mountpoint = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_mountpoint", ini)
-    stream_host = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_host", ini)
-    stream_port = int_of_string(list.assoc("stream_#{number}_port", ini))
-    stream_name = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_name", ini)
-    stream_url = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_url", ini)
-    stream_genre = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_genre", ini)
-    stream_description = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_description", ini)
-    stream_user = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_user", ini)
-    stream_password = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_password", ini)
-    if stream_bitrate == 24 then
-        icecast_stream = output.icecast(%mp3(bitrate = 24, samplerate = 22050), mount=stream_mountpoint, host=stream_host, port=stream_port, name=stream_name, url=stream_url, genre=stream_genre, description=stream_description, user=stream_user, password=stream_password, icy_metadata="true", fallible=true, buffer(output_source))
-        clock.assign_new(id="stream_#{number}",
-            [icecast_stream]
-        )
-        icecast_stream
-    else
-        icecast_stream = output.icecast(%mp3(samplerate = 44100), mount=stream_mountpoint, host=stream_host, port=stream_port, name=stream_name, url=stream_url, genre=stream_genre, description=stream_description, user=stream_user, password=stream_password, icy_metadata="true", fallible=true, buffer(output_source))
-        clock.assign_new(id="stream_#{number}",
-            [icecast_stream]
-        )
-        icecast_stream
-    end
-def get_icecast_ogg_stream(number)
-    stream_quality = float_of_string(list.assoc("stream_#{number}_quality", ini))
-    stream_mountpoint = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_mountpoint", ini)
-    stream_host = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_host", ini)
-    stream_port = int_of_string(list.assoc("stream_#{number}_port", ini))
-    stream_name = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_name", ini)
-    stream_url = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_url", ini)
-    stream_genre = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_genre", ini)
-    stream_description = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_description", ini)
-    stream_user = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_user", ini)
-    stream_password = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_password", ini)
-    if stream_quality >= 0.5 then
-        icecast_stream = output.icecast(%vorbis(quality = 1.0), mount=stream_mountpoint, host=stream_host, port=stream_port, name=stream_name, url=stream_url, genre=stream_genre, description=stream_description, user=stream_user, password=stream_password, icy_metadata="true", fallible=true, buffer(output_source))
-        clock.assign_new(id="stream_#{number}",
-            [icecast_stream]
-        )
-        icecast_stream
-    else
-        icecast_stream = output.icecast(%vorbis(quality = 0.1), mount=stream_mountpoint, host=stream_host, port=stream_port, name=stream_name, url=stream_url, genre=stream_genre, description=stream_description, user=stream_user, password=stream_password, icy_metadata="true", fallible=true, buffer(output_source))
-        clock.assign_new(id="stream_#{number}",
-            [icecast_stream]
-        )
-        icecast_stream
-    end
-def get_harbour_mp3_stream(number)
-    stream_bitrate = int_of_string(list.assoc("stream_#{number}_bitrate", ini))
-    stream_user = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_user", ini)
-    stream_password =  list.assoc("stream_#{number}_password", ini)
-    stream_port = int_of_string(list.assoc("stream_#{number}_port", ini))
-    stream_url = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_url", ini)
-    stream_mountpoint = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_mountpoint", ini)
-    if stream_bitrate == 24 then
-        harbourstream = output.harbor(%mp3(bitrate = 24, samplerate = 22050), user=stream_user, password=stream_password, id="stream", port=stream_port, url=stream_url, mount=stream_mountpoint, icy_metadata="true", fallible=true, buffer(output_source))
-        clock.assign_new(id="stream_#{number}",
-            [harbourstream]
-        )
-        harbourstream
-    else
-        harbourstream = output.harbor(%mp3, user=stream_user, password=stream_password, id="stream", port=stream_port, url=stream_url, mount=stream_mountpoint, icy_metadata="true", fallible=true, buffer(output_source))
-        clock.assign_new(id="stream_#{number}",
-            [harbourstream]
-        )
-        harbourstream
-    end
-def get_stream(number)
-    stream = list.assoc("stream_#{number}", ini)
-    stream_type = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_type", ini)
-    stream_format = list.assoc("stream_#{number}_format", ini)
-    # is stream enabled?
