From cd9bc5fbc224100b7abf08c288fdf69516340e74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gottfried Gaisbauer <>
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 17:51:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] greater commit than expected. informations from tank now
 stored into database; introduced a new switch "--recreate-database"

---                                       |  80 ++-
 configuration/engine.ini                      |  11 +-
 libraries/base/                      |  97 ++-
 libraries/base/                      |   8 +-
 libraries/database/              | 619 +++++++++++-------
 libraries/database/                |  74 ---
 modules/base/                        | 127 ----
 modules/communication/    |  18 +-
 .../communication/liquidsoap/  |   5 +-
 modules/communication/redis/        |  10 +-
 modules/communication/redis/      |   2 +-
 modules/scheduling/                | 338 +++-------
 modules/scheduling/        | 269 ++++++++
 modules/scheduling/               |  30 +-
 modules/web/                         | 302 ++++-----
 15 files changed, 1096 insertions(+), 894 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 libraries/database/
 delete mode 100644 modules/base/
 create mode 100644 modules/scheduling/

diff --git a/ b/
index 3bd4d508..59f753dc 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -27,27 +27,75 @@
 import os
 import sys
 import signal
+import logging
 import unittest
-from modules.scheduling.scheduler import AuraScheduler
-from modules.communication.liquidsoap.communicator import LiquidSoapCommunicator
-from modules.communication.redis.adapter import ServerRedisAdapter
-from modules.web.routes import Routes
+from flask import request, render_template, Flask, Response
+from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
+from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
+#from modules.web.routes import Routes
 from modules.monitoring.diskspace_watcher import DiskSpaceWatcher
 from libraries.base.logger import AuraLogger
+from libraries.base.config import AuraConfig
+def get_config_file():
+    if len(sys.argv) >= 3 and "--config-file" in sys.argv:
+        idx = sys.argv.index("--config-file")
+        return sys.argv[idx + 1]
+    else:
+        return "/etc/aura/engine.ini"
+def get_database_uri():
+    db_name = config.get("db_name")
+    db_user = config.get("db_user")
+    db_pass = config.get("db_pass")
+    db_host = config.get("db_host")
+    db_charset = config.get("db_charset", "utf8")
+    #### return created database uri ####
+    return "mysql://" + db_user + ":" + db_pass + "@" + db_host + "/" + db_name + "?charset=" + db_charset
-from testing.test import TestConfig, TestLogger
+def configure_flask():
+    app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = get_database_uri()
+    app.config['BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE'] = 'de'
-class Aura(AuraLogger):
+config = AuraConfig(get_config_file())
+app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=config.get("install_dir") + "/modules/web/templates")
+DB = SQLAlchemy(app)
+Base = declarative_base()
+class Aura:
+    logger = None
+    config = None
     server = None
     messenger = None
     controller = None
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def __init__(self):
-        super(Aura, self).__init__()
+        # set config
+        self.config = config
+        # init logger
+        AuraLogger(self.config)
+        # use logger
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
     def startup(self):
+        from modules.scheduling.scheduler import AuraScheduler
+        from modules.communication.liquidsoap.communicator import LiquidSoapCommunicator
+        from modules.communication.redis.adapter import ServerRedisAdapter
+        if self.config.get("recreate_db") is not None:
+            AuraScheduler(self.config) # handles recreate and exits program
         # self.controller = AuraController(self.config)
         # create scheduler and ls_communicator
@@ -55,12 +103,12 @@ class Aura(AuraLogger):
         self.scheduler = AuraScheduler(self.config)
         # give both a reference of each other
-        self.liquidsoapcommunicator.scheduler = self.scheduler
-        self.scheduler.liquidsoapcommunicator = self.liquidsoapcommunicator
+#        self.liquidsoapcommunicator.scheduler = self.scheduler
+#        self.scheduler.liquidsoapcommunicator = self.liquidsoapcommunicator
         # create the redis adapter
         self.messenger = ServerRedisAdapter(self.config)
-        self.messenger.scheduler = self.scheduler
+#        self.messenger.scheduler = self.scheduler
         self.messenger.liquidsoapcommunicator = self.liquidsoapcommunicator
         #self.diskspace_watcher = DiskSpaceWatcher(self.config, self.logger, self.liquidsoapcommunicator)
@@ -80,7 +128,7 @@ class Aura(AuraLogger):
     def start_web_service(self):
   "Listening on Port 5000 for API or Webcalls")
-            Routes(self.scheduler, self.liquidsoapcommunicator, self.messenger, self.config)
+#            Routes(self.scheduler, self.liquidsoapcommunicator, self.messenger, self.config)
         except OSError as e:
             self.logger.critical("AuraEngine already running? Exception: " + e.strerror + ". Exiting...")
@@ -93,8 +141,14 @@ class Aura(AuraLogger):
 def main():
     aura = Aura()
-    if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and "--use-test-data" in sys.argv:
-        aura.config.set("use_test_data", True)
+    aura.logger.critical("MAKE THE STARTTIME OF A SCHEDULE TO ITS PK")
+    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
+        if "--use-test-data" in sys.argv:
+            aura.config.set("use_test_data", True)
+        if "--recreate-database" in sys.argv:
+            aura.config.set("recreate_db", True);
diff --git a/configuration/engine.ini b/configuration/engine.ini
index 06b7961f..7e428cca 100644
--- a/configuration/engine.ini
+++ b/configuration/engine.ini
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ db_user="engine"
@@ -38,9 +39,9 @@ mailsubject_prefix="[AURA]"
 # the url of pv/steering
 # the url of tank
 # how often should the calendar be fetched in seconds (This determines the time of the last change before a specific show)
@@ -70,6 +71,10 @@ logdir="/var/log/aura"
 # possible values: debug, info, warning, error, critical
 # track_sensitive => fallback_folder track sensitivity
 # max_blank => maximum time of blank from source (float)
 # min_noise => minimum duration of noise on source to switch back over (float)
@@ -282,4 +287,4 @@ stream_4_password="source"
 stream_4_name="AURA Test Stream 3"
-stream_4_description="Test Stream 3"
\ No newline at end of file
+stream_4_description="Test Stream 3"
diff --git a/libraries/base/ b/libraries/base/
index 8e7cd6fe..8bac44a7 100644
--- a/libraries/base/
+++ b/libraries/base/
@@ -22,23 +22,96 @@
 #  along with engine. If not, see <>.
-from modules.base.config import ConfigReader
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+from configparser import ConfigParser
 class AuraConfig:
-    """
-    AuraCommon handles logger, reads and stores config
-    """
-    config = None
+    ini_path = ""
+    logger = None
+    def __init__(self, ini_path): # = "/etc/aura/engine.ini"):
+        self.ini_path = ini_path
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
+        self.load_config()
+    def set(self, key, value):
+        """
+        Set a property
+        @type    key: string
+        @param   key: The Key
+        @type    value: mixed
+        @param   value: Beliebiger Wert
+        """
+        try:
+            self.__dict__[key] = int(value)
+        except:
+            self.__dict__[key] = str(value)
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def get(self, key, default=None):
+        """
+        get a loaded property
+        @type    key: string
+        @param   key: Der Key
+        @type    default: mixed
+        @param   default: Beliebiger Wert
+        """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(AuraConfig, self).__init__()
-        self.config = ConfigReader()
-        self.read_config()
+        if key not in self.__dict__:
+            if default:
+                self.set(key, default)
+            else:
+                self.logger.warning("Key " + key + " not found in configfile " + self.ini_path + "!")
+                return None
-    def read_config(self):
+        if key == "loglevel":
+            loglvl = self.__dict__[key]
+            if loglvl == "debug":
+                return logging.DEBUG
+            elif loglvl == "info":
+                return logging.INFO
+            elif loglvl == "warning":
+                return logging.WARNING
+            elif loglvl == "error":
+                return logging.ERROR
+            else:
+                return logging.CRITICAL
+        if key == "debug":
+            return self.__dict__[key].count("y")
+        return self.__dict__[key]
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def load_config(self):
-        reads aura.ini
+        Set config defaults and load settings from file
-        self.config.load_config()
+        if not os.path.isfile(self.ini_path):
+            self.logger.critical(self.ini_path + " not found  :(")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        # INI einlesen
+        f = open(self.ini_path, 'r')
+        ini_str =
+        f.close()
+        config_parser = ConfigParser()
+        try:
+            config_parser.read_string(ini_str)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.logger.critical("Cannot read " + self.ini_path + "! Reason: " + str(e))
+            sys.exit(0)
+        for section in config_parser.sections():
+            for key, value in config_parser.items(section):
+                v = config_parser.get(section, key).replace('"', '').strip()
+                self.set(key, v)
+        self.set("install_dir", os.path.realpath(__file__ + "../../../.."))
diff --git a/libraries/base/ b/libraries/base/
index fd28ae10..ec83f2b9 100644
--- a/libraries/base/
+++ b/libraries/base/
@@ -27,11 +27,13 @@ import logging
 from libraries.base.config import AuraConfig
-class AuraLogger(AuraConfig):
+class AuraLogger():
+    config = None
     logger = None
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(AuraLogger, self).__init__()
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        self.config = config
     def __create_logger(self, name):
diff --git a/libraries/database/ b/libraries/database/
index 062b8bd3..8f313860 100644
--- a/libraries/database/
+++ b/libraries/database/
@@ -27,14 +27,19 @@ import time
 import logging
 import datetime
-from sqlalchemy import orm, func, Boolean, Column, DateTime, Integer, String, ForeignKey, ForeignKeyConstraint
+from sqlalchemy import orm, func, BigInteger, Boolean, Column, DateTime, Integer, String, ForeignKey, ForeignKeyConstraint
 from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
 from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import false, true
-from libraries.database.database import DB
+from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine
 from libraries.enum.auraenumerations import ScheduleEntryType
+from aura import DB
-class AuraDatabaseModel:
+class AuraDatabaseModel():
     logger = None
     def __init__(self):
@@ -69,7 +74,7 @@ class AuraDatabaseModel:
 #        self.logger.debug("all dropped. creating...")
 #        self.logger.debug("inserting manual scheduling possibility and fallback trackservice schedule")
-        DB.session.add(manualschedule)
+#        DB.session.add(manualschedule)
 #        db.session.add(fallback_trackservice_schedule)
 #        self.logger.debug("all created. commiting...")
@@ -79,6 +84,82 @@ class AuraDatabaseModel:
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+# class Schedule(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
+#     """
+#     One specific Schedule for a show on a timeslot
+#     """
+#     __tablename__ = 'schedule'
+#     # primary and foreign keys
+#     schedule_start = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True)
+#     schedule_end = Column(DateTime)
+#     schedule_id = Column(Integer) #, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False)
+#     show_id = Column(Integer)  # well, in fact not needed..
