From a28960880effac3e3df0a433d786b212d35067ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gottfried Gaisbauer <>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2018 17:51:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] removed old comba code

 .../communication/liquidsoap/  | 700 +-----------------
 .../communication/liquidsoap/    |   3 +-
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 681 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/communication/liquidsoap/ b/modules/communication/liquidsoap/
index 7bf92a2e..8edf8913 100644
--- a/modules/communication/liquidsoap/
+++ b/modules/communication/liquidsoap/
@@ -286,336 +286,6 @@ class LiquidSoapCommunicator(ExceptionLogger):
         return "LiquidSoapInitThread started!"
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def all_data(self):
-        """
-        Gibt Metadaten aller Kanäle als JSON-String an den Client zurück
-        @rtype:   string/None
-        @return:  Die Antwort des Liquidsoap-Servers
-        """
-        channels = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'list_channels')
-        if not isinstance(channels, list):
-            self.warning('01')
-            self.notifyClient()
-            return
-        data = {}
-        pdata = {}
-        try:
-            self.is_intern = True
-            playlist_data = simplejson.loads(self.playlist_data(True))
-            self.is_intern = False
-        except:
-            self.warning('01')
-            self.notifyClient()
-            return
-        # Status des Playlistkanals abfragen
-        status = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'status', 'mixer', '0')
-        states = status.split(' ')
-        state_data = {}
-        # Die Stati in python dicts einlesen
-        for state in states:
-            item = state.split('=')
-            try:
-                state_data[item[0]] = item[1]
-            except:
-                self.warning('01')
-                self.notifyClient()
-                return
-        remaining = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'playlist_remaining')
-        state_data['remaining'] = remaining
-        # Die Metadaten der Playlist
-        pdata['state'] = state_data
-        pdata['tracks'] = playlist_data
-        data['playlist'] = pdata
-        # Servermeldungen abschalten
-        self.is_intern = True
-        # die channel queues einlesen
-        for channel in channels:
-            data[channel] = self.channel_queue(channel, True)
-        # Servermeldungen einschalten
-        self.is_intern = False
-        self.success('00', data)
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def ping(self):
-        """
-        dem Client antworten
-        """
-        return self.message('OK')
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def channel_insert(self, channel, uri, pos):
-        """
-        Track in einen Channel einfuegen
-        @type     channel: string
-        @param    channel: Kanal
-        @type     uri:     string
-        @param    uri:     Uri - z.B. file:///my/audio/mp3
-        @type     pos:     int
-        @param    pos:     Die Position an der eingefügt werden soll
-        @rtype:   string/None
-        @return:  Die Antwort des Liquidsoap-Servers
-        """
-        message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'insert', uri, pos, channel)
-        message = message.strip()
-        try:
-            if int(message) > -1:
-                self.success()
-                return self.message(message)
-        except:
-            self.warning('01')
-            self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def channel_move(self, channel, fromPos, toPos):
-        """
-        Channel-Eintrag von Position fromPos nach Position toPos verschieben
-        @type     channel: string
-        @param    channel: Kanal
-        @type     fromPos: int
-        @param    fromPos: die Position des Eintrags, der verschoben wird
-        @type     toPos:   int
-        @param    toPos:   Zielposition
-        @rtype:   string
-        @return:  Die Antwort des Liquidsoap-Servers
-        """
-        message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'get_queue', channel, 'secondary_queue')
-        rids = message.strip().split(' ')
-        try:
-            rid = rids[int(fromPos) - 1]
-        except:
-            self.warning('01')
-            self.notifyClient()
-            return
-        try:
-            target = rids[int(toPos) - 1]
-        except:
-            self.warning('01')
-            self.notifyClient()
-            return
-        if rids[int(fromPos) - 1] == rids[int(toPos) - 1]:
-            self.warning('02')
-            self.notifyClient()
-            return
-        message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'move', rid, str(int(toPos) - 1), channel)
-        message = message.strip()
-        if message.strip().find('OK') > -1:
-            self.success()
-            self.notifyClient()
-            return
-        else:
-            self.warning('03')
-            self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def channel_off(self, channel):
-        """
-        Channel deaktivieren
-        @type     channel: string
-        @param    channel: Kanal
-        @rtype:   string
-        @return:  Die Antwort des Liquidsoap-Servers
-        """
-        # internal channel name for playlist is 'common'
-        if channel == 'playlist':
-            channel = 'common'
-        channels = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'list_channels', False)
-        index = channels.index(channel)
-        message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'deactivate', str(index))
-        if message.find('selected=false'):
-            self.success()
-        else:
-            self.warning('01')
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def channel_on(self, channel):
-        """
-        Channel aktivieren
-        @type     channel: string
-        @param    channel: Kanal
