diff --git a/src/models.py b/src/models.py
index c5f0b1c0026ee04c42dd244139ed32dafdaa06d7..3a77f536005c14fa18b54b5b5e005a558c065524 100644
--- a/src/models.py
+++ b/src/models.py
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ class PlayLog(db.Model):
-    def select_current():
+    def select_recent():
-        Selects the currently playing track.
+        Selects the most recent played track. Equals to the current track if it's still playing.
         now = datetime.datetime.now()
@@ -104,6 +104,20 @@ class PlayLog(db.Model):
             filter(PlayLog.track_start <= str(now)).first()
+        return track
+    @staticmethod
+    def select_current():
+        """
+        Selects the currently playing track.
+        """
+        db.session.commit()
+        now = datetime.datetime.now()
+        track = PlayLog.select_recent()
         if track:
             # Preferably only get playlogs which are known for still being on air
             if track.track_start + datetime.timedelta(0, track.track_duration) > now:
@@ -144,7 +158,7 @@ class PlayLog(db.Model):
             result = db.session.query(PlayLog).\
-                filter(PlayLog.timeslot_id == timeslot_id).\
+                filter(PlayLog.timeslot_id == timeslot_id)
             playlogs = result.all()
         return playlogs
@@ -437,47 +451,64 @@ class ClockInfo(db.Model):
         data = db.session.query(ClockInfo).filter(ClockInfo.log_source == source_number).first()
         current_track = PlayLog.select_current()
         current_playlist_id = -1
-        updated_playlist = None
-        if current_track:
-            updated_playlist = PlayLog.select_for_timeslot(current_track.timeslot_id)
-            updated_playlist.sort(key=lambda track: track.track_start, reverse=False) 
+        playlogs = None
+        # Construct the clock `info` object
         if data:
             info["log_source"] = data.log_source
             info["log_time"] = data.log_time
+            # Get the track currently playing
             if current_track:
                 info["current_track"] = track_schema.dump(current_track)
+            # Append the missing planned playlist items to the ones played # FIXME do it client-site
             if data.current_playlist:
-                info["planned_playlist"] = json.loads(data.current_playlist)                
-                current_playlist_id = info["planned_playlist"]["playlist_id"]
-                for next_entry in info["planned_playlist"]["entries"]:
-                    if next_entry.get("start_date") and next_entry.get("start_date") > datetime.datetime.now():                        
-                        updated_playlist["entries"].append(next_entry)
+                info["planned_playlist"] = json.loads(data.current_playlist)       
+            # Get the current timeslot
             if data.current_timeslot:
                 info["current_timeslot"] = json.loads(data.current_timeslot)
+                # Get the most recently played track (because right now nothing might be playing)
+                most_recent_track = PlayLog.select_recent()
+                # Is the most recent track part of the current timeslot?
+                if most_recent_track.timeslot_id == info["current_timeslot"]["timeslot_id"]:
+                    # Get the actual playlogs of the current timeslot, until now
+                    playlog_schema = PlayLogSchema(many=True)
+                    playlogs = PlayLog.select_for_timeslot(most_recent_track.timeslot_id)
+                    playlogs.sort(key=lambda track: track.track_start, reverse=False) 
+                    info["current_playlist"] = {
+                        # "playlist_id": current_playlist_id,    
+                        "entries": playlog_schema.dump(playlogs)
+                    }
+                    # Invalid timeslots (e.g. in fallback scenarios) get a virtual start date of the first fallback track
+                    if info["current_timeslot"]["timeslot_id"] == -1:
+                        if playlogs and playlogs[0]:                        
+                            info["current_timeslot"]["timeslot_start"] = playlogs[0].track_start
+            # Get the next timeslot
             if data.next_timeslot:
                 info["next_timeslot"] = json.loads(data.next_timeslot)
-            playlog_schema = PlayLogSchema(many=True)
-            info["current_playlist"] = {
-                "playlist_id": current_playlist_id,    
-                "entries": playlog_schema.dump(updated_playlist)
-            }
         return info
     def save(self):
     def update(self):
 class ClockInfoSchema(ma.SQLAlchemySchema):
     Schema for trackservice entries.