+#     show_name = Column(String(256))
+#     show_hosts = Column(String(256))
+#     funding_category = Column(String(256))
+#     comment = Column(String(512))
+#     languages = Column(String(256))
+#     type = Column(String(256))
+#     category = Column(String(256))
+#     topic = Column(String(256))
+#     musicfocus = Column(String(256))
+#     is_repetition = Column(Boolean())
+#     playlist_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("playlist.playlist_id"))
+#     timeslot_fallback_id = Column(Integer)
+#     show_fallback_id = Column(Integer)
+#     station_fallback_id = Column(Integer)
+#     playlist = relationship("Playlist", foreign_keys=[playlist_id], lazy="joined")
+#  #    timeslot_fallback = relationship("Playlist", foreign_keys=[timeslot_fallback_id], lazy="joined")
+#  #    show_fallback = relationship("Playlist", foreign_keys=[show_fallback_id], lazy="joined")
+#  #    station_fallback = relationship("Playlist", foreign_keys=[station_fallback_id], lazy="joined")
+#     @staticmethod
+#     def select_all():
+#          # fetching all entries
+#         all_entries = DB.session.query(Schedule).filter().order_by(Schedule.schedule_start).all()
+#         return all_entries
+#     @staticmethod
+#     def select_by_id(id):
+#         entry = DB.session.query(Schedule).filter(Schedule.schedule_id == id).first()
+#         return entry
+#     @staticmethod
+#     def select_act_programme():
+#          #DB.session.query(Schedule).filter
+#          # fetching all from today to ..
+#         today =
+#         all_entries = DB.session.query(Schedule).filter(Schedule.schedule_start >= today).order_by(Schedule.schedule_start).all()
+#         return all_entries
+#     @staticmethod
+#     def drop_the_future(timedelta):
+#         then = + timedelta
+#         # is this really necessary?
+#         future_entries = DB.session.query(Schedule).filter(Schedule.schedule_start > then)
+#         for e in future_entries:
+#             e.delete()
+#         DB.session.commit()
+#     def get_length(self):
+#         sec1 = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(self.start[0:16].replace(" ", "T"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M").strftime("%s"))
+#         sec2 = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(self.end[0:16].replace(" ", "T"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M").strftime("%s"))
+#         len = sec2 - sec1
+#         return len
+#     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+#     def __str__(self):
+#         return "ScheduleID: #" + str(self.schedule_id) + " Showname: " + self.show_name + " starts @ " + str(self.schedule_start)
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
 class Schedule(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
@@ -87,11 +168,11 @@ class Schedule(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
     __tablename__ = 'schedule'
     # primary and foreign keys
-    schedule_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False)
-    show_id = Column(Integer) # well, in fact not needed..
+    schedule_start = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True)
-    schedule_start = Column(DateTime) # can be null due to manual entries
-    schedule_end = Column(DateTime) # can be null due to manual entries
+    schedule_end = Column(DateTime)
+    schedule_id = Column(Integer) #, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False)
+    show_id = Column(Integer)  # well, in fact not needed..
     show_name = Column(String(256))
     show_hosts = Column(String(256))
     funding_category = Column(String(256))
@@ -104,158 +185,48 @@ class Schedule(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
     is_repetition = Column(Boolean())
-    playlist_id = Column(Integer)
+    playlist_id = Column(Integer) #, ForeignKey("playlist.playlist_id"))
     timeslot_fallback_id = Column(Integer)
     show_fallback_id = Column(Integer)
     station_fallback_id = Column(Integer)
-    @staticmethod
-    def select_all():
-        # fetching all entries
-        all_entries = DB.session.query(Schedule).filter().order_by(Schedule.schedule_start).all()
-        return all_entries
-    @staticmethod
-    def select_by_id(id):
-        entry = DB.session.query(Schedule).filter(Schedule.schedule_id == id).first()
-        return entry
-    @staticmethod
-    def select_act_programme():
-        #DB.session.query(Schedule).filter
-        # fetching all from today to ..
-        today =
-        all_entries = DB.session.query(Schedule).filter(Schedule.schedule_start >= today).order_by(Schedule.schedule_start).all()
-        return all_entries
+    playlist = relationship("Playlist",
+                            primaryjoin="and_(Schedule.schedule_start==Playlist.schedule_start, Schedule.playlist_id==Playlist.playlist_id, Schedule.show_name==Playlist.show_name)",
+                            back_populates="schedule")
+    timeslot_fallback = relationship("Playlist",
+                            primaryjoin="and_(Schedule.schedule_start==Playlist.schedule_start, Schedule.timeslot_fallback_id==Playlist.playlist_id, Schedule.show_name==Playlist.show_name)",
+                            back_populates="schedule")
+    show_fallback = relationship("Playlist",
+                            primaryjoin="and_(Schedule.schedule_start==Playlist.schedule_start, Schedule.show_fallback_id==Playlist.playlist_id, Schedule.show_name==Playlist.show_name)",
+                            back_populates="schedule")
+    station_fallback = relationship("Playlist",
+                            primaryjoin="and_(Schedule.schedule_start==Playlist.schedule_start, Schedule.station_fallback_id==Playlist.playlist_id, Schedule.show_name==Playlist.show_name)",
+                            back_populates="schedule")
     def select_show_on_datetime(datetime):
         return DB.session.query(Schedule).filter(Schedule.schedule_start == datetime).first()
-    @staticmethod
-    def drop_the_future(timedelta):
-        then = + timedelta
-        # is this really necessary?
-        future_entries = DB.session.query(Schedule).filter(Schedule.schedule_start > then)
-        for e in future_entries:
-            e.delete()
-        DB.session.commit()
-    def get_length(self):
-        sec1 = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(self.start[0:16].replace(" ", "T"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M").strftime("%s"))
-        sec2 = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(self.end[0:16].replace(" ", "T"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M").strftime("%s"))
-        len = sec2 - sec1
-        return len
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "ScheduleID: #" + str(self.schedule_id) + " Showname: " + self.show_name + " starts @ " + str(self.schedule_start)
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-class ScheduleEntry(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
-    """
-    One schedule can have multiple entries
-    """
-    __tablename__ = 'schedule_entry'
+class Playlist(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
+    __tablename__ = 'playlist'
+    # pk,fk
+    artificial_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+    schedule_start = Column(DateTime, ForeignKey("schedule.schedule_start"))
+    # relationships
+    schedule = relationship("Schedule", uselist=False, back_populates="playlist")
+    entries = relationship("PlaylistEntry", back_populates="playlist")
+    # data
+    playlist_id = Column(Integer, autoincrement=False)  # , ForeignKey("schedule.playlist_id"))
+    show_name = Column(String(256))
+    fallback_type = Column(Integer)
+    entry_count = Column(Integer)
-    # primary and foreign keys
-    playlist_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=False)
-    entry_num = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=False)
-    schedule_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("schedule.schedule_id"))
-    entry_start = Column(DateTime)
-    source = Column(String(256))
-    volume = Column(Integer, default=100)
-    fallback_type = Column(Integer, default=0)
-    cleansource = ""
-    cleanprotocol = ""
-    entry_start_unix = 0
-    programme_index = -1
-    type = None
-    fadeintimer = None
-    fadeouttimer = None
-    switchtimer = None
-    # schedule = relationship("Schedule", foreign_keys=[schedule_id], lazy="joined")
-    # normal constructor
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        super(ScheduleEntry, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-        self.calc_unix_times()
-        self.define_clean_source()
-    # constructor like - called from sqlalchemy
-    @orm.reconstructor
-    def reconstructor(self):
-        self.calc_unix_times()
-        self.define_clean_source()
-        self.set_entry_type()
-    def define_clean_source(self):
-        if self.source is None:
-            return None
-        if self.source.startswith("http"):
-            self.cleanprotocol = self.source[:7]
-            self.cleansource = self.source
-        elif self.source.startswith("linein"):
-            self.cleanprotocol = self.source[:9]
-            self.cleansource = self.source[9:]
-        elif self.source.startswith("pool") or self.source.startswith("file") or self.source.startswith("live"):
-            self.cleanprotocol = self.source[:7]
-            self.cleansource = self.source[7:]
-        elif self.source.startswith("playlist"):
-            self.cleanprotocol = self.source[:11]
-            self.cleansource = self.source[11:]
-        else:
-            self.logger.error("Unknown source protocol")
-    def calc_unix_times(self):
-        if self.entry_start is not None:
-            self.entry_start_unix = time.mktime(self.entry_start.timetuple())
-    def set_entry_type(self):
-        if self.source.startswith("http"):
-            self.type = ScheduleEntryType.STREAM
-        if self.source.startswith("pool") or self.source.startswith("playlist") or self.source.startswith("file"):
-            self.type = ScheduleEntryType.FILESYSTEM
-        if self.source.startswith("live") or self.source.startswith("linein"):
-            if self.cleansource == "0":
-                self.type = ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_0
-            elif self.cleansource == "1":
-                self.type = ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_1
-            elif self.cleansource == "2":
-                self.type = ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_2
-            elif self.cleansource == "3":
-                self.type = ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_3
-            elif self.cleansource == "4":
-                self.type = ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_4
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def select_all():
         # fetching all entries
-        all_entries = DB.session.query(ScheduleEntry).filter(ScheduleEntry.fallback_type == 0).order_by(ScheduleEntry.entry_start).all()
-        cnt = 0
-        for entry in all_entries:
-            entry.programme_index = cnt
-            cnt = cnt + 1
-        return all_entries
-    @staticmethod
-    def select_act_programme(include_act_playing = True):
-        # fetching all from today to ..