-        @rtype:   string
-        @return:  Die Antwort des Liquidsoap-Servers
-        """
-        # Find channels
-        if channel == 'playlist':
-            channel = 'common'
-        channels = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'list_channels', False)
-        index = channels.index(channel)
-        # a activate channel
-        message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'activate', str(index))
-        if message.find('selected=true'):
-            self.success()
-        else:
-            self.warning('01')
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def channel_queue(self, channel, raw=False):
-        """
-        Channel Queue abrufen
-        @type     channel: string
-        @param    channel: Kanal
-        @type     raw:     boolean
-        @param    raw:     Wenn true, Rückgabe als Python dict Object, andernfalls als JSON-String
-        @rtype:   string/dict
-        @return:  Der Channel Queue
-        """
-        data = {}
-        # queue will return request id's (rids)
-        message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'get_queue', channel)
-        rids = message.strip().split(' ')
-        data['tracks'] = []
-        for rid in rids:
-            if rid != '':
-                # get each rids metadata
-                metadata = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'getMetadata', rid)
-                track = self._metadata_format(metadata)
-                if not 'title' in track:
-                    if 'location' in track:
-                        track['title'] = os.path.basename(track['location'])
-                    elif 'filename' in track:
-                        track['title'] = os.path.basename(track['filename'])
-                    else:
-                        track['title'] = 'unknown'
-                data['tracks'].extend([track])
-        channels = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'list_channels')
-        """
-        now get channels state 
-        self.lqc.status: ready=false volume=100% single=false selected=false remaining=0.00
-        """
-        try:
-            index = channels.index(channel)
-            status = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'status', 'mixer', str(index + 1))
-            states = status.split(' ')
-            state_data = {}
-            for state in states:
-                item = state.split('=')
-                if len(item) > 1:
-                    state_data[item[0]] = item[1]
-        except:
-            state_data = {}
-            self.error('01')
-            self.notifyClient()
-            return
-        data['state'] = state_data
-        if raw:
-            # return the list internal
-            data['state'] = state_data
-            return data
-        else:
-            self.success('00', data)
-            self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def channel_remove(self, channel, pos):
-        """
-        Channel-Eintrag löschen
-        @type     channel: string
-        @param    channel: Kanal
-        @type     pos:     int
-        @param    pos:     Position des Eintrags
-        """
-        # Es kann nur vom Secondary Queue gelöscht werden
-        # Falls der Track im Primary Queue gelöscht werden soll, ist ein skip nötg
-        message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'get_queue', channel, 'secondary_queue')
-        rids = message.strip().split(' ')
-        try:
-            rid = rids[int(pos) - 1]
-        except:
-            self.warning('02')
-            self.notifyClient()
-            return
-        message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'remove', rid, channel)
-        if message.find('OK') > -1:
-            self.success()
-        else:
-            self.warning('01')
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def channel_seek(self, channel, duration):
-        """
-        Im aktuell spielenden Track auf dem Kanal <channel> <duration> Sekunden "vorspulen"
-        @type     channel:  string
-        @param    channel:  Kanal
-        @type     duration: int
-        @param    duration: Dauer in Sekunden
-        """
-        # Liquidsoap Kommando
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'seek', duration, channel)
-        # Resultate prüfen
-        if self._check_result(data):
-            self.success('00', self.lq_error['value'])
-        else:
-            self.warning('01')
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def channel_skip(self, channel):
-        """
-        Kanal skippen
-        @type     channel:  string
-        @param    channel:  Kanal
-        """
-        # Liquidsoap Kommando
-        channels = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'list_channels')
-        foundChannel = ''
-        if not isinstance(channels, list):
-            self.error('02')
-        else:
-            for index, item in enumerate(channels):
-                if item == channel:
-                    foundChannel = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'skip', 'mixer', str(index + 1))
-                    break
-            if foundChannel.strip().find('OK') > -1:
-                self.success()
-            elif len(channels) < 1:
-                self.warning('01')
-            else:
-                self.error('03')
-        self.notifyClient()
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def channel_activate(self, channel, activate):
         channels = self.get_all_channels()
@@ -623,16 +293,12 @@ class LiquidSoapCommunicator(ExceptionLogger):
             index = channels.index(channel)
             if len(channel) < 1:
-                self.warning('02')
-        except:
-            import traceback
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            self.error('03')
-        else:
-            message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "mixer", "select", index, activate)
-            return message
+                self.logger.critical("Cannot activate channel. There are no channels!")
