From f7bfa7d153caf297dcde75617eb81a2ae1bb1cee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ernesto Rico Schmidt <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 11:58:20 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] feat: remove unused code

 store/shows.go | 57 ++++++--------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/store/shows.go b/store/shows.go
index bae6361..246ef8a 100644
--- a/store/shows.go
+++ b/store/shows.go
@@ -29,11 +29,9 @@ import (
 type DeleteCounter struct {
-	Files           int64 `json:"files"`
-	ImportLogs      int64 `json:"importLogs"`
-	PlaylistEntries int64 `json:"playlistEntries"`
-	Playlists       int64 `json:"playlists"`
-	Shows           int64 `json:"shows"`
+	Files      int64 `json:"files"`
+	ImportLogs int64 `json:"importLogs"`
+	Shows      int64 `json:"shows"`
 func (st *Store) getShowPath(showID uint64) string {
@@ -100,34 +98,6 @@ func (st *Store) cloneFiles(tx *gorm.DB, showID, from uint64) (fileIDMapping map
-func (st *Store) clonePlaylists(tx *gorm.DB, showID, from uint64, fileIDMapping map[uint64]uint64) (err error) {
-	var playlists []Playlist
-	err = tx.Where("show_id = ?", from).Preload("Entries", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
-		return db.Order("playlist_entries.line_num asc")
-	}).Preload("Entries.File").Find(&playlists).Error
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	for _, playlist := range playlists {
-		playlist.ID = 0
-		playlist.ShowID = showID
-		for idx := range playlist.Entries {
-			playlist.Entries[idx].ID = 0
-			playlist.Entries[idx].PlaylistID = 0
-			if playlist.Entries[idx].File != nil {
-				toFileID, exists := fileIDMapping[playlist.Entries[idx].File.ID]
-				if exists {
-					playlist.Entries[idx].File = &File{ID: toFileID, ShowID: showID}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if err = tx.Create(&playlist).Error; err != nil {
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	return
 func (st *Store) CloneShow(name, from uint64) (show *Show, err error) {
 	tx := st.db.Begin()
 	defer func() {
@@ -167,13 +137,7 @@ func (st *Store) CloneShow(name, from uint64) (show *Show, err error) {
-	var fileIDMapping map[uint64]uint64
-	if fileIDMapping, err = st.cloneFiles(tx, name, from); err != nil {
-		tx.Rollback()
-		_ = os.RemoveAll(st.getShowPath(name)) // dear linter: we are deliberately not handling errors from RemoveAll()
-		return
-	}
-	if err = st.clonePlaylists(tx, name, from, fileIDMapping); err != nil {
+	if _, err = st.cloneFiles(tx, name, from); err != nil {
 		_ = os.RemoveAll(st.getShowPath(name)) // dear linter: we are deliberately not handling errors from RemoveAll()
@@ -198,14 +162,7 @@ func (st *Store) DeleteShow(showID uint64) (err error) {
-	// We have to delete the playlists first because cascading order is not fixed and the
-	// DBMS might try to delete files before playlists which does not work as long as
-	// there are likely playlists that reference the files.
-	if err = tx.Where("show_id = ?", showID).Delete(&Playlist{}).Error; err != nil {
-		tx.Rollback()
-		return
-	}
-	// Playlists are now gone, deleting the show will cascade to delete the files as well.
+	// deleting the show will cascade to delete the files as well.
 	if err = tx.Delete(&Show{ID: showID}).Error; err != nil {
@@ -244,12 +201,10 @@ func removeDirectories(path string) (err error) {
 func (st *Store) ResetState() (deleteCounter DeleteCounter, err error) {
 	importLogs := st.db.Exec("DELETE FROM import_logs").RowsAffected
-	playlistEntries := st.db.Exec("DELETE FROM playlist_entries").RowsAffected
-	playlists := st.db.Exec("DELETE FROM playlists").RowsAffected
 	files := st.db.Exec("DELETE FROM files").RowsAffected
 	shows := st.db.Exec("DELETE FROM shows").RowsAffected
 	err = removeDirectories(filepath.Join(st.basePath, "*"))
-	return DeleteCounter{Files: files, ImportLogs: importLogs, PlaylistEntries: playlistEntries, Playlists: playlists, Shows: shows}, err
+	return DeleteCounter{Files: files, ImportLogs: importLogs, Shows: shows}, err