-        today =
-        all_entries = DB.session.query(ScheduleEntry).filter(ScheduleEntry.entry_start >= today, ScheduleEntry.fallback_type == 0).order_by(ScheduleEntry.entry_start).all()
+        all_entries = DB.session.query(Playlist).filter(Playlist.fallback_type == 0).all()
         cnt = 0
         for entry in all_entries:
@@ -264,115 +235,295 @@ class ScheduleEntry(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
         return all_entries
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def truncate():
-        all_entries = DB.session.query(ScheduleEntry).filter().order_by(ScheduleEntry.entry_start).all()
+    def select_playlist_for_schedule(datetime, playlist_id):
+        return DB.session.query(Playlist).filter(Playlist.schedule_start == datetime, Playlist.playlist_id == playlist_id).first()
-        for a in all_entries:
-            a.delete()
-        DB.session.commit()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    @staticmethod
-    def select_next_manual_entry_num():
-        max_manual_entry_num = DB.session.query(func.max(ScheduleEntry.entry_num)).filter(ScheduleEntry.schedule_id == 0).first()
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+class PlaylistEntry(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
+    __tablename__ = 'playlist_entry'
-        if max_manual_entry_num[0] is None:
-            return 0
-        else:
-            return int(max_manual_entry_num[0])+1
+    # primary keys
+    artificial_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    @staticmethod
-    def select_upcoming(
-        upcomingtracks = DB.session.query(ScheduleEntry).filter(ScheduleEntry.entry_start > datefrom).order_by(ScheduleEntry.entry_start).all()
-        return upcomingtracks
+    # foreign keys
+    artificial_playlist_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("playlist.artificial_id"))
+    entry_num = Column(Integer) # , primary_key=True)
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    @staticmethod
-    def select_one(playlist_id, entry_num):
-        return DB.session.query(ScheduleEntry).filter(ScheduleEntry.playlist_id == playlist_id, ScheduleEntry.entry_num == entry_num).first()
+    uri = Column(String(1024))
+    duration = Column(BigInteger)
+    filename = Column(String(1024))
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    @staticmethod
-    def select_one_playlist_entry_for_show(schedule_id, playlist_type, entry_num):
-        return DB.session.query(ScheduleEntry).filter(ScheduleEntry.schedule_id == schedule_id, ScheduleEntry.fallback_type == playlist_type, ScheduleEntry.entry_num == entry_num).first()
+    # relationships
+    playlist = relationship("Playlist", uselist=False, back_populates="entries")
+    meta_data = relationship("PlaylistEntryMetaData", back_populates="entry")
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def select_playlist(playlist_id):
-        return DB.session.query(ScheduleEntry).filter(ScheduleEntry.playlist_id == playlist_id).order_by(ScheduleEntry.entry_start).all()
+    def select_playlistentry_for_playlist(artificial_playlist_id, entry_num):
+        return DB.session.query(PlaylistEntry).filter(PlaylistEntry.artificial_playlist_id == artificial_playlist_id, PlaylistEntry.entry_num == entry_num).first()
-    @staticmethod
-    def drop_the_future(timedelta):
-        then = + timedelta
-        #DB.session.delete(ScheduleEntry).filter(ScheduleEntry.entry_start >= then)
-        # is this really necessary?
-        future_entries = DB.session.query(ScheduleEntry).filter(ScheduleEntry.entry_start > then)
-        for e in future_entries:
-            e.delete()
-        DB.session.commit()
-    def getChannel(self):
-        if self.type == self.type.FILESYSTEM:
-            return "fs"
+class PlaylistEntryMetaData(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
+    __tablename__ = "playlist_entry_metadata"
-        if self.type == self.type.LIVE_0 or self.type == self.type.LIVE_1 or self.type == self.type.LIVE_2 or self.type == self.type.LIVE_3 or self.type == self.type.LIVE_4:
-            return "aura_linein_"+self.cleansource # .cleanprotocol[8]
+    artificial_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+    artificial_entry_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("playlist_entry.artificial_id"))
-        if self.type == self.type.STREAM:
-            return "http"
+    artist = Column(String(256))
+    title = Column(String(256))
+    album = Column(String(256))
+    entry = relationship("PlaylistEntry", uselist=False, back_populates="meta_data")
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "Showentry starts @ " + str(self.entry_start) + " and plays " + self.source
+    @staticmethod
+    def select_metadata_for_entry(artificial_playlistentry_id):
+        return DB.session.query(PlaylistEntry).filter(PlaylistEntryMetaData.artificial_entry_id == artificial_playlistentry_id).first()
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-class TrackService(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
-    __tablename__ = 'trackservice'
-    trackservice_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
-    playlist_id = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
-    entry_num = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
-    source = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
-    start = Column(DateTime, nullable=False,
+#class PlaylistEntry(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
+    # __tablename__ = 'playlist_entry'
+    #
+    # # primary and foreign keys
+    # playlist_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("playlist.playlist_id"), primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True)
+    # entry_num = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=False)
+    #
+    # uri = Column(String(1024))
+    #
+    # filename = ""
+    # cleansource = ""
+    # cleanprotocol = ""
+    # type = None
+    # fadeintimer = None
+    # fadeouttimer = None
+    # switchtimer = None
+    #
+    # meta_data = relationship("PlaylistEntryMetaData", primaryjoin="and_(PlaylistEntry.playlist_id==PlaylistEntryMetaData.playlist_id, PlaylistEntry.entry_num==PlaylistEntryMetaData.entry_num)", lazy="joined")
+    #
+    # # normal constructor
+    # def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    #     super(PlaylistEntry, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+    #     self.calc_unix_times()
+    #     self.define_clean_source()
+    #
+    # # constructor like - called from sqlalchemy
+    # @orm.reconstructor
+    # def reconstructor(self):
+    #     self.calc_unix_times()
+    #     self.define_clean_source()
+    #     self.set_entry_type()
+    #
+    # def define_clean_source(self):
+    #     if self.uri is None:
+    #         return None
+    #
+    #     if self.uri.startswith("http"):
+    #         self.cleanprotocol = self.uri[:7]
+    #         self.cleansource = self.uri
+    #
+    #     elif self.uri.startswith("linein"):
+    #         self.cleanprotocol = self.uri[:9]
+    #         self.cleansource = self.uri[9:]
+    #
+    #     elif self.uri.startswith("pool") or self.uri.startswith("file") or self.uri.startswith("live"):
+    #         self.cleanprotocol = self.uri[:7]
+    #         self.cleansource = self.uri[7:]
+    #
+    #     elif self.uri.startswith("playlist"):
+    #         self.cleanprotocol = self.uri[:11]
+    #         self.cleansource = self.uri[11:]
+    #
+    #     else:
+    #         self.logger.error("Unknown source protocol")
+    #
+    # def set_entry_type(self):
+    #     if self.uri.startswith("http"):
+    #         self.type = ScheduleEntryType.STREAM
+    #     if self.uri.startswith("pool") or self.uri.startswith("playlist") or self.uri.startswith("file"):
+    #         self.type = ScheduleEntryType.FILESYSTEM
+    #     if self.uri.startswith("live") or self.uri.startswith("linein"):
+    #         if self.cleansource == "0":
+    #             self.type = ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_0
+    #         elif self.cleansource == "1":
+    #             self.type = ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_1
+    #         elif self.cleansource == "2":
+    #             self.type = ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_2
+    #         elif self.cleansource == "3":
+    #             self.type = ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_3
+    #         elif self.cleansource == "4":
+    #             self.type = ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_4
+    # def calc_unix_times(self):
+    #     if self.entry_start is not None:
+    #         self.entry_start_unix = time.mktime(self.entry_start.timetuple())
+    #
+    #
+    #
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # def select_all():
+    #     # fetching all entries
+    #     all_entries = DB.session.query(Playlist).filter(Playlist.fallback_type == 0).order_by(Playlist.entry_start).all()
+    #
+    #     cnt = 0
+    #     for entry in all_entries:
+    #         entry.programme_index = cnt
+    #         cnt = cnt + 1
+    #
+    #     return all_entries
+    #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # def select_act_programme(include_act_playing = True):
+    #     # fetching all from today to ..
+    #     today =
+    #     all_entries = DB.session.query(Playlist).filter(Playlist.entry_start >= today, Playlist.fallback_type == 0).order_by(Playlist.entry_start).all()
+    #
+    #     cnt = 0
+    #     for entry in all_entries:
+    #         entry.programme_index = cnt
+    #         cnt = cnt + 1
+    #
+    #     return all_entries
+    #
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # def truncate():
+    #     all_entries = DB.session.query(Playlist).filter().order_by(Playlist.entry_start).all()
+    #
+    #     for a in all_entries:
+    #         a.delete()
+    #     DB.session.commit()
+    #
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # def select_next_manual_entry_num():
+    #
+    #     max_manual_entry_num = DB.session.query(func.max(Playlist.entry_num)).filter(Playlist.schedule_id == 0).first()
+    #
+    #     if max_manual_entry_num[0] is None:
+    #         return 0
+    #     else:
+    #         return int(max_manual_entry_num[0])+1
+    #
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # def select_upcoming(
+    #     upcomingtracks = DB.session.query(Playlist).filter(Playlist.entry_start > datefrom).order_by(Playlist.entry_start).all()
+    #     return upcomingtracks
+    #
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # def select_one(playlist_id, entry_num):
+    #     return DB.session.query(Playlist).filter(Playlist.playlist_id == playlist_id, Playlist.entry_num == entry_num).first()
+    #
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # def select_one_playlist_entry_for_show(schedule_id, playlist_type, entry_num):
+    #     return DB.session.query(Playlist).filter(Playlist.schedule_id == schedule_id, Playlist.fallback_type == playlist_type, Playlist.entry_num == entry_num).first()
+    #
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # def select_playlist(playlist_id):
+    #     return DB.session.query(Playlist).filter(Playlist.playlist_id == playlist_id).order_by(Playlist.entry_start).all()
+    #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # def drop_the_future(timedelta):
+    #     then = + timedelta
+    #     #DB.session.delete(ScheduleEntry).filter(ScheduleEntry.entry_start >= then)
+    #
+    #     # is this really necessary?
