package nloc; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Arrays; public class Nloc { public static final int MIN_TIMEDIFF = 3; private List<Channel> chanlist; private List<Droplet> dropletList; public Nloc (List<Channel> chanlist) { this.chanlist = chanlist; this.dropletList = new ArrayList<Droplet>(); } public void addChannel(Channel chan) { chanlist.add(chan); } public Pump getPump() { Pump pump = null; for (Channel chan : chanlist) { if (chan instanceof Pump) pump = (Pump)chan; } return pump; } public boolean simulate() { boolean works = true; while (!allDropletsInSink()) { try { this.moveDroplets(); } catch (CoalescedDropletException e) { works = false; System.out.println(e.getDroplet()); break; } } return works; } public List<Droplet> getDropletList() { return dropletList; } public void moveDroplets() throws CoalescedDropletException { for (Droplet dr : dropletList) { dr.move(); } for (Droplet dr: dropletList) { if (dr.coalesce()) throw new CoalescedDropletException(dr); } } public Pump generateDropletSequence(List<String> modules) throws NlocStructureException { Pump pump = this.getPump(); List<Channel> modPath = this.getModulesByName(modules); List<List<Channel>> pathlist = this.getAllPaths(); List<Channel> desiredPath = getDesiredPath(modPath, pathlist); List<BFTableEntry> bftable = calcBFTable(desiredPath); BFTableEntry startConfiguration = bftable.get(0); pump = createDropletsequenceInPump(pump, startConfiguration); //cumulatedDropletTimeDiffList = calcCumTDiffList(timediffList); //dropletList = generateDropletList(noOfDroplets); //pump = generateSequenceAsPump(dropletList, cumulatedDropletTimeDiffList); //for (int i = 0; i < noOfDroplets; i++){ // if (!pump.containsDroplets()) { // dropletList.add(new Droplet(DropletType.PAYLOAD, // new Position(pump,1))); // } else { // dropletList.add(new Droplet(DropletType.HEADER, // new Position(pump,i + i * timediff + 1))); // } //} return pump; } private Pump createDropletsequenceInPump(Pump pump, BFTableEntry startConfiguration) { } private List<BFTableEntry> calcBFTable(List<Channel> path) throws NlocStructureException { // initialize table List<BFTableEntry> bftable = new ArrayList<BFTableEntry>(); ListIterator<Channel> iter = path.listIterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { Channel current =; if (current.isBifurcation()) { Channel following =; int prio = current.getChildrenList().indexOf(following) + 1; int bfMinSteps = current.getChildrenList().get(0).getHSteps(); bftable.add(new BFTableEntry(prio, bfMinSteps)); iter.previous(); } } // end while table init /* calculate noOfDroplets and timediff range traversing the table from * "end" to "start" */ for (int listPos = bftable.size(); listPos > 0; listPos--) { System.out.println("listpos: " + listPos + " Size: " + bftable.size()); BFTableEntry cur = bftable.get(listPos - 1); System.out.println("Entry num: " + bftable.indexOf(cur)); BFTableEntry prev = null; if (listPos != bftable.size()) { prev = bftable.get(listPos); } System.out.println(prev); if (cur.getBfPathPriority() == 2) { if (prev != null) { cur.setNoOfDroplets(prev.getNoOfDroplets() * 2); cur.setMaxTimediff(cur.getBfMinSteps() - 1); cur.setMinTimediff(prev.getMinTimediff()); } else { cur.setNoOfDroplets(2); cur.setMaxTimediff(cur.getBfMinSteps() - 1); } } else if (cur.getBfPathPriority() == 1 && prev != null) { int prevNoOfDroplets = prev.getNoOfDroplets(); int prevMinTimediff = prev.getMinTimediff(); int prevMaxTimediff = prev.getMaxTimediff(); int curMinSteps = cur.getBfMinSteps(); if (curMinSteps <= prevMaxTimediff) { if (curMinSteps > prevMinTimediff) { cur.setMinTimediff(curMinSteps); } else { cur.setMinTimediff(prevMinTimediff); } cur.setMaxTimediff(prevMaxTimediff); cur.setNoOfDroplets(prevNoOfDroplets); } else if (prevMinTimediff <= prevMaxTimediff / 2) { cur.setMinTimediff(prevMinTimediff); cur.setMaxTimediff(prevMaxTimediff / 2); cur.setNoOfDroplets(prevNoOfDroplets * 2 - 1); } else { throw new NlocStructureException("Bifurcation too short!"); } } else { throw new NlocStructureException("Somethig very strange happened"); } } // end for return bftable; } public boolean allDropletsInSink() { boolean allInSink = true; for (Droplet dr : dropletList) { allInSink &= dr.isInSink(); } return allInSink; } public List<Channel> getDesiredPath(List<Channel> modules, List<List<Channel>> pathlist) { List<Channel> found = new ArrayList<Channel>(); for (List<Channel> path : pathlist) { if (path.containsAll(modules)) { found = path; } } return found; } private List<Channel> getModulesByName(List<String> names) { List<Channel> ret = new ArrayList<Channel>(); for (String name : names) { for (Channel ch : chanlist) { if (ch instanceof Module && ch.getName().equals(name)) { ret.add(ch); } } } return ret; } public List<List<Channel>> getAllPaths() { List<List<Channel>> pl = new ArrayList<List<Channel>>(); List<Channel> path = new ArrayList<Channel>(); getAllPathsRecursive(this.getPump(), path, pl); return pl; } private void getAllPathsRecursive(Channel chan, List<Channel> path, List<List<Channel>> pathlist) { path.add(chan); if (chan.getChildrenList().isEmpty()) { pathlist.add(path); } else { for (Channel ch : chan.getChildrenList()) { getAllPathsRecursive(ch, new ArrayList<Channel>(path), pathlist); } } } }