+            else:
+                message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "mixer", "select", index, activate)
+                return message
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.logger.critical("Ran into exception when activating channel. Reason: " + str(e))
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def channel_volume(self, channel, volume):
@@ -649,281 +315,33 @@ class LiquidSoapCommunicator(ExceptionLogger):
             index = channels.index(channel)
             if len(channel) < 1:
-                self.warning(job="channel_volume", errnum="02")
+                self.logger.warning("Cannot set volume of channel " + channel + "! There are no channels.")
                 message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "mixer", "volume", str(index), str(int(volume)))
                 if message.find('volume=' + str(volume) + '%'):
-                    self.success("channel_volume", errnum="00", value=str(volume))
+                    self.logger.debug("Set volume of channel " + channel + " to " + str(volume))
-                    self.warning("channel_volume", errnum="01")
+                    self.logger.warning("Setting volume of channel " + channel + " gone wrong! Liquidsoap message: " + message)
                 return message
-        except (AttributeError, ValueError): #(LQConnectionError, AttributeError):
+        except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e: #(LQConnectionError, AttributeError):
-            self.error("channel_volume", errnum="03")
+            self.logger.critical("Ran into exception when setting volume of channel " + channel + ". Reason: " + str(e))
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def auraengine_state(self):
         state = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "auraengine", "state")
         return state
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def current_data(self):
-        """
-        Metadaten des gespielten Tracks im JSON-Format
-        Beispiel: {"title": "Deserted Cities of the Heart", "filename": "/home/michel/Nas-audio/cream/the_very_best_of/17_Deserted_Cities_of_the_Heart.mp3", "source": "ch2", "on_air": "2014/07/23 23:46:37",  "rid": "2"}
-        """
-        # Liquidsoap Kommando
-        message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'currentTrack')
-        rid = message.strip()
-        metadata = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'getMetadata', rid)
-        data = self._metadata_format(metadata)
-        if data:
-            self.success('00', simplejson.dumps(data))
-        elif rid == '':
-            self.warning('01')
-        else:
-            self.warning('02', rid)
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def get_channel_state(self, channel):
-        if channel == 'playlist':
-            channel = 'common'
-        channels = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'list_channels', False)
-        index = channels.index(channel)
-        state_data = {}
-        try:
-            index = channels.index(channel)
-            status = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'status', 'mixer', str(index + 1))
-            states = status.split(' ')
-            for state in states:
-                item = state.split('=')
-                if len(item) > 1:
-                    state_data[item[0]] = item[1]
-        except:
-            state_data = {}
-            self.error('01')
-            self.notifyClient()
-            return
-        self.success('00', simplejson.dumps(state_data))
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def help(self):
-        """
-        Gibt die Hilfe aus
-        """
-        try:
-            file = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/doc/comba.hlp', 'r')
-            doc =
-            return self.message(doc)
-        except:
-            self.warning('01')
-            self.notifyClient()
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def liquidsoap_help(self):
         data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'help')
         if not data:
-            self.warning('01')
-        else:
-            self.success('00', data)
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def list_channels(self):
-        """
-        Channels auflisten (Simple JSON)
-        """
-        # Liquidsoap Kommando
-        channels = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'list_channels')
-        if not isinstance(channels, list):
-            self.error('02')
-        elif len(channels) < 1:
-            self.warning('01')
-        else:
-            self.success('00', channels)
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def playlist_data(self, raw=False):
-        """
-        Aktuelle Playlist Daten im JSON-Format
-        """
-        # Liquidsoap Kommando
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'playlistData')
-        if not raw:
-            self.success('00', simplejson.loads(data))
-            self.notifyClient()
+            self.logger.warning("Could not get Liquidsoap's help")
-            return data
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def playlist_flush(self):
-        """
-        Aktuelle Playlist leeren
-        """
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'flush')
-        self.success('00')
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def playlist_insert(self, uri, pos):
-        """
-        Track in die Playlist einfuegen
-        """
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, 'insert', uri, pos)
-        if not self._check_result(data):
-            self.warning('01')
-        else:
-            self.success('00')
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def playlist_load(self, uri):
-        """
-        Playlist laden
-        @type   uri:   string
-        @param  uri:   Uri der Playlist
-        """
-        try:
-            xml = urllib.urlopen(uri).read().decode("utf8")
-        except:
-            try:
-                xml = open(uri).read().decode("utf8")
-            except:
-                self.error("01", self.lq_error["message"])
-                self.notifyClient()
-                return
-        (num, filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".xspf")
-        with, "w", encoding="utf8") as text_file:
-            text_file.write(xml)
-        # playlist = parsexml(xml)
-        self.logger.critical("playlist commented out, due to removal of parsexml")
-        playlist = dict()
-        if not isinstance(playlist, dict):
-            self.error("02")
-            self.notifyClient()
-        else:
-            self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "flush")
-            data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "loadPlaylist", filename)
-            if not self._check_result(data):
-                self.error("01", self.lq_error["message"])
-            else:
-                os.remove(filename)
-                self._updateEventQueue(playlist)
-                event = {"job": "loadplaylist", "uri": uri}
-                self.messenger.fire_event("loadplaylist", event, "player")
-                self.success("00")
-            self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def playlist_move(self, fromPos, toPos):
-        """
-        Playlist-Eintrag von Position fromPos nach Position toPos verschieben
-        @type     fromPos: int
-        @param    fromPos: die Position des Eintrags, der verschoben wird
-        @type     toPos:   int
-        @param    toPos:   Zielposition
-        """
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "move", str(int(fromPos) + 1), str(int(toPos) + 1))
-        if not self._check_result(data):
-            self.warning("01")
-        else:
-            self.success("00")
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def playlist_pause(self):
-        """
-        Playlist pausieren
-        """
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "pause")
-        if not self._check_result(data):
-  "01")
-        else:
-            self.success("00")
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def playlist_stop(self):
-        """
-        Playlist stoppen - der Kanal wird deaktiviert
-        """
-        # Kanal 0 (Playlist) deaktivieren
-        self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "deactivate", "0")
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "pause")
-        if not self._check_result(data):
-  "01")
-        else:
-            self.success("00")
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def playlist_play(self, when="now"):
-        """
-        Playlist starten
-        @type   when:   string
-        @param  when:   Wenn "now" werden alle anderen Kanäle deaktiviert und geskipped
-        """
-        # Playlist Kanal aktivieren
-        self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "activate", "0")
-        if when == "now":
-            # immediately skip all playing channels
-            # and activate the playlist channel
-            channels = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "list_channels")
-            if not isinstance(channels, list):
-                self.error("03")
-            elif len(channels) < 1:
-                self.warning("02")
-            else:
-                # xrange
-                for i in range(len(channels)):
-                    status = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "status", "mixer", str(i + 1))
-                    if "selected=true" in status:
-                        status = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "deactivate", str(i + 1))
-                        status = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "skip", "mixer", str(i + 1))
-                        self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "activate", "0")