+    #     future_entries = DB.session.query(Playlist).filter(Playlist.entry_start > then)
+    #     for e in future_entries:
+    #         e.delete()
+    #     DB.session.commit()
+    #
+    # def getChannel(self):
+    #     if self.type == self.type.FILESYSTEM:
+    #         return "fs"
+    #
+    #     if self.type == self.type.LIVE_0 or self.type == self.type.LIVE_1 or self.type == self.type.LIVE_2 or self.type == self.type.LIVE_3 or self.type == self.type.LIVE_4:
+    #         return "aura_linein_"+self.cleansource # .cleanprotocol[8]
+    #
+    #     if self.type == self.type.STREAM:
+    #         return "http"
+    #
+    #
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # def __str__(self):
+    #     return "Showentry starts @ " + str(self.entry_start) + " and plays " + self.source
+# class ScheduleEntryFile(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
+#     __tablename__ = 'schedule_entry_file'
+#     # primary and foreign keys
+#     file_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=False)
+#     playlist_id = Column(Integer) #, ForeignKey("schedule_entry.playlist_id")) # primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=False)
+#     entry_num = Column(Integer) # , ForeignKey("schedule_entry.entry_num")) # primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=False)
+#     ForeignKeyConstraint(["playlist_id", "entry_num"], ["schedule_entry.playlist_id", "schedule_entry.entry_num"])
+#     show = Column(String(512))
+#     size = Column(Integer)
+#     duration = Column(Integer)
+# class ScheduleEntryFileMetaData(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
+#     __tablename__ = "schedule_entry_file_metadata"
+#     metadata_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True)
+#     file_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("schedule_entry_file.file_id"))
+#     artist = Column(String(256))
+#     title = Column(String(256))
+#     album = Column(String(256))
+# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+# class TrackService(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
+#     __tablename__ = 'trackservice'
+#     trackservice_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
+#     schedule_entry_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
+#     playlist_id = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+#     entry_num = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+#     source = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
+#     start = Column(DateTime, nullable=False,
-    __table_args__ = (
-        ForeignKeyConstraint(['playlist_id', 'entry_num'], ['schedule_entry.playlist_id', 'schedule_entry.entry_num']),
-    )
+#    __table_args__ = (
+#        ForeignKeyConstraint(['playlist_id', 'entry_num'], ['schedule_entry.playlist_id', 'schedule_entry.entry_num']),
+#    )
+#    schedule_entry = relationship("ScheduleEntry", primaryjoin="and_(TrackService.playlist_id==ScheduleEntry.playlist_id, TrackService.entry_num==ScheduleEntry.entry_num)", lazy="joined")
     #schedule = relationship("Schedule", foreign_keys=[schedule_id], lazy="joined")
     # trackservice_entry = relationship("ScheduleEntry", foreign_keys=[playlist_id, entry_num], lazy="joined")
-    schedule_entry = relationship("ScheduleEntry", primaryjoin="and_(TrackService.playlist_id==ScheduleEntry.playlist_id, TrackService.entry_num==ScheduleEntry.entry_num)", lazy="joined")
-    @staticmethod
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def select_one(trackservice_id):
-        return DB.session.query(TrackService).filter(TrackService.trackservice_id == trackservice_id).first()
-    @staticmethod
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def select_by_day(day):
-        day_plus_one = day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-        tracks = DB.session.query(TrackService).filter(TrackService.start >= str(day), TrackService.start < str(day_plus_one)).all()
-        return tracks
-    @staticmethod
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def select_by_range(from_day, to_day):
-        tracks = DB.session.query(TrackService).filter(TrackService.start >= str(from_day),
-                                                       TrackService.start < str(to_day)).all()
-        return tracks
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "TrackServiceID: #" + str(self.trackservice_id) + " playlist_id: " + str(self.playlist_id) + " started @ " + str(self.start) + " and played " + self.source
+    # schedule_entry = relationship("ScheduleEntry", primaryjoin="and_(", lazy="joined")
+    #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # def select_one(trackservice_id):
+    #     return DB.session.query(TrackService).filter(TrackService.trackservice_id == trackservice_id).first()
+    #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # def select_by_day(day):
+    #     day_plus_one = day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+    #     tracks = DB.session.query(TrackService).filter(TrackService.start >= str(day), TrackService.start < str(day_plus_one)).all()
+    #     return tracks
+    #
+    # @staticmethod
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # def select_by_range(from_day, to_day):
+    #     tracks = DB.session.query(TrackService).filter(TrackService.start >= str(from_day),
+    #                                                    TrackService.start < str(to_day)).all()
+    #     return tracks
+    #
+    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    # def __str__(self):
+    #     return "TrackServiceID: #" + str(self.trackservice_id) + " playlist_id: " + str(self.playlist_id) + " started @ " + str(self.start) + " and played " + self.source
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
 # class TrackServiceSchedule(db.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
@@ -425,4 +576,4 @@ class TrackService(DB.Model, AuraDatabaseModel):
 #     def select_all():
 #         return db.session.query(TrackServiceScheduleEntry).filter().all()
+# AuraDatabaseModel.recreate_db(systemexit=True)
diff --git a/libraries/database/ b/libraries/database/
deleted file mode 100644
index 56c93b19..00000000
--- a/libraries/database/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#  engine
-#  Playout Daemon for autoradio project
-#  Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Gottfried Gaisbauer <>
-#  This file is part of engine.
-#  engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-#  any later version.
-#  engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with engine. If not, see <>.
-from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
-from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
-# from flask_babel import Babel
-from flask import Flask
-from modules.base.config import ConfigReader # pylint: disable=import-error
-def create_app(install_dir, uri):
-    """
-    creates flask app context
-    :param install_dir: Installdir of Aura
-    :param uri: Database connection uri
-    :return: Flask object
-    """
-    app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=install_dir + '/modules/web/templates')
-    app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = uri
-    app.config['BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE'] = 'de'
-    return app
-def create_database():
-    """
-    creates sqlalchemy database connection
-    :return: SQLAlchemy object
-    """
-    #### load config ####
-    config = ConfigReader()
-    config.load_config()
-    #### read config ####
-    install_dir = config.get(str("install_dir"))
-    db_name = config.get(str("db_name"))
-    db_user = config.get(str("db_user"))
-    db_pass = config.get(str("db_pass"))
-    db_host = config.get(str("db_host"))
-    #### create database conn ####
-    uri = "mysql://"+db_user+":"+db_pass+"@"+db_host+"/"+db_name+"?charset=utf8"
-    app = create_app(install_dir, uri)
-    database = SQLAlchemy(app)
-#    babel = Babel(app)
-    return app, database
-Base = declarative_base()
-APP, DB = create_database()
diff --git a/modules/base/ b/modules/base/
deleted file mode 100644
index c7726bb2..00000000
--- a/modules/base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-#  engine
-#  Playout Daemon for autoradio project
-#  Copyright 2014 BFR <>
-#  Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Gottfried Gaisbauer <>
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#  the Free Software Foundation; Version 3 of the License
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, the license can be downloaded here:
-# Meta
-__version__ = '0.1.1'
-__license__ = "GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3"
-__version_info__ = (0, 1, 1)
-__author__ = 'Michael Liebler <>'
-Aura Config Reader
-import os
-import sys
-import socket
-import logging
-from configparser import ConfigParser
-class ConfigReader(object):
-    ini_path = ""
-    logger = None
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
-    def set(self, key, value):
-        """
-        Set a property
-        @type    key: string
-        @param   key: The Key
-        @type    value: mixed
-        @param   value: Beliebiger Wert
-        """
-        try:
-            self.__dict__[key] = int(value)
-        except:
-            self.__dict__[key] = str(value)
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def get(self, key, default=None):
-        """
-        get a loaded property
-        @type    key: string
-        @param   key: Der Key
-        @type    default: mixed
-        @param   default: Beliebiger Wert
-        """
-        if key not in self.__dict__:
-            if default:
-                self.set(key, default)
-            else:
-                self.logger.warning("Key " + key + " not found in configfile " + self.ini_path + "!")
-                return None
-        if key == "loglevel":
-            loglvl = self.__dict__[key]
-            if loglvl == "debug":
-                return logging.DEBUG
-            elif loglvl == "info":
-                return logging.INFO
-            elif loglvl == "warning":
-                return logging.WARNING
-            elif loglvl == "error":
-                return logging.ERROR
-            else:
-                return logging.CRITICAL
-        if key == "debug":
-            return self.__dict__[key].count("y")
-        return self.__dict__[key]
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def load_config(self):
-        """
-        Set config defaults and load settings from file
-        :return:
-        """
-        self.ini_path = self.get('configpath', '/etc/aura/engine.ini')
-        if not os.path.isfile(self.ini_path):
-            self.logger.critical(self.ini_path + " not found  :(")
-            sys.exit(1)
-        # INI einlesen
-        f = open(self.ini_path, 'r')
-        ini_str =
-        f.close()
-        config_parser = ConfigParser()
-        try:
-            config_parser.read_string(ini_str)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.logger.critical("Cannot read " + self.ini_path + "! Reason: " + str(e))
-            sys.exit(0)
-        for section in config_parser.sections():
-            for key, value in config_parser.items(section):
-                v = config_parser.get(section, key).replace('"', '').strip()
-                self.set(key, v)
-        self.set("install_dir", os.path.realpath(__file__ + "../../../.."))
diff --git a/modules/communication/ b/modules/communication/
index fd597200..d946e656 100644
--- a/modules/communication/
+++ b/modules/communication/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import logging
 import json
 from modules.communication.liquidsoap.communicator import LiquidSoapCommunicator
-from libraries.database.broadcasts import ScheduleEntry
+#from libraries.database.broadcasts import ScheduleEntry
 from libraries.base.config import AuraConfig
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class ConnectionTester(AuraConfig):
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def get_connection_status(self):
         status = dict()
-        status["db"] = self.test_db_conn()
+        status["db"] = False # self.test_db_conn()
         status["pv"] = self.test_pv_conn()
         status["lqs"] = self.test_lqs_conn()
         status["lqsr"] = False # self.test_lqsr_conn()
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ class ConnectionTester(AuraConfig):
         return json.dumps(status)
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def test_db_conn(self):
-        try:
-            ScheduleEntry.select_all()
-        except:
-            return False
-        return True
+#    def test_db_conn(self):
+#        try:
+#            ScheduleEntry.select_all()
+#        except:
+#            return False
+#        return True
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def test_lqs_conn(self):
diff --git a/modules/communication/liquidsoap/ b/modules/communication/liquidsoap/
index 40cfd0f0..b9ec5ae7 100644
--- a/modules/communication/liquidsoap/
+++ b/modules/communication/liquidsoap/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ from modules.communication.mail.mail import AuraMailer
 from libraries.enum.auraenumerations import TerminalColors, ScheduleEntryType
 from libraries.exceptions.auraexceptions import LQConnectionError
-from libraries.database.broadcasts import TrackService
+#from libraries.database.broadcasts import TrackService
 from libraries.exceptions.exception_logger import ExceptionLogger
@@ -306,7 +306,8 @@ class LiquidSoapCommunicator(ExceptionLogger):
             # insert playlist entry
-            self.insert_track_service_entry(new_entry)
+            self.logger.critical("Trackservice entry not written here anymore")
+#            self.insert_track_service_entry(new_entry)
         except LQConnectionError as e:
             # we already caught and handled this error in __send_lqc_command__, but we do not want to execute this function further and pass the exception
diff --git a/modules/communication/redis/ b/modules/communication/redis/
index b0ca8022..b89978a5 100644
--- a/modules/communication/redis/
+++ b/modules/communication/redis/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
 from threading import Event
 from modules.communication.redis.messenger import RedisMessenger
-from modules.communication.connection_tester import ConnectionTester
+# from modules.communication.connection_tester import ConnectionTester
 from libraries.database.statestore import RedisStateStore
 from libraries.exceptions.auraexceptions import RedisConnectionException
 from libraries.enum.auraenumerations import RedisChannel, TerminalColors, FallbackType
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ServerRedisAdapter(threading.Thread, RedisMessenger):
     channel = ""
     scheduler = None
     redisclient = None
-    connection_tester = None
+#    connection_tester = None
     liquidsoapcommunicator = None
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class ServerRedisAdapter(threading.Thread, RedisMessenger):
         self.adminMails = ''
         self.redisclient = ClientRedisAdapter(config)
-        self.connection_tester = ConnectionTester()
+#        self.connection_tester = ConnectionTester()
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def run(self):
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ class ServerRedisAdapter(threading.Thread, RedisMessenger):
         elif item["data"] == "get_act_programme":
             self.execute(RedisChannel.GAP_REPLY.value, self.scheduler.get_act_programme_as_string)
-        elif item["data"] == "get_connection_status":
-            self.execute(RedisChannel.GCS_REPLY.value, self.connection_tester.get_connection_status)
+#        elif item["data"] == "get_connection_status":
+#            self.execute(RedisChannel.GCS_REPLY.value, self.connection_tester.get_connection_status)
         elif item["data"] == "print_message_queue":
             self.execute(RedisChannel.PMQ_REPLY.value, self.scheduler.print_message_queue)
diff --git a/modules/communication/redis/ b/modules/communication/redis/
index 190c4f68..be3bf587 100644
--- a/modules/communication/redis/
+++ b/modules/communication/redis/
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class RedisMessenger():
         @param section: Globale Sektion überschreiben
         section = self.section if section == '' else section
-        self.time = str('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S:%f'))
+        self.time = str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%f'))
         self.utime = time.time()
         state = {'message':message.strip().replace("'","\\'"), 'code':self.errnr + str(code),'job':job,'value':value}
diff --git a/modules/scheduling/ b/modules/scheduling/
index 1a5e06ba..f40b1965 100644
--- a/modules/scheduling/
+++ b/modules/scheduling/
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ import logging
 from mutagen.flac import FLAC
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from libraries.database.broadcasts import Schedule, ScheduleEntry
+from libraries.database.broadcasts import Schedule, Playlist, PlaylistEntry, PlaylistEntryMetaData
 from libraries.enum.auraenumerations import ScheduleEntryType
 from modules.communication.redis.messenger import RedisMessenger
+from modules.scheduling.calender_fetcher import CalendarFetcher
 class AuraCalendarService(threading.Thread):
@@ -45,16 +46,15 @@ class AuraCalendarService(threading.Thread):
     playlistdir = ""
     xmlplaylist = range(0)
-    has_already_fetched = False
     queue = None
     config = None
     debug = False
     _stop_event = None
     logger = None
+    fetched_schedule_data = None
     url = dict()
     data = dict()
-    # another crutch because of the missing TANK
-    used_random_playlist_ids = list()
+    calendar_fetcher = None
     Fetching playlist data, write it into the database and notify service
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ class AuraCalendarService(threading.Thread):
+        self.calendar_fetcher = CalendarFetcher(config)
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def set_date_from(self, date):
         self.datefrom = str(date).replace(" ", "T")
@@ -126,46 +128,43 @@ class AuraCalendarService(threading.Thread):
-            # fetch upcoming schedules from STEERING
-            self.logger.debug("Fetching schedules from STEERING")
-            self.__fetch_schedule_data__()
-            # fetch playlist and fallbacks to the schedules from TANK
-            self.logger.debug("Fetching playlists from TANK")
-            self.__fetch_schedule_entry_data__()
-            # drop everything what is more than 30 minutes in the future to avoid strange sync errors
-            # the programme is still in the memory of engine and reloaded, when this fetching is finished.
