  <tr :class="rowClass" v-bind="attrs">
      <div class="tw-w-12 tw-aspect-square rounded-lg tw-bg-gray-400 tw-overflow-hidden">
          class="tw-object-cover tw-h-full tw-w-full tw-max-w-full tw-max-h-full"
              .filter(({ width, height }) => width === height)
              .map(({ width, url }) => `${url} ${width}w`)
      <template v-if="!isLoadingNote">
        <template v-if="note">
          {{ note.title }}
        <span v-else class="tw-text-sm tw-text-gray-500">
          {{ t('noneSetMasculine') }}
      {{ prettyDateTime(timeslot.start) }}
      {{ time.duration }}
      <template v-if="playlist">
        <template v-if="playlist.description?.trim()">{{ playlist.description }}</template>
        <template v-else>{{ playlist.id }}</template>
      <span v-else class="tw-text-sm tw-text-gray-500">
        {{ t('noneSetFeminine') }}
      <div class="tw-flex tw-gap-2">
          class="btn btn-sm btn-default"
          <icon-system-uicons-pen />
          class="btn btn-sm btn-default"
          <icon-ph-playlist-light />

  <Teleport to="body">
    <PlaylistModal ref="playlistModal" />
      @show="showNoteEditor = $event"

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, ref, useAttrs } from 'vue'
import { useStore } from 'vuex'
import { parseISO } from 'date-fns'
import { useI18n } from '@/i18n'
import { TimeSlot } from '@/types'
import { useAPIObject } from '@/api'
import { Note, useNoteStore } from '@/stores/notes'
import { useImage } from '@/stores/images'
import { prettyDuration, usePretty } from '@/mixins/prettyDate'
import NoteEditorModal from './NoteEditorModal.vue'
import PlaylistModal from './PlaylistSelector.vue'

const props = defineProps<{
  timeslot: TimeSlot

const attrs = useAttrs()
const { t } = useI18n()
const { prettyDateTime } = usePretty()
const store = useStore()
const noteStore = useNoteStore()
// TODO: once the timeslot store is migrated to pinia we actually want to trigger
//       an API update for this timeslot.
const localNoteId = ref(props.timeslot.note_id)
const { obj: note, isLoading: isLoadingNote } = useAPIObject<Note>(noteStore, localNoteId)
const noteImage = useImage(computed(() => note.value?.image ?? null))
const time = computed(() => prettyDuration(props.timeslot.start, props.timeslot.end))
const playlist = computed<{ id: number; description: string } | null>(() =>
    ? store.getters['playlists/getPlaylistById'](props.timeslot.playlist_id) ?? null
    : null,
const rowClass = computed(() => {
  const minutesInMs = time.value.minutes * 60 * 1000
  const now = new Date()
  const startDate = parseISO(props.timeslot.start)
  const endDate = new Date(startDate.getTime() + minutesInMs)

  return {
    'tw-opacity-50': now > endDate,
const playlistModal = ref()
const showNoteEditor = ref(false)

function editNote() {
  showNoteEditor.value = true

function editPlaylist() {
  playlistModal.value.open(props.timeslot.schedule, props.timeslot.id)

<script lang="ts">
export default {
  inheritAttrs: false,
  compatConfig: {
    MODE: 3,