import datetime from django_filters import rest_framework as filters from django_filters import widgets from django import forms from django.db.models import Q, QuerySet from django.utils import timezone from program import models class StaticFilterHelpTextMixin: @classmethod def filter_for_field(cls, field, field_name, lookup_expr=None): _filter = super().filter_for_field(field, field_name, lookup_expr) if "help_text" not in _filter.extra: help_texts = getattr(cls.Meta, "help_texts", {}) _filter.extra["help_text"] = help_texts.get(field_name, "") return _filter class IntegerInFilter(filters.BaseInFilter): class QueryArrayWidget(widgets.QueryArrayWidget): # see: def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name): new_data = {} for key in data.keys(): if len(data.getlist(key)) == 1 and "," in data[key]: new_data[key] = data[key] else: new_data[key] = data.getlist(key) return super().value_from_datadict(new_data, files, name) field_class = forms.IntegerField def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("widget", self.QueryArrayWidget()) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class ShowFilterSet(StaticFilterHelpTextMixin, filters.FilterSet): categoryIds = IntegerInFilter( help_text="Return only shows of the given category or categories.", ) categorySlug = filters.CharFilter( field_name="category", help_text="Return only shows of the given category slug." ) hostIds = IntegerInFilter( field_name="hosts", help_text="Return only shows assigned to the given host(s).", ) isActive = filters.BooleanFilter( field_name="is_active", method="filter_active", help_text=( "Return only currently running shows (with timeslots in the future) if true " "or past or upcoming shows if false." ), ) isPublic = filters.BooleanFilter( field_name="is_public", help_text="Return only shows that are public/non-public.", ) languageIds = IntegerInFilter( help_text="Return only shows of the given language(s).", ) musicFocusIds = IntegerInFilter( field_name="music_focus", help_text="Return only shows with given music focus(es).", ) musicFocusSlug = filters.CharFilter( field_name="music_focus", help_text="Return only shows with the give music focus slug." ) ownerIds = IntegerInFilter( field_name="owners", help_text="Return only shows that belong to the given owner(s).", ) topicIds = IntegerInFilter( help_text="Return only shows of the given topic(s).", ) topicSlug = filters.CharFilter( field_name="topic", help_text="Return only shows of the given topic slug." ) typeId = IntegerInFilter( help_text="Return only shows of a given type.", ) typeSlug = filters.CharFilter( field_name="type", help_text="Return only shows of the given type slug." ) def filter_active(self, queryset: QuerySet, name: str, value: bool): # Filter currently running shows # Get currently running schedules to filter by first # For single dates we test if there'll be one in the future (and ignore the until date) # TODO: Really consider first_date? (=currently active, not just upcoming ones) # Add limit for future? show_ids = ( models.Schedule.objects.filter( # not "once" schedules with first_date in the past and last_date in the future Q( rrule__freq__gt=0,,, ) # "once" schedules with first_date in the future | Q(rrule__freq=0, ) .distinct() .values_list("show_id", flat=True) ) if value: # Filter active shows based on timeslots as well as on the is_active flag # Even if there are future timeslots but is_active=True the show will be considered as # inactive return queryset.filter(id__in=show_ids, is_active=True) else: return queryset.exclude(id__in=show_ids, is_active=True) @property def qs(self): # allow pagination query parameters in the GET request fields = self.Meta.fields + ["limit", "offset"] if any([key for key in self.request.GET.keys() if key not in fields]): return None else: return super().qs class Meta: model = models.Show fields = [ "categoryIds", "categorySlug", "hostIds", "isActive", "isPublic", "languageIds", "musicFocusIds", "musicFocusSlug", "ownerIds", "topicIds", "topicSlug", "typeId", "typeSlug", ] class TimeSlotFilterSet(filters.FilterSet): order = filters.OrderingFilter( fields=[ for field in