-            self.drop_the_future(timedelta(minutes=30))
-            for schedule in self.fetched_schedule_data:
-                if "start" not in schedule:
-                    self.logger.warning("No start of schedule given. skipping the schedule: "+str(schedule))
-                    continue
-                if "end" not in schedule:
-                    self.logger.warning("No end of schedule given. skipping the schedule: "+str(schedule))
-                    continue
+            fetched_schedule_data = self.calendar_fetcher.fetch()
+            ret_schedule = []
+            #            for schedule in self.fetched_schedule_data:
+            #                if "start" not in schedule:
+            #                    self.logger.warning("No start of schedule given. skipping the schedule: "+str(schedule))
+            #                    continue
+            #                if "end" not in schedule:
+            #                    self.logger.warning("No end of schedule given. skipping the schedule: "+str(schedule))
+            #                    continue
+            for schedule in fetched_schedule_data:
                 # store the schedule
                 schedule_db = self.store_schedule(schedule)
                 # store playlists to play
-                self.store_schedule_playlist(schedule_db, schedule, "playlist")
-                self.store_schedule_playlist(schedule_db, schedule, "schedule_fallback", 1)
-                self.store_schedule_playlist(schedule_db, schedule, "show_fallback", 2)
-                self.store_schedule_playlist(schedule_db, schedule, "station_fallback", 3)
+                self.logger.warning("only storing playlist")
+                self.store_playlist(schedule_db, schedule_db.playlist_id, schedule["playlist"])
+#                self.store_schedule_playlist(schedule_db, schedule, "schedule_fallback", 1)
+#                self.store_schedule_playlist(schedule_db, schedule, "show_fallback", 2)
+#                self.store_schedule_playlist(schedule_db, schedule, "station_fallback", 3)
+                ret_schedule.append(schedule_db)
             # release the mutex
-            self.queue.put(schedule) #"fetching_finished")
+            self.queue.put(ret_schedule)
         except Exception as e:
+            # release the mutex
             self.queue.put("fetching_aborted " + str(e))
         # terminate the thread
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def drop_the_future(self, time_in_the_future):
-        ScheduleEntry.drop_the_future(time_in_the_future)
-        Schedule.drop_the_future(time_in_the_future)
+#    def drop_the_future(self, time_in_the_future):
+#        ScheduleEntry.drop_the_future(time_in_the_future)
+#        Schedule.drop_the_future(time_in_the_future)
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def store_schedule(self, schedule):
@@ -195,6 +194,8 @@ class AuraCalendarService(threading.Thread):
         schedule_db.topic = schedule["show_topics"]
         schedule_db.musicfocus = schedule["show_musicfocus"]
+        if schedule["playlist_id"] is None:
+            schedule["playlist_id"] = 1
         schedule_db.playlist_id = schedule["playlist_id"]
         schedule_db.schedule_fallback_id = schedule["schedule_fallback_id"]
         schedule_db.show_fallback_id = schedule["show_fallback_id"]
@@ -205,41 +206,76 @@ class AuraCalendarService(threading.Thread):
         return schedule_db
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def store_schedule_playlist(self, schedule_db, schedule, playlistname, fallbackplaylist_type=0):
-        playlist = schedule[playlistname]
+    def store_playlist(self, schedule_db, playlist_id, fetched_playlist, fallbackplaylist_type=0):
+        playlist_db = Playlist.select_playlist_for_schedule(schedule_db.schedule_start, playlist_id)
+        havetoadd = False
+        if not playlist_db:
+            playlist_db = Playlist()
+            havetoadd = True
-        debug = "Schedule playlist (" + playlistname + ") for " + schedule_db.show_name + " stored"
-        warning = "No scheduleentries for playlist #" + str(playlist['playlist_id']) + " in schedule #" + str(schedule_db.schedule_id) + " found"
-        entrynum = 0
+        playlist_db.playlist_id = playlist_id
+        playlist_db.schedule_start = schedule_db.schedule_start
+        playlist_db.show_name = schedule_db.show_name
+        playlist_db.fallback_type = fallbackplaylist_type
+        playlist_db.entry_count = len(fetched_playlist["entries"])
-        if "entries" in playlist:
-            lastentry = None
+, True)
-            for entry in playlist["entries"]:
-                lastentry = self.store_playlist_entry(schedule_db, playlist, entry, lastentry, entrynum, fallbackplaylist_type)
-                entrynum = entrynum + 1
+        self.store_playlist_entries(playlist_db, fetched_playlist)
-            if lastentry is None:
-                self.logger.warning(warning)
-            else:
-                self.logger.debug(debug)
-        else:
-            self.logger.warning(warning)
+        return playlist_db
+    def store_playlist_entries(self, playlist_db, fetched_playlist):
+        entry_num = 0
+        for entry in fetched_playlist["entries"]:
+            playlistentry_db = PlaylistEntry.select_playlistentry_for_playlist(playlist_db.artificial_id, entry_num)
+            havetoadd = False
+            if not playlistentry_db:
+                playlistentry_db = PlaylistEntry()
+                havetoadd = True
+            playlistentry_db.artificial_playlist_id = playlist_db.artificial_id
+            playlistentry_db.entry_num = entry_num
+            playlistentry_db.uri = entry["uri"]
+            playlistentry_db.filename = entry["filename"]
+            playlistentry_db.duration = entry["file"]["duration"]
+  , True)
+            self.store_playlist_entry_metadata(playlistentry_db, entry["file"]["metadata"])
+            entry_num = entry_num + 1
+    def store_playlist_entry_metadata(self, playlistentry_db, metadata):
+        playlistentrymetadata_db = PlaylistEntryMetaData.select_metadata_for_entry(playlistentry_db.artificial_id)
+        havetoadd = False
+        if not playlistentrymetadata_db:
+            playlistentrymetadata_db = PlaylistEntryMetaData()
+            havetoadd = True
+        playlistentrymetadata_db.artificial_entry_id = playlistentry_db.artificial_id
+        playlistentrymetadata_db.artist = metadata["artist"]
+        playlistentrymetadata_db.title = metadata["title"]
+        playlistentrymetadata_db.album = metadata["album"]
+, True);
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def store_playlist_entry(self, schedule_db, playlist, entry, lastentry, entrynum, fallbackplaylist_type=0):
-        schedule_entry_db = ScheduleEntry.select_one_playlist_entry_for_show(schedule_db.schedule_id, fallbackplaylist_type, entrynum)
+        schedule_entry_db = Playlist.select_one().select_one_playlist_entry_for_show(schedule_db.schedule_id, fallbackplaylist_type, entrynum)
         havetoadd = False
         if not schedule_entry_db:
-            self.logger.debug("no scheduleentry with id " + str(playlist["playlist_id"]) + " and pos " + str(entrynum) + " in database => creating a new one")
+            self.logger.debug("no scheduleentry with id " + str(playlist["id"]) + " and pos " + str(entrynum) + " in database => creating a new one")
             schedule_entry_db = ScheduleEntry()
             havetoadd = True
-        schedule_entry_db.playlist_id = playlist["playlist_id"]
+        schedule_entry_db.playlist_id = playlist["id"]
         schedule_entry_db.entry_num = entrynum
         schedule_entry_db.schedule_id = schedule_db.schedule_id
-        schedule_entry_db.source = entry["source"]
+        schedule_entry_db.uri = entry["uri"]
         schedule_entry_db.fallback_type = fallbackplaylist_type
         schedule_entry_db.entry_start = schedule_db.schedule_start + timedelta(seconds=self.get_length(lastentry))
@@ -247,7 +283,7 @@ class AuraCalendarService(threading.Thread):
         if havetoadd:
-        self.logger.debug("Storing entries... playlist_id: " + str(playlist["playlist_id"]) + " schedule_id: " + str(schedule_db.schedule_id) + " num: " + str(entrynum))
+        self.logger.debug("Storing entries... playlist_id: " + str(playlist["id"]) + " schedule_id: " + str(schedule_db.schedule_id) + " num: " + str(entrynum))
 , commit=True)
@@ -286,204 +322,6 @@ class AuraCalendarService(threading.Thread):
         sec2 = int(datetime.strptime(end[0:16].replace(" ","T"),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M").strftime("%s"));
         return (sec2 - sec1);
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def __fetch_schedule_entry_data__(self):
-        # store fetched entries => do not have to fetch playlist_id more than once
-        fetched_entries=[]
-        try:
-            for schedule in self.fetched_schedule_data:
-                # retrieve playlist and the fallbacks for every schedule
-                # if a playlist (like station_fallback) is already fetched, it is not fetched again but reused
-                schedule["playlist"]          = self.__fetch_schedule_entries__(schedule, "playlist_id",          fetched_entries)
-                schedule["schedule_fallback"] = self.__fetch_schedule_entries__(schedule, "schedule_fallback_id", fetched_entries)
-                schedule["show_fallback"]     = self.__fetch_schedule_entries__(schedule, "show_fallback_id",     fetched_entries)
-                schedule["station_fallback"]  = self.__fetch_schedule_entries__(schedule, "station_fallback_id",  fetched_entries)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.logger.error(str(e))
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def __fetch_schedule_entries__(self, schedule, id_name, fetched_schedule_entries):
-        servicetype = "importer"
-        use_testdata = False
-        # fetch data from importer
-        json_response = self.__fetch_data__(servicetype)
-        if not json_response and self.config.get("use_test_data"):
-            use_testdata = True
-        # if a playlist is already fetched, do not fetch it again
-        for entry in fetched_schedule_entries:
-            if entry["playlist_id"] == schedule[id_name]:
-                self.logger.debug("playlist #" + str(schedule[id_name]) + " already fetched")
-                return entry
-        # generate testdata
-        if use_testdata:
-            json_response = self.create_test_data(id_name, schedule)
-        # convert to list
-        try:
-            schedule_entries = json.loads(json_response)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.logger.critical("Cannot convert playlist from importer into list")
-            schedule_entries = list()
-        if "entries" in schedule_entries:
-            for entry in schedule_entries["entries"]:
-                if entry["source"].startswith("file"):
-                    e = entry["source"][7:] # filter file:// out
-                    if not os.path.isfile(e):
-                        self.logger.warning("File", e, "does not exist!")
