    <!-- Modal for adding new shows -->
      <b-container fluid>
          <b-col cols="3"> {{ $t('showMeta.showName') }}: </b-col>
          <b-col cols="9">
          <b-col cols="3" />
          <b-col cols="9">
            <small class="slug">{{ $t('slug') }}: {{ temporarySlug }}</small>
        <br />

          <b-col cols="3"> {{ $t('showMeta.shortDescription') }}: </b-col>
          <b-col cols="9">
        <br />

          <b-col cols="3"> {{ $t('showMeta.type') }}: </b-col>
          <b-col cols="9">
            <div v-if="!loaded.types">
              <img src="/assets/radio.gif" :alt="$t('loading')" />
            <div v-else>
                v-if="showTypeSelector.length === 0"
                v-html="$t('showCreator.missingShowTypes', { adminUrl })"
        <br />

          <b-col cols="3"> {{ $t('showMeta.fundingCategory') }}: </b-col>
          <b-col cols="9">
            <div v-if="!loaded.fundingCategories">
              <img src="/assets/radio.gif" :alt="$t('loading')" />
            <div v-else>
                v-if="showFundingCategorySelector.length === 0"
                v-html="$t('showCreator.missingShowFundingCategories', { adminUrl })"

import slugify from '../../mixins/slugify.js'
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import { mapStores } from 'pinia'
import { useUserStore } from '@/stores/auth'

export default {
  mixins: [slugify],
  data() {
    return {
      adminUrl: `${import.meta.env.VUE_APP_BASEURI_STEERING}/admin`,
      newShow: {
        name: '',
        slug: '',
        shortDescription: '',
        typeId: 0,
        fundingCategoryId: 0,
        categoryIds: [],
        hostIds: [],
        ownerIds: [],
        languageIds: [],
        topicIds: [],
        musicFocusIds: [],

  computed: {
    users() {
      return this.steeringUserStore.items
    loaded() {
      return this.$store.state.shows.loaded

    temporarySlug: function () {
      return this.slugify(this.newShow.name)

    showTypeSelector: function () {
      return this.types.map(({ id, name }) => ({ value: id, text: name }))

    showFundingCategorySelector: function () {
      return this.fundingCategories.map(({ id, name }) => ({
        value: id,
        text: name,

      types: 'shows/types',
      fundingCategories: 'shows/fundingCategories',

  methods: {
    // create a new show and POST it to the steering API
    // new shows have to at least contain a name, a slug and a short-description.
    // also a valide show type and funding category have to be choosen.
    // for all other categories we can use an empty array and let the user fill
    // it out through the existing show manager modals, after the show is created
    addShow() {
      // only try to add a new show if name and short description are filled out
      if (this.newShow.name.trim() === '' || this.newShow.shortDescription.trim() === '') {
        // TODO: make this nicer UI-wise (red text annotations next to input fields instead of simple alert)
        alert('Please provide at least a title and a short description for this show.')
      // also the type and funding category have to be set
      if (this.types.findIndex((type) => type.id === this.newShow.typeId) === -1) {
        // TODO: make this nicer UI-wise (red text annotations next to input fields instead of simple alert)
        alert('Please choose a type for this show.')
      if (
        this.fundingCategories.findIndex((cat) => cat.id === this.newShow.fundingCategoryId) === -1
      ) {
        // TODO: make this nicer UI-wise (red text annotations next to input fields instead of simple alert)
        alert('Please choose a funding category for this show.')

      // as the slug is a computed property we have to assign it to the new show's slug property
      this.newShow.slug = this.temporarySlug

      const modal = this.$refs.modalAddShow
      this.$store.dispatch('shows/submitShow', {
        show: this.newShow,
        callback: (response) => {
          this.$store.commit('shows/switchShowById', response.data.id)
          this.$router.push({ name: 'show-basic-data', params: { showId: response.data.id } })

    // clear and fetch modal data and open the modal to add new shows
    openModal() {
      this.newShow.name = ''
      this.newShow.slug = ''
      this.newShow.shortDescription = ''

<style scoped>
.slug {
  color: gray;