export default { 'helloWorld': 'Hello, World', // Pages 'home': { 'welcome': 'Welcome to the dashboard!' }, // Layout 'loading': 'Loading..', 'noAssignedShows': 'You have not been assigned any shows yet.<br>They can be assigned in the <a href="%{adminUrl}">administration interface</a>.', 'auth': { 'signOut': 'Sign out', 'signIn': 'Sign in', 'permissionError': 'You are not permitted to view this page' }, 'navigation': { 'home': 'Home', 'shows': 'Shows', 'filesPlaylists': 'Files & Playlists', 'calendar': 'Calendar', 'settings': 'Settings', 'profile': 'Profile', 'help': 'Help' }, 'footer': { 'tagline': 'All the UI you need to run a community radio' }, // Specific components 'emissionTable': { 'title': 'Title of emission', 'start': 'Emission start', 'duration': 'Duration', 'playlist': 'Playlist', 'actions': 'Actions', }, 'playlistSelector': { 'noPlaylistsAvailable': 'No playlists available. Use the buttons below to create some!', 'upload': 'Upload', 'uploadAudio': 'Upload audio file', 'goToFiles': "Go to 'Files & Playlists'" }, 'playlistEditor': { 'saved': 'The playlist has been saved' }, // Etc 'rrule': { 'day': { 'sunday': 'Sunday', 'monday': 'Monday', 'tuesday': 'Tuesday', 'wednesday': 'Wednesday', 'thursday': 'Thursday', 'friday': 'Friday', 'saturday': 'Saturday', }, 'rule': { '1': 'once', '2': 'daily', '3': 'workdays', '4': 'weekly', '5': 'every two weeks', '6': 'every four weeks', '7': 'even calendar weeks', '8': 'uneven calendar weeks', '9': 'Every first week of the month', '10': 'Every second week of the month', '11': 'Every third week of the month', '12': 'Every fourth week of the month', '13': 'Every fifth week of the month', } }, }