-            fetched_schedule_entries.append(schedule_entries)
-        return schedule_entries
-    def create_test_data(self, id_name, schedule):
-        import random
-        rand_id = random.randint(1, 10000)
-        while rand_id in self.used_random_playlist_ids:
-            rand_id = random.randint(1, 10000)
-        self.used_random_playlist_ids.append(rand_id)
-        # HARDCODED Testdata
-        if id_name != "playlist_id":
-            # FALLBACK TESTDATA
-            if rand_id % 3 == 0:  # playlist fallback
-                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(
-                    rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/NightmaresOnWax/DJ-Kicks/02 - Only Child - Breakneck.flac"}]}'
-            elif rand_id % 2 == 0:  # stream fallback
-                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(
-                    rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":""}]}'
-            else:  # pool fallback
-                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"pool:///liedermacherei"}]}'
-            schedule[id_name] = rand_id
-        elif schedule[id_name] == 0 or schedule[id_name] is None:
-            # this happens when playlist id is not filled out in pv
-            # json_response = '{"playlist_id": 0}'
-            if rand_id % 4 == 0:  # playlist with two files
-                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(
-                    rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/NightmaresOnWax/DJ-Kicks/02 - Only Child - Breakneck.flac"}]}'
-            elif rand_id % 3 == 0:  # playlist with jingle and then linein
-                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(
-                    rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":"linein://1"}]}'
-            elif rand_id % 2 == 0:  # playlist with jingle and then http stream
-                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(
-                    rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":""}]}'
-            else:  # pool playlist
-                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"pool:///hiphop"}]}'
-            schedule[id_name] = rand_id
-        elif schedule[id_name] % 4 == 0:  # playlist with two files
-            json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(schedule[id_name]) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/NightmaresOnWax/DJ-Kicks/01 - Type - Slow Process.flac"}]}'
-        elif schedule[id_name] % 3 == 0:  # playlist with jingle and then http stream
-            json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(schedule[id_name]) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":"linein://0"}]}'
-        elif schedule[id_name] % 2 == 0:  # playlist with jingle and then linein
-            json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(schedule[id_name]) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":""}]}'
-        else:  # pool playlist
-            json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(schedule[id_name]) + ',"entries":[{"source":"pool:///chillout"}]}'
-"Using 'randomized' playlist: " + json_response + " for " + id_name[:-3] + " for show " + schedule["show_name"] + " starting @ " + schedule["start"])
-        return json_response
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def __fetch_schedule_data__(self):
-        servicetype = "calendar"
-        use_testdata = False
-        html_response = self.__fetch_data__(servicetype)
-        if not html_response or html_response == b"[]":
-            self.logger.debug("Got no response: Using testdata")
-            use_testdata = True
-        # if an error occours => use testdata
-        if use_testdata:
-            html_response = '[{"schedule_id":1,"start":"' + ( + timedelta(hours=0)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') + '","end":"' + ( + timedelta(hours=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') + '","show_id":9,"show_name":"FROzine","show_hosts":"Sandra Hochholzer, Martina Schweiger","is_repetition":false,"playlist_id":2,"schedule_fallback_id":12,"show_fallback_id":92,"station_fallback_id":1,"rtr_category":"string","comment":"Kommentar","languages":"Sprachen","type":"Typ","category":"Kategorie","topic":"Topic","musicfocus":"Fokus"},{"schedule_id":2,"schedule_start":"' + ('%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') + '","schedule_end":"' + ('%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') + '","show_id":10,"show_name":"FROMat","show_hosts":"Sandra Hochholzer, Martina Schweiger","is_repetition":false,"playlist_id":4,"schedule_fallback_id":22,"show_fallback_id":102,"station_fallback_id":1,"rtr_category":"string","comment":"Kommentar","languages":"Sprachen","type":"Typ","category":"Kategorie","topic":"Topic","musicfocus":"Fokus"},{"schedule_id":3,"schedule_start":"' + ('%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') + '","schedule_end":"' + ( + timedelta(hours=3)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') + '","show_id":11,"show_name":"Radio für Senioren","show_hosts":"Sandra Hochholzer, Martina Schweiger","is_repetition":false,"playlist_id":6,"schedule_fallback_id":32,"show_fallback_id":112,"station_fallback_id":1,"rtr_category":"string","comment":"Kommentar","languages":"Sprachen","type":"Typ","category":"Kategorie","topic":"Topic","musicfocus":"Fokus"}]'
-        try:
-            schedule_from_pv = json.loads(html_response)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.logger.critical("Cannot fetch schedule entries from PV")
-            sys.exit()
-        # check data
-        self.logger.critical("Hardcoded Response && no JSON data checks. I believe what i get here")
-        d = self.remove_data_more_than_24h_in_the_future(schedule_from_pv)
-        self.fetched_schedule_data = self.remove_data_in_the_past(d)
-        return self.fetched_schedule_data
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def remove_data_more_than_24h_in_the_future(self, schedule_from_pv):
-        act_list = []
-        now =
-        now_plus_24hours = now + timedelta(hours=24)
-        for s in schedule_from_pv:
-            date_start = datetime.strptime(s["start"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-            # append only elements which are close enough to now
-            if date_start <= now_plus_24hours and date_start >= now - timedelta(hours=1):
-                act_list.append(s)
-        return act_list
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def remove_data_in_the_past(self, schedule_from_pv):
-        act_list = []
-        now =
-        for index,curr in enumerate(schedule_from_pv[:-1]):
-            date_start = datetime.strptime(curr["start"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-            date_next_start = datetime.strptime(schedule_from_pv[index+1]["start"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-            # append all elements in the future
-            if date_start >= now:
-                act_list.append(curr)
-            # append the one which is now playing
-            if date_start <= now and date_next_start >= now:
-                act_list.append(curr)
-        return act_list
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def __fetch_data__(self, type):
-        # init html_response
-        html_response = ""
-        # open an url and read the data
-        try:
-            if type not in
-                if self.url[type] == "":
-                    return False
-                request = urllib.request.Request(self.url[type])
-            else:
-                request = urllib.request.Request(self.url[type],[type])
-            response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
-            html_response =
-        except (urllib.error.URLError, IOError, ValueError) as e:
-            self.logger.error("Cannot connect to " + self.url[type] + "! reason: " + str(e.reason))
-            if not self.has_already_fetched: # first fetch
-                sys.exit()
-        self.has_already_fetched = True
-        return html_response
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def get_length(self, entry):
         if entry is None or entry.type == ScheduleEntryType.STREAM or entry.type == ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_0 or entry.type == ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_1 or entry.type == ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_2 or entry.type == ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_3 or entry.type == ScheduleEntryType.LIVE_4:
diff --git a/modules/scheduling/ b/modules/scheduling/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3be5fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/scheduling/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import urllib
+import logging
+import simplejson
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+#from modules.models.schedule import Schedule
+class CalendarFetcher:
+    url = dict()
+    url_parameter = dict()
+    config = None
+    logging = None
+    has_already_fetched = False
+    fetched_schedule_data = None
+    # another crutch because of the missing TANK
+    used_random_playlist_ids = list()
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        self.config = config
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
+        self.__set_url__("calendar")
+        self.__set_url__("importer")
+    def fetch(self):
+        # fetch upcoming schedules from STEERING
+        try:
+            self.logger.debug("Fetching schedules from STEERING")
+            self.__fetch_schedule_data__()
+        except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
+            self.logger.critical("Cannot fetch from " + self.url["calendar"] + "! Reason: " + str(e))
+        except (urllib.error.URLError, IOError, ValueError) as e:
+            self.logger.critical("Cannot connect to " + self.url["calendar"] + "! Reason: " + str(e))
+        # fetch playlist and fallbacks to the schedules from TANK
+        try:
+            self.logger.debug("Fetching playlists from TANK")
+            self.__fetch_schedule_playlists__()
+        except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
+            self.logger.critical("Cannot fetch from " + self.url["importer"] + "! Reason: " + str(e))
+        except (urllib.error.URLError, IOError, ValueError) as e:
+            self.logger.critical("Cannot connect to " + self.url["importer"] + "! Reason: " + str(e))
+        return_data = []
+        # gather returndata
+        try:
+            for schedule in self.fetched_schedule_data:
+                # skip schedule if no start or end is given
+                if "start" not in schedule:
+                    self.logger.warning("No start of schedule given. skipping schedule: " + str(schedule))
+                    schedule = None
+                if "end" not in schedule:
+                    self.logger.warning("No end of schedule given. skipping schedule: " + str(schedule))
+                    schedule = None
+                if "playlist" not in schedule:
+                    self.logger.warning("No playlist for schedule given. skipping schedule: " + str(schedule))
+                    schedule = None
+                if schedule:
+                    return_data.append(schedule)
+        except TypeError as e:
+            self.logger.error("Nothing fetched...")
+        return return_data
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def __set_url__(self, type):
+        url = self.config.get(type+"url")
+        pos = url.find("?")
