-include build/base.Makefile -include build/docker.Makefile help:: @echo "$(APP_NAME) targets:" @echo " init.dev - init development environment" @echo " lint - verify code style" @echo " spell - check spelling of text" @echo " test - run test suite" @echo " log - tail log file" @echo " tns - connect to telnet server" @echo " run - start app" @echo " run.debug - start app in debug mode" @echo " docker.init - create docker volume for engine socket" $(call docker_help) # Settings AURA_ENGINE_CORE_SOCKET := "aura_engine_socket" AURA_ENGINE_CORE_CONFIG := ${CURDIR}/config/engine-core.docker.ini AURA_AUDIO_STORE_SOURCE := ${CURDIR}/audio/source AURA_AUDIO_STORE_PLAYLIST := ${CURDIR}/audio/playlist AURA_AUDIO_STORE_FALLBACK := ${CURDIR}/audio/fallback AURA_LOGS := ${CURDIR}/logs TIMEZONE := "Europe/Vienna" DOCKER_RUN = @docker run \ --name $(APP_NAME) \ --network="host" \ --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp \ --device /dev/snd \ --group-add audio \ -e TZ=$(TIMEZONE) \ -v "$(AURA_ENGINE_CORE_SOCKET)":"/srv/socket" \ -v "$(AURA_ENGINE_CORE_CONFIG)":"/etc/aura/engine-core.ini":ro \ -v "$(AURA_AUDIO_STORE_SOURCE)":"/var/audio/source":ro \ -v "$(AURA_AUDIO_STORE_PLAYLIST)":"/var/audio/playlist":ro \ -v "$(AURA_AUDIO_STORE_FALLBACK)":"/var/audio/fallback":ro \ -p 1234:1234 \ -u $(UID):$(GID) \ $(DOCKER_ENTRY_POINT) \ autoradio/$(APP_NAME) # Targets lint:: liquidsoap --check src/engine.liq spell:: codespell $(wildcard *.md) docs src tests config contrib init.dev:: sudo apt install -y codespell test:: (cd tests && liquidsoap engine_test_suite.liq) log:: tail -f logs/$(APP_NAME).log tns:: telnet 1234 run:: (cd src && liquidsoap ./engine.liq) run.debug:: (cd src && liquidsoap --verbose --debug ./engine.liq) docker.init:: @echo "Creating Docker Volume for Engine Socket at '$(AURA_ENGINE_CORE_SOCKET)'" docker volume create aura_engine_socket