-    if stream == "y" then
-        log("activating stream #{number}")
-        if stream_type == "icecast" then
-            log("its an icecast stream")
-            if stream_format == "mp3" then
-                log("filled with mp3")
-                get_icecast_mp3_stream(number)
-            elsif stream_format == "vorbis" then
-                log("filled with ogg")
-                get_icecast_ogg_stream(number)
-            else
-                output.dummy(id="no_valid_stream_format_DUMMY_ICECAST", blank())
-            end
-        elsif stream_type == "harbor" then
-            log("its an harbor stream")
-            if stream_format == "mp3" then
-                get_harbour_mp3_stream(number)
-            else
-                output.dummy(id="no_valid_stream_format_DUMMY_HARBOUR", blank())
-            end
-        else
-            output.dummy(id="no_valid_stream_type_DUMMY", blank())
-        end
-    else
-        output.dummy(id="no_stream_enabled_DUMMY", blank())
-    end
-def set_streams()
-    stream_0 = get_stream(0)
-    #stream_1 = get_stream(1)
-    #stream_2 = get_stream(2)
-    #stream_3 = get_stream(3)
-    #stream_4 = get_stream(4)
diff --git a/modules/web/routes.py b/modules/web/routes.py
index f2968c485a46f6d07735701173bd6fcdc1457359..caa731993679d9ea1978cb4b0846056c954a0b15 100644
--- a/modules/web/routes.py
+++ b/modules/web/routes.py
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ from flask import request, render_template
 from libraries.database.database import APP
 from libraries.database.broadcasts import TrackService, Schedule
 def alchemyencoder(obj):
     logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ class Routes:
     lqs_communicator = None
     def __init__(self, scheduler, lqs_communicator, messenger):
-        self.logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
+        #self.logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
         self.scheduler = scheduler
         self.messenger = messenger
@@ -92,31 +94,46 @@ class Routes:
     def logout():
-        session.pop("logged_in", None)
+        #session.pop("logged_in", None)
         return "logout"
         #return render_template("index.html")
     @APP.route("/api/v1/trackservice/<selected_date>", methods=["GET"])
     def api_trackservice(selected_date):
-        tracks_on_selected_date = None
-        # convert date
+            # convert date
             selected_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(selected_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
+            # select from database
             tracks_on_selected_date = TrackService.select_by_day(selected_date)
-            tracks_on_selected_date_in_json = simplejson.dumps([tracks._asdict() for tracks in tracks_on_selected_date], default=alchemyencoder)
+            # return as json
+            return simplejson.dumps([tracks._asdict() for tracks in tracks_on_selected_date], default=alchemyencoder)
         except Exception as e:
             import traceback
+            error = "Cannot transform programme into JSON String. Reason: " + str(e)
             logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
-            logger.error("Cannot transform programme into JSON String. Reason: " + str(e))
+            logger.error(error)
-            return simplejson.dumps({"Error": str(e)})
+            return simplejson.dumps({"Error": error})
+    @staticmethod
+    @APP.route("/api/v1/soundserver_state", methods=["GET"])
+    def soundserver_settings():
+        from modules.communication.liquidsoap.communicator import LiquidSoapCommunicator
+        from modules.base.config import ConfigReader
+        try:
+            cr = ConfigReader()
+            cr.load_config()
+            lqs = LiquidSoapCommunicator(cr)
+            return lqs.auraengine_state()
+        except Exception as e:
+            error = "Unable to fetch state from Liquidsoap. Is Soundserver running? Reason: " + str(e)
+            return simplejson.dumps({"Error": error})
-        return tracks_on_selected_date_in_json
     @APP.route("/api/v1/trackservice/", methods=["GET"])