+        if pos > 0:
+            self.url[type] = url[0:pos]
+            self.url_parameter[type] = url[pos:]
+        else:
+            self.url[type] = url
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def __fetch_schedule_data__(self):
+        schedule = None
+        # fetch data from steering
+        html_response = self.__fetch_data__(self.url["calendar"])
+        # response fails or is empty
+        if not html_response:
+            self.logger.debug("Got no response from pv!")
+            # use testdata if wanted
+            if self.config.get("use_test_data"):
+                html_response = '[{"id":1,"schedule_id":1,"automation-id":1,"className":"TestData","memo":"TestData","show_fundingcategory":"TestData","start":"' + ( + timedelta(hours=0)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00') + '","end":"' + ( + timedelta(hours=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00') + '","show_id":9,"show_name":"TestData: FROzine","show_hosts":"TestData: Sandra Hochholzer, Martina Schweiger","title":"TestData:title","is_repetition":false,"playlist_id":2,"schedule_fallback_id":12,"show_fallback_id":92,"station_fallback_id":1,"rtr_category":"string","comment":"TestData: Kommentar","show_languages":"TestData: Sprachen","show_type":"TestData: Typ","show_categories":"TestData: Kategorie","show_topics":"TestData: Topic","show_musicfocus":"TestData: Fokus"},' \
+                                 '{"id":2,"schedule_id":2,"automation-id":1,"className":"TestData","memo":"TestData","show_fundingcategory":"TestData","start":"' + ( + timedelta(hours=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00') + '","end":"' + ( + timedelta(hours=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00') + '","show_id":10,"show_name":"TestData: FROMat","show_hosts":"TestData: Sandra Hochholzer, Martina Schweiger","title":"TestData:title","is_repetition":false,"playlist_id":4,"schedule_fallback_id":22,"show_fallback_id":102,"station_fallback_id":1,"rtr_category":"TestData: string","comment":"TestData: Kommentar","show_languages":"TestData: Sprachen","show_type":"TestData: Typ","show_categories":"TestData: Kategorie","show_topics":"TestData: Topic","show_musicfocus":"TestData: Fokus"},' \
+                                 '{"id":3,"schedule_id":3,"automation-id":1,"className":"TestData","memo":"TestData","show_fundingcategory":"TestData","start":"' + ( + timedelta(hours=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00') + '","end":"' + ( + timedelta(hours=3)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00') + '","show_id":11,"show_name":"TestData: Radio für Senioren","show_hosts":"TestData: Sandra Hochholzer, Martina Schweiger","title":"TestData:title","is_repetition":false,"playlist_id":6,"schedule_fallback_id":32,"show_fallback_id":112,"station_fallback_id":1,"rtr_category":"TestData: string","comment":"TestData: Kommentar","show_languages":"TestData: Sprachen","show_type":"TestData: Typ","show_categories":"TestData: Kategorie","show_topics":"TestData: Topic","show_musicfocus":"TestData: Fokus"}]'
+                self.logger.critical("Hardcoded Response")
+            else:
+                html_response = "{}"
+        # convert to dict
+        schedule = simplejson.loads(html_response)
+        # check data
+        self.logger.critical("no JSON data checks. I believe what i get here")
+        self.fetched_schedule_data = self.remove_unnecessary_data(schedule)
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def __fetch_schedule_playlists__(self):
+        # store fetched entries => do not have to fetch playlist_id more than once
+        fetched_entries=[]
+        self.logger.warning("only fetching normal playlists. no fallbacks")
+        for schedule in self.fetched_schedule_data:
+            # retrieve playlist and the fallbacks for every schedule
+            # if a playlist (like station_fallback) is already fetched, it is not fetched again but reused
+            schedule["playlist"]          = self.__fetch_schedule_playlist__(schedule, "playlist_id", fetched_entries)
+#            schedule["schedule_fallback"] = self.__fetch_schedule_playlist__(schedule, "schedule_fallback_id", fetched_entries)
+#            schedule["show_fallback"]     = self.__fetch_schedule_playlist__(schedule, "show_fallback_id", fetched_entries)
+#            schedule["station_fallback"]  = self.__fetch_schedule_playlist__(schedule, "station_fallback_id", fetched_entries)
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def __fetch_schedule_playlist__(self, schedule, id_name, fetched_schedule_entries):
+        # set playlist_id (in testenvironment always null => no idea)
+        if id_name not in schedule or schedule[id_name] is None:
+            playlist_id = 1
+        else:
+            playlist_id = schedule[id_name]
+        # set url
+        #url = self.url["importer"] + schedule["show_name"] + "/playlists/" + str(playlist_id)
+        url = self.url["importer"] + "public" + "/playlists/" + str(playlist_id)
+        # fetch data from importer
+        json_response = self.__fetch_data__(url)
+        # use testdata if wanted
+        if not json_response and self.config.get("use_test_data"):
+            json_response = self.create_test_data(id_name, schedule)
+        # convert to list
+        schedule_entries = simplejson.loads(json_response)
+        if "entries" in schedule_entries:
+            for entry in schedule_entries["entries"]:
+                if entry["uri"].startswith("file"):
+                    entry["filename"] = self.convert_to_filename(entry["uri"])
+            fetched_schedule_entries.append(schedule_entries)
+        return schedule_entries
+    def convert_to_filename(self, uri):
+        # convert to normal filename
+        e = self.config.get("audiofolder") + "/" + uri[7:] + ".flac"
+        if not os.path.isfile(e):
+            self.logger.warning("File", e, "does not exist!")
+        return e
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def __fetch_data__(self, url, parameter = ""):
+        # init html_response
+        html_response = b''
+        # open an url and read the data
+        if parameter == "":
+            request = urllib.request.Request(url)
+        else:
+            request = urllib.request.Request(url, parameter)
+        response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
+        html_response =
+        self.has_already_fetched = True
+        return html_response.decode("utf-8")
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def remove_unnecessary_data(self, schedule):
+        reduced_schedule = self.remove_data_more_than_24h_in_the_future(self.remove_data_in_the_past(schedule))
+        return reduced_schedule
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def remove_data_more_than_24h_in_the_future(self, schedule_from_pv):
+        act_list = []
+        now =
+        now_plus_24hours = now + timedelta(hours=24)
+        for s in schedule_from_pv:
+            date_start = datetime.strptime(s["start"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+            # append only elements which are close enough to now
+            if date_start <= now_plus_24hours and date_start >= now - timedelta(hours=1):
+                act_list.append(s)
+        return act_list
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def remove_data_in_the_past(self, schedule_from_pv):
+        act_list = []
+        now =
+        for index,curr in enumerate(schedule_from_pv[:-1]):
+            print(curr["start"])
+            date_start = datetime.strptime(curr["start"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+            date_next_start = datetime.strptime(schedule_from_pv[index+1]["start"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+            # append all elements in the future
+            if date_start >= now:
+                act_list.append(curr)
+            # append the one which is now playing
+            if date_start <= now and date_next_start >= now:
+                act_list.append(curr)
+        return act_list
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
+    def create_test_data(self, id_name, schedule):
+        import random
+        rand_id = random.randint(1, 10000)
+        while rand_id in self.used_random_playlist_ids:
+            rand_id = random.randint(1, 10000)
+        self.used_random_playlist_ids.append(rand_id)
+        # HARDCODED Testdata
+        if id_name != "playlist_id":
+            # FALLBACK TESTDATA
+            if rand_id % 3 == 0:  # playlist fallback
+                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(
+                    rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/NightmaresOnWax/DJ-Kicks/02 - Only Child - Breakneck.flac"}]}'
+            elif rand_id % 2 == 0:  # stream fallback
+                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(
+                    rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":""}]}'
+            else:  # pool fallback
+                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"pool:///liedermacherei"}]}'
+            schedule[id_name] = rand_id
+        elif schedule[id_name] == 0 or schedule[id_name] is None:
+            # this happens when playlist id is not filled out in pv
+            # json_response = '{"playlist_id": 0}'
+            if rand_id % 4 == 0:  # playlist with two files
+                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(
+                    rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/NightmaresOnWax/DJ-Kicks/02 - Only Child - Breakneck.flac"}]}'
+            elif rand_id % 3 == 0:  # playlist with jingle and then linein
+                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(
+                    rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":"linein://1"}]}'
+            elif rand_id % 2 == 0:  # playlist with jingle and then http stream
+                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(
+                    rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":""}]}'
+            else:  # pool playlist
+                json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(rand_id) + ',"entries":[{"source":"pool:///hiphop"}]}'
+            schedule[id_name] = rand_id
+        elif schedule[id_name] % 4 == 0:  # playlist with two files
+            json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(schedule[id_name]) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/NightmaresOnWax/DJ-Kicks/01 - Type - Slow Process.flac"}]}'
+        elif schedule[id_name] % 3 == 0:  # playlist with jingle and then http stream
+            json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(schedule[id_name]) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":"linein://0"}]}'
+        elif schedule[id_name] % 2 == 0:  # playlist with jingle and then linein
+            json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(schedule[id_name]) + ',"entries":[{"source":"file:///var/audio/fallback/music.flac"},{"source":""}]}'
+        else:  # pool playlist
+            json_response = '{"playlist_id":' + str(schedule[id_name]) + ',"entries":[{"source":"pool:///chillout"}]}'
+"Using 'randomized' playlist: " + json_response + " for " + id_name[:-3] + " for show " + schedule["show_name"] + " starting @ " + schedule["start"])
+        return json_response
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/scheduling/ b/modules/scheduling/
index 60026856..d544a08a 100644
--- a/modules/scheduling/
+++ b/modules/scheduling/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ from operator import attrgetter
 from modules.communication.redis.messenger import RedisMessenger
 from modules.scheduling.calendar import AuraCalendarService
-from libraries.database.broadcasts import Schedule, ScheduleEntry, AuraDatabaseModel
+from libraries.database.broadcasts import Schedule, Playlist, AuraDatabaseModel
 from libraries.exceptions.exception_logger import ExceptionLogger
 from libraries.enum.auraenumerations import ScheduleEntryType, TimerType
@@ -94,6 +94,10 @@ class AuraScheduler(ExceptionLogger, threading.Thread):
         @param   config:               read engine.ini
         self.config = config
+        # init database ?
+        self.init_database()
         self.redismessenger = RedisMessenger(config)
         self.logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
@@ -110,9 +114,6 @@ class AuraScheduler(ExceptionLogger, threading.Thread):
         self.error_data = json.load(f)
-        # init database ?
