diff --git a/src/engine.liq b/src/engine.liq
index 82b8194c42b94065984e040e73df48e732056016..33209529f3ef2ff54f4697fccbad4fbad938082d 100644
--- a/src/engine.liq
+++ b/src/engine.liq
@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ inputs = ref []
 def on_metadata_notification(meta) =
     filename = meta["filename"]
     track_duration = request.duration(filename)
-    json_data = json_of(meta)
-    json_data = '{ "action": "on_metadata", "data": #{json_data}, "track_duration": "#{track_duration}" }'
-    # There's currently an issue with Liquidsoap http.post requests:
-    # headers = [("Content-Type","application/json; charset=utf-8")]
-    # ignore(http.post(headers=headers, data="#{json_data}", "http://#{engine_control}"))
+    json_data = json_of(meta, compact=true)
+    json_data = url.encode(json_data)
+    json_data = '{ "action": "on_metadata", "meta": "#{json_data}", "track_duration": "#{track_duration}" }'
+    # There's currently an issue with Liquidsoap http.post requests (should be gone with Liquidsoap 2):
+    #headers = [("Content-Type","application/json; charset=utf-8")]
+    #ignore(http.post(headers=headers, data="#{json_data}", "localhost:1337"))
     ignore(system("curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '#{json_data}' #{engine_control}"))