diff --git a/entrypoint.sh b/entrypoint.sh
index 24b79f9e520bff25ae5cd7fc0dcb42c7d4a2f3e5..7298ff78078183d11457b86774217eed9148492e 100755
--- a/entrypoint.sh
+++ b/entrypoint.sh
@@ -1,36 +1,10 @@
-for command in "$@"; do
-	if [ "$command" = "initialize" ]; then
-		poetry run ./manage.py migrate --no-input
-		poetry run ./manage.py collectstatic --no-input
-		poetry run ./manage.py createsuperuser --no-input
-		poetry run ./manage.py create_oidc_client dashboard public --client-id "${DASHBOARD_OIDC_CLIENT_ID}" --client-secret "${DASHBOARD_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET}" -r "id_token token" -u "${DASHBOARD_CALLBACK_BASE_URL}/oidc_callback.html" -u "${DASHBOARD_CALLBACK_BASE_URL}/oidc_callback_silentRenew.html" -p "${DASHBOARD_CALLBACK_BASE_URL}" -p "${DASHBOARD_CALLBACK_BASE_URL}/"
-		poetry run ./manage.py create_oidc_client tank confidential --client-id "${TANK_OIDC_CLIENT_ID}" --client-secret "${TANK_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET}" -r "code" -u "${TANK_CALLBACK_BASE_URL}/tank/auth/oidc/callback"
-		poetry run ./manage.py addpermissions
-		poetry run ./manage.py creatersakey
-	fi
-  # FIXME: these should be in the initialization or execute inside the running container
-	if [ "$command" = "loaddata.custom" ]; then
-	  # from the docker-compose volume
-		poetry run ./manage.py loaddata fixtures/custom/*.json
-	elif [ "$command" = "loaddata.sample" ]; then
-	  # from the steering Docker image
-		poetry run ./manage.py loaddata fixtures/sample/*.json
-  fi
-	# start the application
-	if [ "$command" = "run.prod" ]; then
-		poetry run ./manage.py migrate --no-input
-		poetry run ./manage.py collectstatic --no-input
-		poetry run gunicorn --bind --workers "$(nproc)" steering.wsgi
-	elif [ "$command" = "run.dev" ]; then
-		poetry run ./manage.py migrate --no-input
-		poetry run ./manage.py collectstatic --no-input
-		poetry run ./manage.py runserver
-	fi
+poetry run ./manage.py migrate --no-input
+if [ "$1" = "run.prod" ]; then
+	# TODO: is there another way to pass `$(nproc)`?
+	poetry run gunicorn --bind --workers "$(nproc)" steering.wsgi
+elif [ "$1" = "run.dev" ]; then
+	poetry run ./manage.py runserver