-        self.init_database()
         #self.redismessenger.send('Scheduler started', '0000', 'success', 'initApp', None, 'appinternal')
         # create exit event
@@ -123,9 +124,12 @@ class AuraScheduler(ExceptionLogger, threading.Thread):
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def init_database(self):
+        if self.config.get("recreate_db") is not None:
+            AuraDatabaseModel.recreate_db(systemexit=True)
         # check if tables do exist. if not create them
-            ScheduleEntry.select_all()
+            Playlist.select_all()
         except sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError as e:
             errcode = e.orig.args[0]
@@ -191,13 +195,13 @@ class AuraScheduler(ExceptionLogger, threading.Thread):
         for schedule in self.programme:
             # playlist to play
-            schedule.playlist = ScheduleEntry.select_playlist(schedule.playlist_id)
+            schedule.playlist = Playlist.select_playlist(schedule.playlist_id)
             # show fallback is played when playlist fails
-            schedule.showfallback = ScheduleEntry.select_playlist(schedule.show_fallback_id)
+            schedule.showfallback = Playlist.select_playlist(schedule.show_fallback_id)
             # timeslot fallback is played when show fallback fails
-            schedule.timeslotfallback = ScheduleEntry.select_playlist(schedule.timeslot_fallback_id)
+            schedule.timeslotfallback = Playlist.select_playlist(schedule.timeslot_fallback_id)
             # station fallback is played when timeslot fallback fails
-            schedule.stationfallback = ScheduleEntry.select_playlist(schedule.station_fallback_id)
+            schedule.stationfallback = Playlist.select_playlist(schedule.station_fallback_id)
             for p in schedule.playlist:
@@ -358,8 +362,12 @@ class AuraScheduler(ExceptionLogger, threading.Thread):
         # wait for the end
         response = queue.get()
-        if type(response) is dict:
-            self.load_programme_from_db()
+        if response is None:
+            self.logger.critical("Got an EMPTY response from AuraCalendarService: " + str(response))
+        elif type(response) is list:
+            self.logger.critical("not loading from db")
+            self.programme = response
+            # self.load_programme_from_db()
             if self.programme is not None and len(self.programme) > 0:
                 self.tried_fetching = 0
diff --git a/modules/web/ b/modules/web/
index fee80aff..fcd7377e 100644
--- a/modules/web/
+++ b/modules/web/
@@ -21,154 +21,156 @@
 #  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 #  along with engine. If not, see <>.
-import json
-import decimal
-import traceback
-import sqlalchemy
-import datetime
-import logging
-from flask import request, render_template
-from libraries.database.database import APP
-from libraries.database.broadcasts import TrackService, Schedule, ScheduleEntry
-def alchemyencoder(obj):
-    """JSON encoder function for SQLAlchemy special classes."""
-    if isinstance(obj,
-        return obj.isoformat()
-    elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
-        return float(obj)
-    elif isinstance(obj, sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState):
-        return ""
-    elif isinstance(obj, Schedule):
-        return json.dumps([obj._asdict()], default=alchemyencoder)
-    else:
-        return str(obj)
-class Routes:
-    error = None
-    scheduler = None
-    messenger = None
-    lqs_communicator = None
-    def __init__(self, scheduler, lqs_communicator, messenger, config):
-        self.scheduler = scheduler
-        self.messenger = messenger
-        self.lqs_communicator = lqs_communicator
-        # when debug is enabled => logging messages appear twice
-"web_port")) #debug=True)
-    @staticmethod
-    @APP.route('/')
-    @APP.route('/index')
-    def index():
-        return render_template("index.html")
-    @staticmethod
-    @APP.route("/trackservice", methods=["GET"])
-    def track_service():
-        from_time = request.args.get("from")
-        to_time = request.args.get("to")
-        last = request.args.get("last")
-        now = request.args.get("now")
-        # nothing set => today's playlist
-        if from_time == None and to_time == None and now == None:
-            selected_date =
-            trackservice_entries = TrackService.select_by_day(selected_date)
-        # from and end time set
-        elif from_time is not None and to_time is not None:
-            to_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(to_time, "%Y-%m-%d")
-            from_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(from_time, "%Y-%m-%d")
-            trackservice_entries = TrackService.select_by_range(from_time, to_time)
-        # now set
-        elif now == "":
-            trackservice_entries = TrackService.now_playing()
-        return render_template("trackservice.html",
-                               length=len(trackservice_entries),
-                               trackservice_entries=trackservice_entries,
-                               selected_date=selected_date)
-    @staticmethod
-    @APP.route("/test")
-    def test():
-        return render_template("index2.html")
-    @staticmethod
-    @APP.route("/login")
-    def login():
-        return "login"
-        #return render_template("index.html")
-    @staticmethod
-    @APP.route("/logout")
-    def logout():
-        #session.pop("logged_in", None)
-        return "logout"
-        #return render_template("index.html")
-    @staticmethod
-    @APP.route("/api/v1/trackservice/<selected_date>", methods=["GET"])
-    def api_trackservice(selected_date):
-        try:
-            # convert date
-            selected_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(selected_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
-            # select from database
-            tracks_on_selected_date = TrackService.select_by_day(selected_date)
-            # return as json
-            return json.dumps([tracks._asdict() for tracks in tracks_on_selected_date], default=alchemyencoder)
-        except Exception as e:
-            import traceback
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            error = "Cannot transform programme into JSON String. Reason: " + str(e)
-            logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
-            logger.error(error)
-            return json.dumps({"Error": error})
-    @staticmethod
-    @APP.route("/api/v1/soundserver_state", methods=["GET"])
-    def soundserver_settings():
-        from modules.communication.liquidsoap.communicator import LiquidSoapCommunicator
-        from modules.base.config import ConfigReader
-        try:
-            cr = ConfigReader()
-            cr.load_config()
-            lqs = LiquidSoapCommunicator(cr)
-            return lqs.auraengine_state()
-        except Exception as e:
-            error = "Unable to fetch state from Liquidsoap. Is Soundserver running? Reason: " + str(e)
-            logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
-            logger.error(error)
-            return json.dumps({"Error": error})
-    @staticmethod
-    @APP.route("/api/v1/trackservice/", methods=["GET"])
-    def api_trackservice_now():
-        return json.dumps({'reached': True})
-    @staticmethod
-    @APP.route("/api/v1/upcoming/", methods=["GET"])
-    def api_clock():
-        servertime =
-        # get upcoming tracks
-        upcoming = ScheduleEntry.select_upcoming()
-        # convert to json string
-        upcoming_as_json = json.dumps([tracks._asdict() for tracks in upcoming], default=alchemyencoder)
-        # add servertime and return it
-        return upcoming_as_json.replace('[{', '[{"servertime":'+str(servertime)+"},{", 1)
+# import json
+# import decimal
+# import traceback
+# import sqlalchemy
+# import datetime
+# import logging
+# from flask import request, render_template
+# from aura import app
+# #from libraries.database.broadcasts import TrackService, Schedule, ScheduleEntry
+# def alchemyencoder(obj):
+#     """JSON encoder function for SQLAlchemy special classes."""
+#     if isinstance(obj,
+#         return obj.isoformat()
+#     elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
+#         return float(obj)
+#     elif isinstance(obj, sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState):
+#         return ""
+#     elif isinstance(obj, Schedule):
+#         return json.dumps([obj._asdict()], default=alchemyencoder)
+#     else:
+#         return str(obj)
+# class Routes:
+#     error = None
+#     scheduler = None
+#     messenger = None
+#     lqs_communicator = None
+#     def __init__(self, scheduler, lqs_communicator, messenger, config):
+#         self.scheduler = scheduler
+#         self.messenger = messenger
+#         self.lqs_communicator = lqs_communicator
+#         # when debug is enabled => logging messages appear twice
+#"web_port")) #debug=True)
+#     @staticmethod
+#     @APP.route('/')
+#     @APP.route('/index')
+#     def index():
+#         return render_template("index.html")
+#     @staticmethod
+#     @APP.route("/trackservice", methods=["GET"])
+#     def track_service():
+#         from_time = request.args.get("from")
+#         to_time = request.args.get("to")
+#         last = request.args.get("last")
+#         now = request.args.get("now")
+#         # nothing set => today's playlist
+#         if from_time == None and to_time == None and now == None:
+#             selected_date =
+#             trackservice_entries = [] # TrackService.select_by_day(selected_date)
+#         # from and end time set
+#         elif from_time is not None and to_time is not None:
+#             to_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(to_time, "%Y-%m-%d")
+#             from_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(from_time, "%Y-%m-%d")
+#             trackservice_entries = [] # TrackService.select_by_range(from_time, to_time)
+#         # now set
+#         elif now == "":
+#             trackservice_entries = [] # TrackService.now_playing()
+#         return render_template("trackservice.html",
+#                                length=len(trackservice_entries),
+#                                trackservice_entries=trackservice_entries,
+#                                selected_date=selected_date)
+#     @staticmethod
+#     @APP.route("/test")
+#     def test():
+#         return render_template("index2.html")
+#     @staticmethod
+#     @APP.route("/login")
+#     def login():
+#         return "login"
+#         #return render_template("index.html")
+#     @staticmethod
+#     @APP.route("/logout")
+#     def logout():
+#         #session.pop("logged_in", None)
+#         return "logout"
+#         #return render_template("index.html")
+#     @staticmethod
+#     @APP.route("/api/v1/trackservice/<selected_date>", methods=["GET"])
+#     def api_trackservice(selected_date):
+#         try:
+#             # convert date
+#             selected_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(selected_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
+#             # select from database
+#             tracks_on_selected_date = [] # TrackService.select_by_day(selected_date)
+#             # return as json
+#             return json.dumps([tracks._asdict() for tracks in tracks_on_selected_date], default=alchemyencoder)
+#         except Exception as e:
+#             import traceback
+#             traceback.print_exc()
+#             error = "Cannot transform programme into JSON String. Reason: " + str(e)
+#             logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
+#             logger.error(error)
+#             return json.dumps({"Error": error})
+#     @staticmethod
+#     @APP.route("/api/v1/soundserver_state", methods=["GET"])
+#     def soundserver_settings():
+#         logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
+#         logger.critical("soundserver_state removed!")
+#         #from modules.communication.liquidsoap.communicator import LiquidSoapCommunicator
+#         #from modules.base.config import ConfigReader
+#         try:
+#             #cr = ConfigReader()
+#             #cr.load_config()
+#             #lqs = LiquidSoapCommunicator(cr)
+#             return "check removed!" #lqs.auraengine_state()
+#         except Exception as e:
+#             error = "Unable to fetch state from Liquidsoap. Is Soundserver running? Reason: " + str(e)
+#             logger = logging.getLogger("AuraEngine")
+#             logger.error(error)
+#             return json.dumps({"Error": error})
+#     @staticmethod
+#     @APP.route("/api/v1/trackservice/", methods=["GET"])
+#     def api_trackservice_now():
+#         return json.dumps({'reached': True})
+#     @staticmethod
+#     @APP.route("/api/v1/upcoming/", methods=["GET"])
+#     def api_clock():
+#         servertime =
+#         # get upcoming tracks
+#         upcoming = ScheduleEntry.select_upcoming()
+#         # convert to json string
+#         upcoming_as_json = json.dumps([tracks._asdict() for tracks in upcoming], default=alchemyencoder)
+#         # add servertime and return it
+#         return upcoming_as_json.replace('[{', '[{"servertime":'+str(servertime)+"},{", 1)