diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 050e83c374377def48d7a47b030c7b8a8514774c..f508b39ee18010d677029a3870c502b8b036a9a7 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
@@ -9,4 +10,5 @@ web/css/aura-player-bundle.css
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/install.sh b/install.sh
index c2d5807cbd05d03496ba2990fe336330b0a7a972..9daab708972afb2a70a732f6c6dff0279f91c9c2 100755
--- a/install.sh
+++ b/install.sh
@@ -13,14 +13,12 @@ if [ $mode == "prod" ]; then
     echo "[Installing AURA ENGINE for Production]"
-echo "Installation System Packages ..."
-bash script/install-system-packages.sh
 # Development and Production
+echo "Installation OPAM Packages ..."
+bash script/install-opam-packages.sh
 echo "Installing Web Application Packages ..."
 bash script/install-web.sh
@@ -31,81 +29,43 @@ python3.7 $(which pip3) install -r requirements.txt
 # Development 
 if [ $mode == "dev" ]; then
-    # Set LOCK file location
-    LOCKFILE_DB=configuration/.engine.install-db.lock
-    echo "Create local Logs Folder ..."
+    echo "Create local 'logs' Folder ..."
     mkdir -p logs
     echo "Copy configuration to './configuration/engine.ini'"
-    cp -n configuration/sample.engine.ini configuration/engine.ini
+    cp -n configuration/sample-development.engine.ini configuration/engine.ini
 # Production 
 if [ $mode == "prod" ]; then
-    # Set LOCK file location
-    LOCKFILE_DB=/etc/aura/.engine.install-db.lock
-    if getent passwd 'engineuser' > /dev/null 2>&1; then  
-        echo "User 'engineuser' exists already."; 
-    else     
-        echo "Creating Engine User ..."
-        adduser engineuser
-        adduser engineuser sudo
-    fi
-    echo "Copy Supervisor Config to '/etc/supervisor/conf.d'"
-    cp configuration/supervisor/* /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
-    echo "Refresh Supervisor Config"
-    supervisorctl reread
-    echo "Create Log Directory '/var/log/aura/'"
-    mkdir -p /var/log/aura
-    echo "Create Configuration Directory '/etc/aura/'"
-    mkdir -p /etc/aura
+    echo "Create local 'tmp' Folder ..."
+    mkdir -p tmp
     echo "Copy configuration to '/etc/aura/engine.ini'"
-    cp -n configuration/sample.engine.ini /etc/aura/engine.ini
-    echo "Set Ownership of '/opt/aura/engine', '/var/log/aura/' and '/etc/aura/engine.ini' to Engine User"
-    chown -R engineuser:engineuser .
-    chown -R engineuser:engineuser /var/log/aura/
-    chown -R engineuser:engineuser /etc/aura/engine.ini
+    cp -n configuration/sample-production.engine.ini /etc/aura/engine.ini
+    # echo "Copy Supervisor Config to '/etc/supervisor/conf.d'"
+    # cp configuration/supervisor/* /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
+    # echo "Refresh Supervisor Config"
+    # supervisord -c /opt/aura/engine/configuration/supervisor/supervisord.conf reread
+    # echo "Update Supervisor Configuration"
+    # supervisorctl -c /opt/aura/engine/configuration/supervisor/supervisord.conf update
+    echo "Refresh Supervisor Config"
+    supervisord reread
+    echo "Update Supervisor Configuration"
+    supervisorctl update
-# Setup Database
-# Check if databases are already set-up
-if test -f "$LOCKFILE_DB"; then
-  echo "Aura Engine Databases are already existing! Skipping..."
-    echo "Setting up database ..."
-    echo 
-    echo "Which database system do you want to use? (Press '1' or '2')"
-    echo "  [1] MariaDB"
-    echo "  [2] Other / Manually"
-    echo
-    while true; do
-    read -rsn1 input
-    if [ "$input" = "1" ]; then
-        echo "Creating DB for MariaDB ..."
-        bash script/init-db-mariadb.sh
-        break
-    fi
-    if [ "$input" = "2" ]; then
-        echo "Manual database setup selected."
-        break
-    fi
-    done
-    # Create lockfile to avoid accidential re-creation of the database
-    touch $LOCKFILE_DB
 echo "+++ Installation of AURA Engine finished! +++"
\ No newline at end of file