diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 77901f0042e2fba28be7692f883de7a555a88f17..2dc039e1a21cf9a207fa6010586eeeb0d328d067 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,35 +3,35 @@
 <!-- TOC -->
 1. [Engine API Server](#engine-api-server)
-   1. [Overview](#overview)
-   2. [Deployment Modes](#deployment-modes)
-      1. [Single Deployment](#single-deployment)
-      2. [Redundant Deployment](#redundant-deployment)
-         1. [Managing Active Engine State](#managing-active-engine-state)
-         2. [Playlog Synchronization for High Availability deployment scenarios](#playlog-synchronization-for-high-availability-deployment-scenarios)
-            1. [Active Sync](#active-sync)
-            2. [Passive Sync](#passive-sync)
-   3. [Getting started](#getting-started)
-      1. [Requirements](#requirements)
-      2. [Installation](#installation)
-         1. [Setting up the database](#setting-up-the-database)
-      3. [Configuration](#configuration)
-         1. [Engine 1 Node](#engine-1-node)
-         2. [Engine 2 Node](#engine-2-node)
-         3. [Synchronization Node](#synchronization-node)
-   4. [Running the Server](#running-the-server)
-      1. [Development](#development)
-      2. [Production](#production)
-      3. [Running with Systemd](#running-with-systemd)
-      4. [Running with Supervisor](#running-with-supervisor)
-      5. [Running with Docker](#running-with-docker)
-   5. [Development](#development-1)
-      1. [Using the API](#using-the-api)
-      2. [Extending the API](#extending-the-api)
-      3. [Creating a local image](#creating-a-local-image)
-      4. [Publish new image](#publish-new-image)
-   6. [Logging](#logging)
-2. [About](#about)
+    1. [Overview](#overview)
+    2. [Deployment Modes](#deployment-modes)
+        1. [Single Deployment](#single-deployment)
+        2. [Redundant Deployment](#redundant-deployment)
+            1. [Managing Active Engine State](#managing-active-engine-state)
+            2. [Playlog Synchronization for High Availability deployment scenarios](#playlog-synchronization-for-high-availability-deployment-scenarios)
+                1. [Active Sync](#active-sync)
+                2. [Passive Sync](#passive-sync)
+    3. [Getting started](#getting-started)
+        1. [Requirements](#requirements)
+        2. [Installation](#installation)
+            1. [Setting up the database](#setting-up-the-database)
+        3. [Configuration](#configuration)
+            1. [Engine 1 Node](#engine-1-node)
+            2. [Engine 2 Node](#engine-2-node)
+            3. [Synchronization Node](#synchronization-node)
+    4. [Running the Server](#running-the-server)
+        1. [Development](#development)
+        2. [Production](#production)
+        3. [Running with Systemd](#running-with-systemd)
+        4. [Running with Supervisor](#running-with-supervisor)
+        5. [Running with Docker](#running-with-docker)
+    5. [Development](#development-1)
+        1. [Using the API](#using-the-api)
+        2. [Extending the API](#extending-the-api)
+        3. [Creating a local image](#creating-a-local-image)
+        4. [Publish new image](#publish-new-image)
+    6. [Logging](#logging)
+    7. [About](#about)
 <!-- /TOC -->
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ If you are not planning to go with Docker or just want to setup a local developm
 For Production use you also need following:
 - [Gunicorn](https://gunicorn.org/), or any other compatible WSGI server
 ### Installation
 Create a virtual environment for your Python dependencies:
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ engine-api$ cp config/sample/sample-docker.engine-api.ini config/docker/engine-a
 Now edit the configuration file. If you trust all the defaults you'll only need to change the database password.
-For some deployment like production you may want to change the default port too. 
+For some deployment like production you may want to change the default port too.
 In this case also set the correct IP and port in `gunicorn.conf.py` file.
 > You might also need to 'open' the chosen port in your `iptables` (Default is 8008)
@@ -424,16 +424,13 @@ If  you are developer and want to publish a new image to DockerHub, run
 The Engine API logs can be found under `./logs`.
-# About
-Aura Engine API is the API interface for the play-out engine of the [Aura Radio Software Suite](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta).
-This project is based on a swagger-enabled Flask server using an *API First* approach. It also uses the [Connexion](https://github.com/zalando/connexion) library on top of Flask.
+## About
 [<img src="https://gitlab.servus.at/autoradio/meta/-/raw/master/assets/images/aura-logo.png" width="150" />](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta)
-AURA stands for Automated Radio and is a swiss army knife for community radio stations. Beside the Engine it provides Steering (Admin Interface for the radio station), Dashboard (Collaborative scheduling and programme coordination), Tank (Audio uploading, pre-processing and delivery). Read more in the [Aura Meta](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta) repository or on the specific project pages.
+Automated Radio (AURA) is a open source software suite for community radio stations. Learn more about AURA in the [Meta repository](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta).
 | [<img src="https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta/-/raw/master/assets/images/aura-steering.png" width="150" align="left" />](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/steering)  |  [<img src="https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta/-/raw/master/assets/images/aura-dashboard.png" width="150" align="left" />](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/dashboard)  |  [<img src="https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta/-/raw/master/assets/images/aura-tank.png" width="150" align="left" />](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/tank) | [<img src="https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/meta/-/raw/master/assets/images/aura-engine.png" width="150" align="left" />](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/engine)  |
-| [Steering](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/steering)  | [Dashboard](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/dashboard)<br/>[Dashboard Clock](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/dashboard-clock)  | [Tank](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/tank)  | [Engine](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/engine)<br/>[Engine API](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/engine-api)  |
\ No newline at end of file
+| [Steering](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/steering)  | [Dashboard](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/dashboard)<br/>[Dashboard Clock](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/dashboard-clock)  | [Tank](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/tank)  | [Engine](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/engine)<br/>[Engine Core](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/engine-core)<br/>[Engine API](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/engine-api)  |