models.TimeSlot._meta.get_fields()] ) surrounding = filters.DateTimeFilter( method="filter_surrounding", label="Return surrounding timeslots", help_text=( "Returns the 10 nearest timeslots around the specified datetime. " "If specified without a datetime value the current date and time is assumed." ), ) # The start/end filters will always be applied even if no query parameter has been set. # This is because we enforce a value in the clean_start and clean_end methods # of the filterset form. start = filters.DateFilter( method="filter_start", help_text=( "Only returns timeslots after that start on or after the specified date. " "By default, this is set to the current date." ), ) end = filters.DateFilter( method="filter_end", help_text=( "Only returns timeslots that end on or before the specified date. " "By default, this is set to value of the start filter + 60 days." ), ) scheduleIds = IntegerInFilter( field_name="schedule", help_text="Return only timeslots that belong to the specified schedule(s).", ) showIds = IntegerInFilter( field_name="schedule__show", help_text="Return only timeslots that belong to the specified show(s).", ) def filter_surrounding(self, queryset: QuerySet, name: str, value: datetime.datetime): nearest_timeslots_in_future = ( models.TimeSlot.objects.filter(start__gte=value) .order_by("start") .values_list("id", flat=True)[:5] ) nearest_timeslots_in_past = ( models.TimeSlot.objects.filter(start__lt=value) .order_by("-start") .values_list("id", flat=True)[:5] ) relevant_timeslot_ids = list(nearest_timeslots_in_future) + list(nearest_timeslots_in_past) return queryset.filter(id__in=relevant_timeslot_ids) def filter_start(self, queryset: QuerySet, name: str, value: start = timezone.make_aware(datetime.datetime.combine(value, datetime.time.min)) return queryset.filter(start__gte=start) def filter_end(self, queryset: QuerySet, name: str, value: end = timezone.make_aware(datetime.datetime.combine(value, datetime.time.max)) return queryset.filter(end__lte=end) def filter_queryset(self, queryset): queryset = super().filter_queryset(queryset) # This is for backwards compatibility as the surrounding-filter was formerly implemented # by just checking for the existence of the query parameter. if self.request.GET.get("surrounding", None) == "": queryset = self.filter_surrounding(queryset, "surrounding", return queryset def get_form_class(self): form_cls = super().get_form_class() class TimeSlotFilterSetFormWithDefaults(form_cls): def clean_start(self): start = self.cleaned_data.get("start", None) return start or def clean_end(self): end = self.cleaned_data.get("end", None) return end or self.cleaned_data["start"] + datetime.timedelta(days=60) # We only want defaults to apply in the context of the list action. # When accessing individual timeslots we don’t want the queryset to be restricted # to the default range of 60 days as get_object would yield a 404 otherwise. if self.request.parser_context["view"].action == "list": return TimeSlotFilterSetFormWithDefaults else: return form_cls class Meta: model = models.TimeSlot fields = [ "order", "start", "end", "surrounding", ] class NoteFilterSet(StaticFilterHelpTextMixin, filters.FilterSet): ids = IntegerInFilter( field_name="id", help_text="Return only notes matching the specified id(s).", ) ownerIds = IntegerInFilter( field_name="owner", help_text="Return only notes that belong to the specified owner(s).", ) showIds = IntegerInFilter( field_name="timeslot__show", help_text="Return only notes that belong to the specified show(s).", ) showOwnerIds = IntegerInFilter( field_name="timeslot__show__owners", help_text="Return only notes by show the specified owner(s): all notes the user may edit.", ) timeslotIds = IntegerInFilter( field_name="timeslot", help_text="Return only notes that belong to the specified timeslot(s).", ) class Meta: model = models.Note help_texts = { "ownerId": "Return only notes created by the specified user.", } fields = [ "ids", "ownerIds", "showIds", "showOwnerIds", "timeslotIds", ] class ActiveFilterSet(StaticFilterHelpTextMixin, filters.FilterSet): isActive = filters.BooleanFilter(field_name="is_active") class Meta: fields = [ "isActive", ]