-        # send the play command
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "play")
-        if not self._check_result(data):
-  "01")
-        else:
-            self.success("00")
-        self.notifyClient()
+            self.logger.debug("Got Liquidsoap's help")
+        return data
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def set_http_url(self, uri):
@@ -939,58 +357,14 @@ class LiquidSoapCommunicator(ExceptionLogger):
         return self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "fs", "push", uri)
 #        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def playlist_remove(self, pos):
-        """
-        Playlist-Eintrag löschen
-        @type     pos:     int
-        @param    pos:     Position des Eintrags
-        """
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "remove", pos)
-        if not self._check_result(data):
-  "01")
-        else:
-            self.success("00")
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def playlist_seek(self, duration):
-        """
-        Im aktuell spielenden Track auf dem der Playlist "vorspulen"
-        @type     duration: int
-        @param    duration: Dauer in Sekunden
-        """
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "seek", duration)
-        # Resultate prüfen
-        if self._check_result(data):
-            self.success("00", self.lq_error["value"])
-        else:
-            self.warning("01")
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def playlist_skip(self):
-        """
-        Playlist skippen
-        """
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "skip")
-        self.success("00")
-        self.notifyClient()
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def version(self):
         get version
         data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "version")
-        self.success("00", data)
-        self.notifyClient()
+        self.logger.debug("Got Liquidsoap's version")
+        return data
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def uptime(self):
@@ -998,40 +372,8 @@ class LiquidSoapCommunicator(ExceptionLogger):
         get uptime
         data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "uptime")
-        self.success("00", data)
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def on_air(self):
-        """
-        get whats playing now
-        """
-        data = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.client, "on_air")
-        self.success("00", data)
-        self.notifyClient()
-    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
-    def recorder_data(self):
-        """
-        Status-Daten des Recorders
-        Rückgabe-Beispiel: /var/audio/rec/2014-05-13/2014-05-13-22-00.wav,30 - Aufnahme von 30% der angegebenen Audiodatei
-        """
-        message = self.__send_lqc_command__(self.lqcr, "recorder_data")
-        l = message.split(",")
-        data = {}
-        if not isinstance(l, list):
-            data = {"file": "", "recorded": ""}
-            self.warning("01")
-        else:
-            data["file"] = l[0]
-            if len(l) > 1:
-                data["recorded"] = l[1]
-            else:
-                data["recorded"] = ""
-            self.success("00", data)
-        self.notifyClient()
+        self.logger.debug("Got Liquidsoap's help")
+        return data
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def __send_lqc_command__(self, lqs_instance, namespace, command, *args):
@@ -1112,9 +454,9 @@ class LiquidSoapCommunicator(ExceptionLogger):
         except FileNotFoundError:
             self.disable_transaction(socket=socket, force=True)
-            msg = TerminalColors.RED.value + "socket file " + socket.socket_path + " not found. Is liquidsoap running?" + TerminalColors.ENDC.value
-            self.logger.critical(msg)
-            self.auramailer.send_admin_mail("[AuraEngine] CRITICAL Exception", msg)
+            msg = "socket file " + socket.socket_path + " not found. Is liquidsoap running?"
+            self.logger.critical(TerminalColors.RED.value + msg + TerminalColors.ENDC.value)
+            self.auramailer.send_admin_mail("CRITICAL Exception when connecting to Liquidsoap", msg)
     # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
     def disable_transaction(self, socket=None, force=False):
diff --git a/modules/communication/liquidsoap/ b/modules/communication/liquidsoap/
index 5d6fbbd5..71b0250e 100644
--- a/modules/communication/liquidsoap/
+++ b/modules/communication/liquidsoap/
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ class LiquidSoapInitThread(threading.Thread):
             # reset channels and reload them
-            self.liquidsoapcommunicator.channels = None
-            channels = self.liquidsoapcommunicator.get_all_channels()
+            channels = self.liquidsoapcommunicator.reload_channels()
             # set every volume to 0
             for c in channels: