diff --git a/program/filters.py b/program/filters.py
index f7669b5b647a85b2e4ebe1c1b56d475eb92eb5c3..331d7091f3221ab10b8375070f1624ab5f8309c7 100644
--- a/program/filters.py
+++ b/program/filters.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from django_filters import rest_framework as filters
 from django_filters import widgets
 from django import forms
-from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, Q, QuerySet
+from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, QuerySet
 from django.utils import timezone
 from program import models
@@ -74,11 +74,7 @@ class ShowFilterSet(StaticFilterHelpTextMixin, filters.FilterSet):
     is_active = filters.BooleanFilter(
-        method="filter_active",
-        help_text=(
-            "Return only currently running shows (with timeslots in the future) if true "
-            "or past or upcoming shows if false."
-        ),
+        help_text="Return only currently active/inactive shows.",
     is_writable = filters.BooleanFilter(
@@ -121,34 +117,6 @@ class ShowFilterSet(StaticFilterHelpTextMixin, filters.FilterSet):
         help_text="Return only shows of the given type slug.",
-    def filter_active(self, queryset: QuerySet, name: str, value: bool):
-        # Filter currently running shows
-        # Get currently running schedules to filter by first
-        # For single dates we test if there'll be one in the future (and ignore the until date)
-        # TODO: Really consider first_date? (=currently active, not just upcoming ones)
-        # Add limit for future?
-        show_ids = (
-            models.Schedule.objects.filter(
-                # not "once" schedules with first_date in the past and last_date in the future
-                Q(
-                    rrule__freq__gt=0,
-                    first_date__lte=timezone.now(),
-                    last_date__gte=timezone.now(),
-                )
-                # "once" schedules with first_date in the future
-                | Q(rrule__freq=0, first_date__gte=timezone.now())
-            )
-            .distinct()
-            .values_list("show_id", flat=True)
-        )
-        if value:
-            # Filter active shows based on timeslots as well as on the is_active flag
-            # Even if there are future timeslots but is_active=True the show will be considered as
-            # inactive
-            return queryset.filter(id__in=show_ids, is_active=True)
-        else:
-            return queryset.exclude(id__in=show_ids, is_active=True)
     def filter_writable(self, queryset: QuerySet, _: str, value: bool) -> QuerySet:
         user = self.request.user if self.request.user.is_authenticated else None